Pop Team Epic is so epic and random...

Pop Team Epic is so epic and random, it's such a materpiece XDXD HAHAHA I understand that reference! I'm such a weeb knowledgeable in Japanese culture (anime), This series is not for everyone, you need to be familiar with pop culture to understand the humor and it's supposed to be bad, that's the joke!

Seriously fuck off, this series humor is garbage and aged like shit despite being only 4 years old. I didn't expect this series to bring-up such a cancerous circle jerk.

>such a cancerous circle jerk.
The only circle jerk that exists is people like you talking about how they didn't like it, as if it's an accomplishment.

>i don't like thing

Man, I hope they get on those janitor applications soon.

Funny thing is you're the one creating another pointless thread to complain about something that's been said multiple times. You're the actual circlejerk.

Not even defending the show but to shit on it for relying on references while your own post is just piggybacking off memes makes you look like a fucking moron.

>The show only uses memes!
>only criticism is memes






Further proof this show is pleb filter

It really fucking is, and look how much of the board is offended by it. These are the same pieces of shit the janis live to suck off who hate crossposters. I'm a fucking crossposter and I like it. What the fuck are you going to do about it? Get mad and post another thread about it?


>relying on references
It was only one skit that played on a groundhog day format to setup the fidget spinner villains.

>I'm a fucking crossposter and I like it
As much as I appreciate your enthusiasm, that's not something you should proudly admit, you fucking mongrel.


I proudly admit it because this board has one of the most toxic cultures of any on the site and fuck it. The very idea that people can't post on multiple boards on the same site is fucking absurd.

Kill yourself nigger.

>most toxic cultures of any on the site and fuck it
Yes. That is true
>The very idea that people can't post on multiple boards on the same site is fucking absurd.
Those same crossboarders are the reason why people are bringing up shounenshit outside a dedicated containment thread nearing the end of Naruto. While the idea of visiting multiple boards isn't an issue, knowing who started what breeds blame and hate.

This is the venom which sustains me.

Imagine having an anus this hurt and destroyed by the fact that people enjoy something you don't.

You've been here how long and you still don't understand it? It's not using multiple parts of the site that's the problem, you moron. It's being unable to stop yourself from spamming off-topic memes on the wrong board or even realize when you're doing it.

I think you'd like reddit a lot more than this place.

>The very idea that people can't post on multiple boards on the same site is fucking absurd.
Wrong. A crossboarder isn't someone who uses multiple boards, a crossboarder is someone who behaves the same way in all boards they use in total disregard for their culture and customs.
Also go whine about toxicity in a better suited place.

This is how mad everyone is. I love it. Even Sup Forums isn't this fragile and cloistered.

You get included in this too: Board culture isn't even the issue. Sup Forums and it's janis are literally fucking histrionic.


Go make another thread on /qa/ whining about it, fuckboy.

You know Berserk. That's the joke

I expected nothing and I'm still disappointed.

I hope they make 30 seasons.

I'm just waiting for the bazinga.

Turns out, things made bad on purpose are still bad.
Who would've known.

If you meta you lose.

Don't do this.

>30 seasons
Will PTE replace Teekyuu?

I think people are just bored. That's basically the new elitism of today. When you're bored every opinion you have feels like 1000x more important.