Question to hardcore animufags.
When did you realised that all these clones of QGDQT they air each season aren't worth watching?
Question to hardcore animufags
80% of them are literally same
most people here only watch these kind of shows
Depends on my mood whenever I watched them weekly.I dropped and sometimes picked it up back later when I dont have stuff to watch.
It's the opposite. These shows are appreciated by high IQ long time fans of anime.
Less similar than any other kind of anime, actually.
Yes, but they stop watching them at some point completely or like me - just keep watching some of them with intresting settings like Konohana Kitan etc
instantly because I'm a retarded redditor
Qabalistic girls doing qabalistic things?
The other way around, friendo. They're the only shows worth watching to me now.
When it comes to CGDCT, skip the Kirara ones. They're usually bad. Watch everything else.
That's the point. They are shows people watch when they want to relax and not think too much. Like before they go to sleep. It's relaxing to watch cute girls having fun without drama or conflict or even a plot to follow, especially before you're going to sleep or after a rough day at work or something like that.
>they stop watching them at some point completely or like m
No, you probably only watched SoL ironically.
Fuck off.
>When did you realised that all these clones of QGDQT they air each season aren't worth watching?
Disregarding a series solely on the premise of QGDCT is retarded, I at least watch the first episode to see if it's comfy, funny or overall entertaining to watch.
I never liked them. I can watch a couple of them just fine if the execution is somewhat different but that's it. It's anime for braindead people.
>It's anime for braindead people.
He says while posting a MotW magical girl show
You know that it's the other way around, newfag-kun. Don't pretend.
You start out as a little manimefag that only watches mature anime for mature 12-year-old Japanese boys until you open your heart for the truth.
> ironic weeb calling others newfags
I'm always willing to give them a chance because 90% of them turn out to be good.
You've probably watched Mitsuboshi Colors 5 times as different shows but it's still enjoyable regardless because you can just switch off and enjoy some comfy shit.
cute girls, cute clothes and doing cute things. They know my number alright.
Stages Of An Anime Fan
Stage 1: Is introduced to a popular, entry-level anime film such as Akira or Ghost in the Shell by a friend. Proceeds to explore the most famous anime films such as the above, Ghibli movies, etc.
Stage 2: Discovers shonen series, likely Bleach on Adult Swim. Briefly becomes an IRL version of Rikka from Chuunibyou. Does not yet understand why Sup Forums trolls shonenshit threads. Will hate self for the rest of his natural life for this brief phase.
Stage 3: Mature / deepfag phase. Once he begins to realize shonenshit is shit, begins to seek out deep and critically acclaimed anime such as Tatami Galaxy, Evangelion, Lain, etc. Starts debating the meaning of these anime on Sup Forums, as well as starts trolling shonenshit threads, suddenly feeling superior to the plebes in said threads.
Stage 4: Moefag, the final phase. Decides to try a moe series which Sup Forums seems to love, such as Aria, or more recently Non Non Biyori, etc justifying it to self as for purely academic reasons, e.g. so they can troll or shittalk these series with an informed viewpoint. Ends up discovering that nothing is more peaceful, relaxing, and enjoyable than watching cute girls doing cute things. Ends up realizing that all deep and mature anime are actually pretentious bullshit.
Stage 5: Enlightened phase. Realizes that at some point, cute girls doing cute things isn't all that anime has to offer and stops trying to fit in. Sees all genres and enjoys them for what they are. Can appreciate any genre, but knows that most are mediocre at best and actively searches for real gems. Understands that most of Sup Forums doesn't know what it is talking about, but it is still better than the alternatives.
Luckily I realised it quite early. I have no time for these extremely shitty shows literally about nothing.
It's quite hilarious that when a CGDCT shows has 1 theme or has a character with a little development people hail it as a masterpiece. Really tells you all you need to know about the average quality of these shows.
True. Took me 10 years to get to stage 5 tho.
>These shows are appreciated by high IQ long time fans of anime
lmfao best joke I've read in 2018 so far
They actually think this too, its not irony.
