I don't get it
I don't get it
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It's DEEPshit. You're not supposed to.
pop team epic was inside
not even oshii does
It's unironically 2 deep 4 u.
That's a nice egg.
Would be a shame if anything happened to it.
is it evangelion level deep?
It's Christian existentialism. Oshii was a Christian that lost his faith like the male protagonist. Luke 18:17, Matthew 19:14, Psalm 22, Mt 27:46. Read the Bible.
I know you're just memeing but I'm certain there are people who truly believe this.
OP dont listen to the shit posters. Oshii has quite literally said himself that he has no fucking clue what the movie is about. It doesnt have a point.
>read the bible
Nice try.
Have egg
And yet faggots on this board think they can tell me that it's the hottest shit since EoE.
I know EoE came after TnT, fuck off fags
This is a movie about Oshii doing something other than cops having an inter-branch conspiracy and realizing that there are no other plots
>not even oshii does
That's pretty funny
>You don't have to tell me anything, but you do have to eat this entire egg
Most interpretations agree the egg represents knowledge.
I'm not spoon feeding you, figure the rest yourself.
On a side note, the 2nd DLC for dark souls 3 has an angels egg reference.
There is an Angel, there is an Egg
What is so hard to get?
I thought there was a pretty clear distinction between holy faith (the girl is a saint), blind faith (the fishermen), and the unfaithful (the man).
The man was sent to test her faith and release her from her obligation.
He's also Jesus.
What is the egg?
The egg symbolizes hope for the girl. She cares for it, tends to it, and believes in it. She does this while her world is in ruin. The knight has seen the world, and knows of it. He sees the girl, trapped by hope. Wasting her life away on an egg which she doesn't even know will ever hatch in a vain hope it will solve all her problems. That is what the two of them symbolize. The archetype of the hopeful and the real.
Put this in.
Wait for kimochii.
But then what about when he breaks the egg, but she conjures up more from the bubbles of the pool she dies in? And then she is seemingly resurrected as a deity on the otherworldly ship, which the man is shocked at.
Sometimes hope pays off. The knight, who had all the hope crushed out of him, did not believe. The miracle shows him that hope, with diligence, isn't wasted.
It's literally an egg. She's been tasked with two things: Protect the egg and collect one flask of water everyday. She's been doing it for so long that she forgot why.
When he smashes it, it becomes the tree that's growing just outside of her home.
Reminder that just because the artist behind the work doesn't know what it means, that doesn't mean that it lacks meaning. See the discussion above in this thread.
Probably something about child pregnancy.
actual meaning is determined by the creator of the work you fucking philistine. all youre doing is interpret the work, making up shit that the artist could subconciously have intended. no more, no less. nothing you say has actual value, its just random claims that will never be proven to be correct. now, before you go there, i am not telling you to stop doing what you enjoy. however, when i see people say shit like "to deep for you" while evaluating and interpreting a work that doesnt have an actual meaning, i start being confused. after all, you can shoehorn this sort of narrative into virtually anything, including Dragon Ball.
>actual meaning is determined by the creator of the work you fucking philistine.
Wrong. I bet you think speaking in tongues has meaning as long as the speaker decides that it does. Meaning is in the interpretation.
>a work that doesnt have an actual meaning
I see we're no longer talking about Angel's Egg.
>oshii himsefl says the movies doesnt have a meaning
>random anonymous poster on a mongolian fishing forum claims it does because hes interpreting the symbolism in a way to fit his personal narrative
mhh i wonder
>Most interpretations agree the egg represents knowledge.
That's pretty dumb though.
Egg is broken, you can't return to the original state. It seemed to be more of a metaphor for some kind of purity (not necessarily chastity) or innocence (there we have another Oshii movie) to me.
If the egg were knowledge, what is breaking the egg supposed to mean?
You can interpret a work differently from the author, but your interpretation has no more value than a single person's opinion. In that regtard it's worth no more than somebody who regards it as 2deep4u bullshit.
>man going through a crisis of faith makes a movie about holding on to faith
>it has no meaning
>please mr. director, validate my opinion!
