What the FUCK is her problem?
also should I watch the movies before or after Owarimonogatari II?
What the FUCK is her problem?
also should I watch the movies before or after Owarimonogatari II?
She knew too much
She's surrounded by retards and for some reason, when she wants to be paid for her skills it's a dick move but when Oshino does it, it's fine.
Objectively it is costing you less when Gaen wants something unless you have between 100,000 to 5 million yen laying around to pay Oshino.
I wonder if her 'gift' will have a real kick in the shins for her towards the end of her life, Memory Loss through brain injury, Alzheimers, MND or Parkinsons' perhaps?
t. gaen
That character is literally me.
Please more of her insight.
I doubt that she knoews everything. It's just her attitude.
Kizu after Nise in my opinion. Or after Neko Shiro
Fight me irl and then see what happens.
Whats this? Does kanbaru know these girls? What is she so excited about?
umm, sweetie, she knows everything ;^)
*tips baseball cap over eye*
She's perfection.
Have you not read the NisiO crossover manga?
Wait he wrote all of those?
The people on this picture? Because these are people from books he's written.
All this tells us though is that Yozuru > Kiss-shot/Anshinin/Kyotoryu which infers that she's got some serious magicfaggotry going on that we don't really know about outside of her ability to create barriers.
Of course, I suspect Power is overly literal and it just means relative physical strength because I can see her being stronger than the aforementioned and more hardcore personality-wise than everyone but Humanity's Strongest.
I am interested now.
Watch the movies before.
You could watch the movies right after Bakemonogatari.
You should have watched the movies right after Bake. Just fit them in as soon as you can.
If I understand it correctly, Horizontal is physical strength so people on the right are strong but people up the top are mentally strong.
It makes sense when Yozuru is both mentally and physically strong while Anshin'in who has a mental disease in-universe for Medaka Box and Kiss-shot who breaks down if Araragi dies are way down the list in the Iichan-tier for mental fortitude.
You're right, Yozuru is perfect.
I'd carry her in my head any day.
Which movies do you mean? If it's Kizu, you can watch them whenever.
Watch Kizu first.
Great taste
If you can't watch Kizu after Bake then you should watch it after Owari2.
Is really horny and wants to mate but Araragi isn't into old hags.
Now that the dust has settled, can we all agree that Koimonogatari was objectively the best arc, and none of the others could even come close?
Unless the old hag is a cute vampire loli
Otori into Koi is is the highlight of monogatari
nah, it's just cuz she has no boobs and she ain't no loli either
I watched the movies right after the first arc of second season, just before they drop mountains of shinobu development.
broadcast order is best
what do you call these types of girls? looks like hiphop clothes
christmas cakes
>What do you call these types of girls
Bossy sluts
Shinobu transcends and warps personal taste.
How is she so perfect?
My waifu approves
Oshino gets less money than Kaiki and he doesn't give you bootlegs.
How do I get into monogatari Sup Forums? Remember watching the first season aeons ago and liking it but by now there's so much movies and shit I literally have no idea where to start
>watch release order
>watch chronological order
>read the LNs
>go on a spiritual journey to find yourself to truly understand the hack Nisio
>shitpost on Sup Forums
We have all done this, right ?
release order please, don't watch kizu after bake, under no circumstance, kizu has a lot more emotional weight after you see shinobu's character being fleshed out, watch kizu after or before owari 1
actually just watch kizu after koyomi
>accidentally delayed for years order
>better than Nisio's intended order
I want retards to leave. Everything else has more weight after watching Kizu, especially their ending scene in Owari, which has weight because you've spent the entire fucking series waiting for it to come full circle.
I'm two steps in, trying to scrounge translations together for step 3
were you born like this or did something turn you into an imbecile ?
Which is one is that ? I have the Random translation and apart from "Mister Oshino sends his regards" it's pretty gud
i've just been trying to get whatever translations i can come by. i don't have much so far. if you've got any you're willing to share that'd be cool
I didn't care that mucha bout Shinobu but Kizu is pretty nice to understand Hanekawa and Ragi's relationship a bit better
Why is pedophilia so much cuter when women do it?
>the author's intended order is wrong because I say so
>the right way just so happens to coincide with the watch order i used when i had no other choice
Are we talking about physical copies or the online translations ? I haven't compared but baka-tsuki seems decent
LN order > broadcast order
fight me
you read the boks in the ln order and watch the anime in broadcast order. Is it hard ?
wow, it seems you went to that expo too... thanks for sharing that.. so hard to find it
Why tho? Ever since Kizu came out there is no reason to not watch it in the authors intended order.
Neither Shaft nor Nisio wanted Kizu to be delayed that long. It's just how it happened. Follow creator intent rather than production delays.
The feet user.
I really want to see a spinoff of the original hunters. You know, before Oshino became a hack.
Aikawa Jun is perfect, as always.
Oshino was always a hack. He just perfected it all when after college. You can be sure of it from Kagenui's recollection of their conversation on good and evil at the last episode of Nise. No matter what, he will always sit in the middle and do only what he needs to do in order to keep the middle. Oshino is the definition of a fencesitter.
>a mediator isn't going to discard someone's opinion offhand when he's trying to mediate between people
Let me guess. You're that one catfag who is super butthert about him not fellating her every chance he gets.
I'd say you can watch the movies first.
>not fellating her every chance he gets
How could you defend such a thing
My wife did NOTHING wrong
I don't think it is that importan the move is self contained enough to watch it without seeing any mongatari first. Yeah learning the suicidal tendencies of Acerola might get a stronger feeling if you already know her, but I think it's good enough for a new watcher.
You watch the movies after Bakemonogatari, you idiot. It's Bake > Kizu > Nise > Neko Kuro > Second Season > Hana > Tsuki > Owari > Koyomi > Owari 2 > Zoku
It isn't.
Oji-san or bust.
The answer is ALWAYS release order.
Although it doesn't really matter in this case.
This is objectively Shinobu's best form.
Anyone who thinks otherwise is kidding themselves.