Damn. I hope you started when you were very young.
No one has ever said that.
yes they have
Only the dumbfucks need to go through all stages. I started on Stage 2 and in less than a year went to 5.
Youve been posting here for years, why are you going to try and pretend that people dont act like liking CGDCT is the height of taste and normies dont "understand" because they dont suck up whatever trash seasonal garbage they do.
And young people. You can't really expect 12 year olds to reach similar conclusions about the media they consume as you could expect of 20 or 30 year olds. I started really watching anime when I was 19 and so it was easier for me to also jump almost straight to stage 5. I did linger for quite a while in stage 4 though.
I'll watch anything with MAO in it
>Stage 7
Realizes that anime is trash and that films are far superior,starts lurking Sup Forums and baneposting and kinoposting,prequel shitpostin and driveposting.
No anime is worth watching
Don't tell me you actually think Naruto or whatever is any better
No media is worth watching, to be honest.
>Briefly becomes an IRL version of Rikka from Chuunibyou.
I just started my wizard days and my delusions of being an all powerful sorcerer just became worst. What the fuck have I done with my life? ;_;
This,real men only read science books,every media is based on emotions and is by that unrational.
I dunno, but I just can't watch this shit anymore. The humor is always the same, character designs are completely unappealing to me 95% of the time, production values are subpar, the setting is stale.
one CGDCT anime is not equal to another
it's like saying Yuru Yuri is a copy of Azumanga Daioh therefore not worth watching
so back to Stage 1 but with different media?
This. Genre is slowly dying. 90s nichijou animus are kinda way out of this
About 2-3 years ago they became harder to watch, especially the ones being yuri just for the sake of not having men making them "dirty" to appeal to sexless virgin otakus, so maybe around the time I lost my virginity, and man, since I got a steady girlfriend they just seem to awful.
Girls who want to hold hands with their boyfriends are much cuter
>aren't worth watching?
Depends on your definition of worth watching. Can you not spare 20 minutes a week for a show you'll forget in 3 months?
Around 2 years ago, but I still watch some of them.
They're comfort food. I don't think anyone watching CGDCT ever seriously claims that a particular show elevates the genre or anime in any way.
said it best
They are pretty vapid. They are pretty similar in tone to shows aimed at little girls but distilled to just the elements that pander to the otaku/big friend audience.(cute pubescent girls and yuri, and all the "humor" revolves around that)
Same with those "idol" shows aimed at otaku that have jackshit to do with idols.
I did rather go and watch shows aimed at little girls because they at least offer something of substance instead just pandering and cute for cute sake.(and yes, it's ironic that shows aimed at adults are dumber than ones whose primary audience is literal children but it's very much true)
But some of them are good and some of them are bad.
It's just like how 99% of shonen is trash, EXCEPT for FMA.
This. It's like a big bowl of mac n cheese. It's not healthy but it tastes good and makes you feel at ease.
literally skipped straight to stage 3, although i knew a bit about anime culture previously.
Never watched one desu
First anime I watched were stuff like Candy, Lupin, Nadia, only went full weeb when I was like 10 with Sailor Moon and then watched mostly fantasy stuff like Slayers, Rayearth, Ranma, B'tx, some classics like Galaxy Express 999, fucking Beyblade when I was already too old but the fandom was fun, Eva and Cowboy Bebop when I was like 14 and MTV aired them, and so on
For some reason, maybe just because of my age, never stumbled in slice of life cutie stuff
Can't relate, I've never been through 1, 2, 3.
What about loving every anime no matter how bad it is?
Stage 1 Primary School
Stage 2 Middle School
Stage 3 High School
Stage 4 College
Stage 5 ?
Queer girls doing queer things?
Doing Cute Things, son. Cute things being the other girls, obviously.
Well, if you like chocolate why would you try something else? I rather buy that delicious chocolate than try something else that I might not like as much.
It’s basically this
>4-5 girls
>have a number of gimmicks on the wall
>wherever the dart lands is the excuse of the manga setting