You could talk about the film itself, but instead you claim that you know what Oshii thinks. What if Oshii is lying? You can't read his mind, so you'll never know. You could, however, read the film. The issue is not that there is nothing to intepret, it's that you don't want to. Films are unintelligible to creatures with no brain. You have a brain, but you insist on not processing information. Why? To argue on Sup Forums that a film you didn't want to understand is nonsense? That is stupid.
>To argue on Sup Forums that a film you didn't want to understand
ill just stop you right there. you realize that this statement can only hold true if something is fact, correct? otherwise we are back to square one: your interpretation of the depicted symbolism it no more but an opinion. just becuase you think that you understood something, doesnt mean that you did. people disagreeing with your personal interpretation do not refuse to understand, they simply disagree with you. this might be hard for you to understand, but neither you nor anyone who has interpreted angels egg is part of some higher authority. the only thing that you can factually understand is the artists intention which, according to oshii, does not exist. whether or not hes lying is irrelevant to the debate.
you simply refuse to understand that the problem ISNT that you interpret angels egg, but that you so desperately try to sell your personal opinion/interpretation as fact, when it couldnt be any further from being such thing.
You have no reading of the film. "It has no meaning" is not a reading, you are simply rejecting the whole process and going back to talking about Oshii instead of the film. What you fundamentally fail to grasp is that you hold a position that rejects film discussion altogether.
>If the egg were knowledge, what is breaking the egg supposed to mean?
“For I am Saruman the Wise, Saruman Ring-maker, Saruman of Many Colours!'
I looked then and saw that his robes, which had seemed white, were not so, but were woven of all colours, and if he moved they shimmered and changed hue so that the eye was bewildered.
'I liked white better,' I said.
'White!' he sneered. 'It serves as a beginning. White cloth may be dyed. The white page can be overwritten; and the white light can be broken.'
In which case it is no longer white,' said I. 'And he that breaks a thing to find out what it is has left the path of wisdom.' - Gandalf”
ok, apparently you arent just pretending. you actually are too retarded to get the point i am making.
>h-he's lying!
That's not how it works. He's saying the truth until proven otherwise, not the other way around.
fixed that for you
It's obviously a rape alegory
Just this video by everyone's favorite meme kid.
The man was not sent to test her faith, the girl is just a look at his past self and purity, which is why he breaks the egg because he is angered by the faith. I think. Her faith is in what she wants, whilst the fisherman have violent, soulless faith. I do like the idea that the man is Jesus who was never brought back home.
>why are you giving me these eggs?
you have to eat them all
>Eat this bowl of eggs
Most of the relevant symbolism in eva is confined to the final episodes when the monster of the week format breaks down, excluding the visual symbolism via people/trains ect.
In the angels egg everything may as well be up in the air at all times, but near the end the christian themes become apparent and the swordsman is basically Azrael who's ship/vessel contains the soul of every angel but one, once he finds the final one, we're shown a world that is thoroughly backwards and decayed via symbolism and we understand why the egg must be broken.
It's a little simpler than EVA since it's scope is much less broad
Doesn't matter, the film is made to be so broad that a simple analytical explanation fits as equally well as a heavily researched biblical allegory.
This is just one of those cases where the abyss stares back into you. It is to me personally, definitely Oshii's most interesting work.
Where is "proof" in the arts? For instance, where is the proof in a musical improvisation, and in the improvisation that follows in response to it?
The minds eye must interpret what's real in the arts. Interpretation is reality.
Many continue to watch this anime which is supposedly without meaning and yes this in itself is proof of an 'actual meaning'.
In the arts there is no such thing as inherent meaning - that a brush stroke, note or jump cut is only what it's intended to be and no more. Embedded in each decision of artistic construction is ambiguity, and interpretation cannot be avoided. It's built into the whole enterprise.
No one offering an interpretation here is in any sense desperate. The interpretation is in itself a tonic, a means for reconciliation, restoration; an individual chord sung mellifluously in the silence of awe before the work of art and soon to be joined in complex harmony by the interpretations of others.
She had faith in the idea that egg was that of an angels. So she protected it believing one day it would hatch. A man comes along and asks her why she thinks its an angel, how could she know. She gives him reasons but none are realistic or things that can really be proven.
