Squishing sound
Houseki no Kuni
This, genki Phos was the purest.
CG fag
>he/she thinks the gems aren't girls
Lapis is the sexiest.
>has doritos in her hair
>he thinks the girls are biologically girls
aaaaaand it's a general
>Jade and Yucklace took last post
And Jade and Euc wins the last one as usual
>Euc posters
Worse than tumblrfags
lay your head on Dia's lap
(Y/N) ?
It was Euc, not Jade
Last thread ended with Jade.
god's will is wonderful
You just can't get over your ass annihilation, can't you?
I drew a thing, I hope you like it
I listened to random Linkin Park songs while I drew for a laugh but I found myself actually liking them
What's your problem, mate? Did Euclase kill your dog?
Euclase IS my dog
>lay your head on a cold hard rock
I'll pass.
Wanting to stay in these threads until S2 gets announced ie. never was perhaps a mistake.
At least this series has a lot of good artwork
That autistic face really annoys me. I'm glad Lapis head replaced that, but the current haircut is still ugly.
thats kind of gay, user
Lay my head on Bort's lap instead
i want to protect that smile
reminder that phos old head was ground into dust and she's never going to go back
>laying your head on a rock(male)
Are gay or something
Really depends on the shot desu
i want onii-sama to find peace
The thing that bugs me about faces in the manga is that I feel like they're always changing shape subtly, such that Lapis and Phos end up seeming more different than they actually are
Then in the anime Phos loses the lower eyelashes somehow
Nothing you can do but get used to it, since that's just how she rolls
Reminder that even if it wasn't dust the original died due to the shit Phos went through and all parts are different degrees of traumatized so episode/chapter 1 Phos is gone for good no matter what parts the inclusions are residing on.
Hold my moon drink.
Keep practicing hands user.
In the anime they just used another base, you see the shape eyes are very similar to Rutile's or Jade's
You're the mouse drawfag, right? I dig this. The hair looks great.
Memes aside LP isn't bad at all.
Ichikawa definitely had a melon phase for a while
I like it user.
That fucking dia
>h-hello gem, do you remember me?
>We met a long time ago! you grabbed be with your -gulp- strong golden arms...
>h-hey for old times sake I want- could you- um... again...?
best gem
1000 years too late
>tfw Bortz, Rutile and Euc hate Phos now
How Is Phos going to deal with this?
Why is that I can see something like this actually happening on the manga?
I moderately dislike Sup Forums for memeing me into watching this show and KF. Both were alright but get overhyped too much probably because they have """serious""" plot and pander to fetishists at the same time
Don't worry we despise you too
phos is dead
the old phos who cared about her friends and not
hurting them is dead
there is only pain and suffering laphos now who will betray everyone she once cared for
theres a reason why sensei wont pray for them
But what are they saying?
who did gem girls better?
>Lapis: Hey, me. Guess I look good with short hair too. Not surprising.
>Laphos: Wow, you really are something.
I'll try, Satan
That's me
They're my favorite English singing group now
Lapis: finally someone I can fuck
Phos: lets do it in a place where Cinnabar can watch us in order to convince her to go with me to the Moon haha
who cares about those cunts when best gem is on phos side
You mean her shards?
Not for long
>for a while
For 1 chapter.
That makes me more worried knowing that phos will fuck it all up and bring only pain and suffering to everyone who trusted her
No it's the large cast. Literally all it is. Gemfags, Kemonomemes, 2hu, GBF, Kancolle, etc. Huge fanbases due to large waifu selection.
how much will Sup Forums hate phos when she hurts best girl
You are right for being worried. Bort and co are lucky they didn't get into yet ANOTHER Phos's mess. Although they will still have to solve it from the other side.
she has already hurt best gem
eww 3DPD fag
Thank you senpai.
Lapis has some serious yaoi hands there.
I'm not ready to let go of this show
You must user. It's either that or being forever stuck in cancerous faggotry HnK threads from now on.
They would all meet/were already wallowing on pain and suffering anyway.
season 2 never
Me neither, but worst of all would be letting go of the manga after it ended. Now there's a void I don't think I could ever really fill again.
you don't ready to let go of my dick either 3DPD
>"That's not Antarc" Melon
>Yawning Melon
>ANGRY Melon
>Bored Melon
>1 chapter
Don't worry user, the pearl lady will gives us a happy ending, that way we can fill that void with the happy gems, then she will release a gem SoL spin off.
best gem in real life too
Melon is the one and only true genki.
the real tragedy is that even if we get season 2, the phos we know and love is gone forever
SU has been shitting the bed for ages now. Lapis fucking off is the best thing to happen in ages.
I want to fuck Zircon in her tomboy gempucci!
why did they pick that color for zircon out of all the others
that was the only one left
i want her back
So, next chapter will be about the gems left on earth, do you guys think we're going to get to follow Cinnabar pov,? I think for the gems of earth this sittuation could lead to utter chaos or even worse lead to being hateful to the gems of the moon.
In this state of stress I think Cinnabar will either suffer because the gems doesn't want to trust him or because they want to use his knowledge.
>there are people who think moonies are the bad guys
Eveyone is pannicking, why would they bother Cinnabar?
i need this picture but with 2 gems and a caption about moonies