Slut is best boy
Sanrio Boys
Still uncertain about whether this'll turn really gay or it'll just be cool dudes with kawaii as fuck hobbies.
MC will end up with POV-chan. Slut has already tapped Hello Kitty.
I hope pov-chan doesn't show up again and was just a nod to the otome content SD got (manga and mobile game).
POV will in the end turn out to be Gudetama Girl (Boy)
Would make more sense for a Kirimi-chan fan to be a trap since Kirimi is a trap.
I want Badtz Maru-kun to show up.
If there's no Kerokeroppi boy, I'm not watching.
One does exist if that's what you mean, but we don't know if the "newer/side" boys will appear.
Hasegawa a shit
Why not both?
Why did they give such a good Sanrio to the worst boy?
Exposed anus Sanrio for asshole boy.
I see there are some dumb cunts who have not awakened to how beautiful and perfect Kota is. He has gorgeous tareme honey eyes and he is super sweet just like pudding. I want to lick his eyes and eat his hair, probably tastes like chocolate. I want to finger his little butthole, bet it'll slide right in just like dipping in some pudding for a sample. I am not going to give those bitches their (you)s until they realize how great Kota is.
He needs to apologize to grandma's ghost
Did he died?
He's a rapist.
He should die.
He obviously will soon since he's got the introductory character arc.
You know, for being an anime that tries to teach boys that it's okay to like cute Sanrio stuff, this show looks like it would only appeal to girls that love to imagine guys doing homosexual things with guys.
I'm not sure the audience is men.
> an anime that tries to teach boys that it's okay to like cute Sanrio stuff
Pretty sure it's not but if some boys do learn something than it's great for Sanrio merch sales.
That's quite an interesting claim
Kitty White is his waifu.
He's banging Yuu on the side. Cheater.
He uses Helly Kitty condoms at least.
Give him some of that Hello Kitty vibe
>implying he doesn't already have them
This was never an anime to teach boys it's okay to like Sanrio stuff. They just made up the characters to sell shit to fujoshi, then made the anime as an afterthought.
I want to hold senseis hand.
Keroppi boys - best boys.