He tell her its better to know a thing then to think a thing. That what can be proven is better then what can be seen in faith. She rejects this and holds onto her faith.
Later on she shows the man a fossil of an angel, something that even makes him wide eyed, almost scared. She shows this as proof to him, that her faith is certain and just as good as whatever reality. This isnt good enough for the man, who can only trust what he sees, what he knows is real. He destroys her egg, taking from her, her faith. With her faith gone she goes into madness and dies. The man leaves.
Theres plenty of other things to take note of and look into, the fishermen, the mechanical sun, the collection of water are all interesting points but the main story itself is not so complex. Its a battle between realism and faith.
oh and also an amazing anime.
The girl is a fish, which is why so many eggs appear when she falls into the water - they're hers.
Came here to post this
The bubble economy was in the egg.
IDK, but it seems to take place in a broken ark full of animal skellingtons and the world they're on looks like the bottom of a boat.
The last slow-zoom out shot (straight out of Solaris with the exact same kind of revelation since Oshii is a Tarkovskyfag) shows that the entire city is actually on the hull of a capsized Noah's Ark adrift in an entire world of water. It's basically just a dark version of that story where God abandoned humanity and the flood waters never receded.
Everyone is wrong.
What man is doomed to walk the Earth for eternity? He is Cain. He is not Noah, or Jesus. He is reflecting to the girl, who is the last person on Earth besides himself. The egg is a symbol of her purity, and Cain destroys that purity through rape, in which she then dies from the fall and becomes a Saint. At the end you can see that the Earth is destroyed. The fisherman are just shadows of man, meaning humanity is gone and yet Cain is still left to wander.
It's a metaphor. He wants to feed her eggs. Get it?
The egg symbolized her innocence. Breaking the egg was metaphor for rape.
>everything is dead on the ark
>the only new life is inside the egg
>the egg is a dove's egg, the dove being the symbol of the holy spirit
>the guy comes down from an abstract masculine heaven (the huge mechanical sun setting into the sea at the start)
>he destroys the egg which is his own rebirth (as jesus) to end any hope of redemption
About as far as I got.
>tfw I thought this was a view of the inner side of a chunk of the earth floating in space at the end
am I a brainlet?
also this was probably because my screen's display was kinda 'off' at the time and I couldn't really see any details other than where the white thing is because it looked too dark
You dont need to
That being said
>Muh cristianity
>Muh evil humans
Glad to see this was not neglected.
thats the point its literal kino if you dont get it oshii
did his job
I'm still not sure if it's on the sea or sand.
It makes a difference whether the flood is still going on or if the waters have receded.
The shadow is all wrong
For me it looks like capsized boat in ocean.
>actual meaning is determined by the creator of the work you fucking philistine.
Illiterate spotted
STEMsperg spotted
What did he mean by this?
May I offer you an egg in these trying times?
You don't have to, the tone, atmosphere and the very few lines of dialogue the characters do speak are enough for me. It's about Oshii losing his faith tho
Did anyone else get Book of the New Sun vibes from it?
FUCK Religion is the meaning.
Even in literary criticism you have to use evidence to prove your claims. Granted, both the claims and evidence will be more subjective than the natural sciences, but you can't just write that some literary work means something without using evidence from the text itself unless you want to sound like retard.
Also you've bought too far into "death of the author" and deconstructionism. I get that it's in vogue (especially among the tvtropes crowd), but just because it's a popular theory doesn't mean it's "the right way" to interpret works.
it's about a girl with an egg
Oshii said that not everything has a 100% accurate allegorical meaning, but, generally speaking, it's about losing his faith. The imagery and mute colours enforce this; you're supposed to feel the fucking movie, not understand it necessarily.
Mate I'm actually educated on the topic.
'evidence' is a STEMsperg meme. Anti-intentionalism is not deconstructionist. Stop using words which you don't understand.
Go be a Platonist elsewhere ledditor.
This is the most embarrassing post in this thread.
How's Oshii's faith now?
That depends on whether he's seen the Bollywood GitS. Dwindling very likely.