Why is it called "Anime" instead of just "cartoon"?

If France makes a cartoon,we call it just that,a "cartoon".If Italy makes one,same.If Germany makes one,same.But when Japan does it,suddently it gains a special name and we call it "Anime"? That's totaly unfair for the other countries! Why don't THEY get any special names for their cartoons?

I'm new around here,so make sure to drop some of those B-45 educational bombs on my ass!

>Why don't THEY get any special names for their cartoons?
They do, it's called trash.

The french call their own cartoon dessin animé.


But anime means animation in japanese

They all do, in their own languages. Anime is a french loanword from dessin-animé in the first place.

Now lurk more before posting again.

dessin anime?
dressing anime?
Undressing anime?
Undressing anime schoolgirls?

Lurk more?
You mean,lurk more in Sup Forums?

Wakfu is anime.

>.If Italy makes one,same.
nope, we call it "cartone animato".

Likewise, we call Italian comic "fumetti", american comics "comics", french comics "bande desinee", japanese comics "manga" etc

Because French media has a similar style to other Western animation, where Japanese is very different.

If Germany makes one, it's called Zeichentrickfilm

I know that each language has their own word for their cartoons.
But i mean,when Americans adress cartoons,they call all of them "cartoons" except Japan's. Why is that?

>Why is that?
Americans are stupid.

Because anime is not cartoons

Generally the people who watch Japanese animation and US animation are different groups and prefer not to be grouped together.

That's a problem with their lack of words.

Not just Americans,when people speak english in general,they reffer to all cartoons as "cartoons".Except when they refer to Japanese cartoons.

What are they?
Video games?

>If France makes a cartoon,we call it just that,a "cartoon"
At the comic books are called BDs among fans.
Back when blueray came out, this caused a lot of confusion to me.

No, you've just got an ethnocentric mindset because you're American.

Not really, Sup Forums is a very very small portion of anime watchers.

Why the hell do you have to wait 1 minute after each reply?
Is there no way to turn that off?
I mean,it IS MY post,even if i get spammers,it will be my burden.

>*at least the comic books...

Initial marketing. Now we just do it to differentiate between the two.

A better name would be Japanimation.

I'm Albanian.Not American
Please do not assume such things without proper information.

>A better name would be Japanimation.
Absolutely fucking not.

How can you possibly be this wide and yet so right?

Japan got big on the world stage and overshadowed Communism as the public enemy #1.
There was a massive hysteria in US about this and as a part of the efforts, everything that came from Japan needed to be labeled as such to allow proper patriots to not support it. That's when the term got coined in English and spread back into England.

It doesn't exist in any other language in the world for much the same reason.

Anime fans referred to it as "anime" or sometimes "japanimation" in a deliberate attempt to distinguish it from other (ie Western) animation.
People make words for things that they want to distinguish from other things. No one "decides" these things, that's not how language works.

Speak of yourself, faggot.

Thank you for the explenation,kind sir.

What do you mean?

Did i say something that offended you?
I am very sorry for my rudeness.

Stop namefagging you faggot.

I'm sorry.
I'm new to Sup Forums.
What is namefagging and why do you hate it?

How do I upvote you.

And how can I give you gold?

You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of Sup Forums are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a name when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!

Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bait to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!

Why in the everloving fuck is anyone even replying to this faggot?

Namefagging is where you put a name in the "Name" field. Unless you actually have a good reason to do it then it's considered an unnecessary attempt to draw attention to yourself instead of remaining anonymous like everyone else.
Also lurk moar.

They can relate to OPs newfaggotry.

Why are you?

actually, "anime" is just the name what japanese people have for cartoons, for them basically every cartoon is an anime (even western ones)
when japanese cartoons got into the west, people started to call them like this
why tough?
not really sure, various reasons, maybe that they just sound cool

Ah,I'm sorry,is that it?

I just like using this name for my online activities.
I will stop doing it in the future.

However,i still have one question.I know it's like a taboo or something,but is putting a name when it's unecessary really that bad?
I'm all up for annonymous communication,but it does not hurt anyone if i choose to put a name in that field

Its call dessin animé in french you dumb fucking EOP.

Garbage thread.

I'm not. I was addressing the rest of the faggots replying to OP.

I know every language has their own words for it.
But i mean that,when someone speaking English refers to cartoons,they usualy call them all "cartoons" except When it's about Japanese cartoons.

Lurk for 2 years.

What does "lurking" mean?
Also,it does not hurt anyone if i choose to remain annonymous or not,so why should people care?

>the state of nu-Sup Forums

The state of nu-Sup Forums ???

ITT: 11/10 bait, you make me rage.

>I'm new around here
Why don't people lurk 2 years minimum anymore?


I'm confus now

Why is namefagging so wrong?
It does not hurt,nor affect you in any way.

Also,i still don't fully understand what lurking means.

No consequences for not doing so anymore.

Why should there be consequences for not doing so?

What are your thoughts on tight loli cunny?

Also,i find it ridiculous to do anything for 2 years to gain access to an online site.


you don't belong here

I don't belong here,that is why i am here.
Always trying out new things.
I've heard about Sup Forums for awhile,so i thought I'd check out what it's about

Because Japan's industry is significantly different enough culturally and in scale from France's and Germany's to make a distinction. Why call those hispanic hats "sombreros" if it's just a hat? OP you're fucking stupid.

Ah,i understand now.

>I'm new around here

Because I'm new i should leave?
Then how would the website take new members?

nobody ever lurked for 2 years you massive faggot

better yet, kill yourself

Flawed logic.

Should you not accept new members and "teach them the ropes" without being dicks about it?
It WOULD add new members to the community,the community that you apparently love so much that you insult people who are not part of it.