ITT associate Sup Forums characters by Sup Forums boards

>Sup Forums

Other urls found in this thread:


>Literally entire cast is /o/ and /r9k/



That seems a little unfair to Sakazuki. Granted, he's asshole enough, but Sup Forums should be more pathetic than that.


This seems more suitable:

You dont get more /fa/ than this autist.

Actually /ck/ is

Sup Forums

A more accurate image


Also Sup Forums.

What's the proper board for ghosts? /x/?

wrong t b h

or tg


There's something wrong with the Colas.

/x/ and /d/

Sup Forums

Sup Forums




>That one pedo from Hajimete no Gal
>Sup Forums

/r9k/. We're you expecting /o/?



>that one normalfag from background from literally any anime
>Sup Forums

Nothing wrong with Inca Cola



Not today


>pic is Sup Forums
>full of judgemental whores from tumblr and the music industry (for shilling music)

>Sup Forums
Reminder that at its core Sup Forums is about the interaction between and interests of nations on a global scale, sprinkled in with politician fanboism and the undisputed fact that Germany never did anything wrong but lose.




>Sup Forums


Sup Forums

Sup Forums


Sup Forums




Sup Forums

>Sup Forums

More like /biz/

>Sup Forums
ya'll niggas have never been to Sup Forums, it is 90% communist cultism, 9% rice and 1% tech.

>Sup Forums
Actually when I think about it lots of anime and manga characters could be Sup Forums.
I dont know how to feel about this.



>90% communist cultism, 9% rice and 1% tech
Ur a faget.

Free software isn't fucking communism because you don't have a gun to your head. At most it's anarchy. FREEDOM.


Sup Forums


> FOSS is commieshit

>Free software isn't fucking communism because you don't have a gun to your head. At most it's anarchy. FREEDOM.
It is literally communism. FreeBSD and MIT licenses are open source. GPL is communism. Stallman cultism is communism. They believe your work shouldn't be owned by you, but by the people, and you should only own the labor you do. So people can't own their creations, and can only be paid for the work they do, their wages. The FSF and GPL only exist to profit lawyers and keep wealthy stupid donors paying their cult leader stallman to give lectures and live a lavish life of luxury where he gets the internet read to him by his subordinates.

It is communism verbatim. Anti-progress. Pro-downstreaming, not additive and progressive upstreaming like MIT licensing.


It can't be communism because it works.

>They believe your work shouldn't be owned by you, but by the people
No communism is everything being owned by the state, not the people.
FOSS is nobody owns it, but you can claim it and fork it if you must.

It's not any ideology and you're a retard for thinking that it's that black and white.
At most it's like a land grab when people decide whether they want to claim land or keep it open to others, only you can freely build more land if you want and either share it or claim it.

Because Sup Forums did nothing wrong and is right

>It can't be communism because it works.
It really doesn't though. That is why OpenCL and OpenGL are 13 years behind DirectX. The GPL focus kept it from shedding deadweight because of the downstream requirement GPL has for additive source building. I'm a developer by trade fampai. That is the ENTIRE reason that the Kronos Group split and created Vulkan, to shed the deadweight Stallman's cultist view had added to GL which literally could not settle on a compiler, flags, hint the driver or even support multi-threading.

Communism and GPL were a mistake. The only progressive way to do open source is the MIT/FreeBSD license.

These are facts of life and the state of X/Wayland/Mir/OpenGL/OpenCL and in some ways the Linux Kernel and its interpolation layer are the objective indisputable proof.


>you can claim it and fork it if you must
You can't though. You have to be additive and regressive. You can't focus solely on the fork and the upstream, where progress lies, and you legally cannot own your work if you base it off of GPL licensed software. Even if you created something 99.99999% from scratch and essentially all original, if a part exists in it that was first done in a GPL software, you can be hunted down by the state (GPL) and sued and never work again.

Classic Sup Forums.

It's just a fucking license within our capitalist society. It is not a fucking ideology. Ffs.

>muh Cresta
I always thought of him as more of a Sup Forums

Actually you can't by law, but I'm not going into it.

This is exactly why all major software publishing houses have a team of compliance specialists who review code to make sure the FSF and GPL lawyers can't sue their ass just because their developers invented something from scratch that contains methods licensed under the GPL. It is madness. Communism and madness.
The GPL is a license, and you can be sued for being additive on a GPL licensed method. It is the major hindrance to progress in the software world, bar none.

>Sup Forums

Holy shit even tumblr-esque purging degeneracy is Sup Forums

The reality is that IP law and rights don't make sense under EITHER captalism or communism, because there's no scarcity to begin with: In true captalism, everybody would be able to compete with each other without regulation (IE, freeily using each other's IP's/software) and the one that uses it best would succeed the most. Likewise, under communism, IP laws make zero sense because a single person is owning the liscense and IP rights.

lets get some boards other than Sup Forums

Sup Forums

>/trv/ or Sup Forums


GPL is an anti-developer license. It insures everyone gets paid, but the man doing the actual work. Thus it is evil and oppressive. I know, I work in the industry every day for 10 years and unfortunately plan to stay in it. It profits a select few of people in control and is supremely regressive since it only hurts the people with the power to improve things. From the point of view of the worker, the developer, the man or woman making the software world work, it is word-for-word communism. They can never own their work, they only can live for the labor and ultimately the state (GPL) will bleed them dry and toss them away for the next.

That is why Sup Forums sucks and has nothing to do with software or technology. It is just a bunch of NEETs living in their fantasy commie world.

>Sup Forums



>The GPL is a license, and you can be sued for being additive on a GPL licensed method. It is the major hindrance to progress in the software world, bar none.
Actually it's dangerously close to breaching consumer law for false/misleading advertisement or products/services.
That's a criminal offence in some jurisdictions.

>IP law and rights don't make sense under EITHER captalism or communism
Actually our IP laws are increasingly becoming better construed as people understand them better.
But the issue with GPL is misleading conduct/services/products under consumer law and potential contract law issues with regards to visibility to consumers and the extremity of the terms.

I think Stallman should be VERY nervous to be frank.

Sup Forums

>That is why Sup Forums sucks
I like FREE software. But GPL is a bit of a joke.
I also enjoyed linux, but unfortunately I just haven't worked out the kinks enough.
Might I suggest discussing this on and not on Sup Forums faggot.

>Not a bushou shinki

No it isn't. FreeBSD and MIT Licenses are FREE. You can do ANYTHING with the code on an MIT Licensed software. GPL has SEVERE LIMITS. You can only do things that don't profit yourself or enrich yourself, effectively. That is why it is rotting the industry. Who wants to work like a hebrew slave for years perfecting software only to not own their work. Only the insane, and the insane aren't good software developers. They are half-assed poorly educated NEETs on Sup Forums

Which is why it is probably in breach of consumer law. You can't pretend something is free when it's not. Their slogan is false advertisement. Lawyers are probably rubbing their hands preparing to ear Stallman roast for this.

Not here user. Take it to

>very lewd loli thread on the front page
its a beautiful day lads

shit wrong thread sorry for shitting this one up

Should've just posted a Cirno.





Sup Forums

I thought they were Sup Forums cola.

/fit/ & /ic/
I know at least one of you faggots HAS to get it
