You know it will happen someday and it will break Sup Forums

You know it will happen someday and it will break Sup Forums

There won't be any Sup Forums left to break.

I seriously doubt it. I don't think Azuma has any interest in an anime adaption of it.

He's not gonna live forever.

It will never happen, be glad.

>implying Sup Forums would care

imagine how many lewd doujins would the mod need to delete if such adaptation would be made. They probably hang themselves on episode one

It's always possible though. He could start using heroin and then he'll need all the money he can get.


Why is she so fuckable, my dudes?


see ya

Nu-mods wouldn't even public ban.



they'd do it to keep appearances but really they don't give a shit about anime because all mods are literal gay redditors with aids

Next thing to break Sup Forums it's gonna be the announce of KyoAni going bankrupt.
Mark my words.

When was the last time you saw a public ban on Sup Forums?

like two weeks ago in the last yotsuba lewding thread

Is Azuma aware that she is our mascot?

No longer, Hiromoot kicked her out.

This, case in point

Can't wait Hiro sells this place and we forget about him

Who deserves to own Sup Forums?

You'll be dead by then.


Rude. Just because she's there doesn't mean you can pin her down and relentlessly fuck her face.

Vote for me. I'll make Sup Forums great again. Let's see:
DBS threads moved to on sight
Boruti threads moved to on sight
KF threads moved to on sight
Jojo threads moved to on sight
HxH threads moved to on sight
Any other shounenshit can't have more than one thread at a time, if there's new and exciting content there's nothing stopping people from reaching bump limit and making another thread afterwards
Stalker/sales threads instaban
Meme shows spam not allowed, if there's more than three threads for a current airing show that's popular, the first three will be allowed and the rest moved to on sight
Studio wars threads will be deleted on sight, this is not Sup Forums
/sakurafish/ threads allowed once again
/djt/ threads allowed once again
/x days until Christmas/ threads allowed once again
Spoonfeeding instaban for both, the retard asking for sauce and the spoonfeeder
/koume/ threads allowed once again
>Any post with

>reddit spacing

>will be deleted on sight

>and it's perpetrator instabanned













yes he is

Azumanga adaptation got entire generation of people into anime, Azuma is fucking retarded for disliking it so much.

>Mod's didn't delete this too

This. What the fuck?

you weren't banned lately

Probably because the gif is cute

Wait, what? I spend almost every day on this fucking website for the past ten years, when did he do that?

>mods delete a post
>o okay
>mods delete every reply to the post
>... ?
Sup Forums mods are weird

Couple of months ago I think? Check the front page.

She's still the 404 girl though. Although that's probably just because people lost their shit when he replaced her with an ad.

Fuck off.



An anime adaptation would only muddle her charm.

Yes he will live forever.

I'm pretty sure the cops send you to the Japanese gulag if you're caught with drugs over there

eat Japanese food for life!

Yotsuba& has been declining since like ch40.
It's been outright BAD since ch~60-70.
Sketchy release patterns notwithstanding, there's a reason it's rarely discussed anymore.

What makes you say that? Be specific.