They allow for directors to have all the sex and violence they want without having to deal with dumb tv censorship

>They allow for directors to have all the sex and violence they want without having to deal with dumb tv censorship
I, for one, welcome our new Netflix overlords

Other urls found in this thread:

directors don't have sex they're virgin losers


Enjoy your degeneracy.

>I want anime to be as trashy and panderous as American TV

But why?

maybe the wachowskis can do a live action version? satan's hermaphrodite cock and akira's mouth were literally made for each other.

Yuasa has probably had more sex than all of this board combined (which basically means having sex with one girl)

Distribution platform bait aside, do you even know what devilman is?

Implying that anime hasn't been degenerate af for decades. even the so-called family-friendly showly like ranma1/2 are full of trannies and cuckoldry.

Anime is already degenerate, but now it will at least be properly degenerate.
If that's allow manga like Devilman to be adapted on all of its gory and sexual glory then so be it

You don't actually watch anime don't you?

So how doable is having old OVA gore? Could you have a good Berserk series with Netflix money and scheduling?

Some schlocky, yet influential manga from the 70's that has aged horribly.

So you haven't read it then, you could have just said so.

Nigger, I read it. Don't act like Go Nagai is the nip version of Tolstoy when all he does is revel in excess.

>muh violence and pornography
It was tasteless and dumb, just like all that western adult crap, appealing to lowest commom demoninator just to pass as "adult" and ignoring the actual quality of writting.
>no dumb tv cencorship
The entire violence thing was moderate and hardly shocking, they had no problems with killing monsters,
The bitch homping on a corpse was also cencored by black shadow thing, and they had no problem with homocrap, just what you'd expet from Netflix.

I never said that. His work does revel in excess and there's nothing wrong with that, but I think it's a disservice to say it does nothing but that.

>posts some cheesy introduction right out of a 1950's monster chiller movie

Not really helpng your case.

it was great, I loved it

does anyone have a link for that opening song? i can't find it anywhere.

I really like that page. It's not an introduction, it's the introduction to the second half of the series after the demon menace spreads across the world, and shows how the stakes increase nicely.

Nagai is edgelord who like to make borderline pornography flicks.
This is just even shittier, all this sex and violence just look retarded. even Nagai didn't focus on that much, but now people will certainly think of this as muh violence and tits, just like GoT.

>having old OVA gore
not possible, and not because of censorship but because modern 2DCG animation just doesn't allow for detailed gore like cel animation. gore in modern anime just means splashes of blood. no intestines, no splintered bones, no brain matter.

Or rather, not "just" an introduction, is what I meant to say. Shit.


Oh boy. I love people like you.

It doesn't "show" anything, it tells you directly. That's just lazy writing.

Nagai literally kept drawing violence jack, his edgiest creation, for a total of 9000 pages because he enjoyed his editors cringing over every chapter he delivered.

That isn't because of limitations of animation, you know. 2D animation that isn't literal CG models isn't done that differently, but the thing is that those kinds of effects were using practical effect gore from movies as an inspiration, which movies don't do either anymore.

Fuck off.

>Hell is awaiting! For you too!
who translated this? couldn't they have said HELL AWAITS! FOR YOU!

You're a big devilguy.

So it seems that only edgy brainlets actually love this shitfest.
Sex? violence? it looks like some goofy indie animation, none of this gets close to original in terms of edgyness even.

People should be more grateful towards Nagai.
The guy decided to be as edgy as possible to allow the next generation of mangaka to be edgelords too.

Try nyaa

Stop samefagging.

the guy who directed tokyo gore police wanted to do a live-action violence jack. couldnt get the financing together to a degree that would have pleased dynamic pro. though.

And you don't seem to understand.
I'll explain to you since you seem like an honest man.
Allowing for violence and sex will let directors have more freedom as they aren't bound by censors, thus avoiding shit like Terra Formars.

They'll probably ban lolis while they're at it.

it only gives pedos ideas so how is that a bad thing? they already banned rape simulators too.

Reddit is the other way, retard

The adaptation was pretty mediocre

Ya but the animation is shit and its cringe as fuck

I hope so.
Bring manime back.

Nice how you ignored completely my point.
The show wasn't super gorey or shocking in it's sexual deviancy, fucking panty and stocking did this years ago, and fucking blood c had much more brutal and gorey stuff, and guess what, the last one has been released without cencorship.
Not like autistic fucks like you would know about that.
So yeah this is trash, even if you like edgefest this is rather not impressive.


Panty and Stocking didn't have explicit gay buttsex tho

Where is this from?

Netflix will bring
>Better budget
>More freedom
>More diversity
>Less creepy virgin moeshit
Netflix are our saviours. Can't wait for VEG

I'm more surprised Yuasa could do sex and violence like that.

I can't tell baits anymore.

You never seen Mindgame/Kaiba?

Kemonozume is pretty violent too

This shit was so good and if they'd censored it even a little, it would have taken away from the show

Animes been degenerate for decades, at least now we get more than just shitty cock teases

Is that miko?

Jeesus christ, the degenerate in me needs source

>they need to seek for other places to make their works
>meanwhile pedoshit like Prisma is still made
I don’t understamd Japan.


You need to fuck off back to your normalfag containment website.

Fuck off you too, you don't belong.

Miko and Ryo actually. Violence Jack is supossed to be some sort of alternative ending to Devilman

You can count on series having a negro, a mexican, an asian and a white who would be an asshole, gay, lesbian, landwhale, autist and transgender.
Russian hackers too.

>gay, lesbian, [...] autist and transgender

Those were in there already.

Fuck off

>being this angry over a misspelling
you first.

I remember when old Sup Forums embaraced it's degeneracy with pride, now it's just boomers who got linked to Sup Forums by their grandsons and fox.

A bit more of hope for Berserkfags to hang on and keep suffering.

Jesus how edgy does violence Jack get?

Yuasa should have watched Enter The Void before making night club scenes or straught up collaborated with Noe