

rest in piss

Welp, it's time then

just saw that as well.
Mostly an issue for short special chapters and others doujins, there's (better) alternative for everything else.
Still, this is a huge loss for the sake of convenience.

Yeah this is mad shitty. I use madokami sometimes but batoto was by far the best online reader we've ever gotten and I liked using it more than downloading.


it really sucks for smaller series and scan groups

>registration mandatory
>chapters still not showing
Rest in pieces, asshole.

What are some better alternatives?

No way in hell am I going to be checking on every scanlators personal site for new chapters

Fuck, where do I read manga now?

Well shit.

W-where do I upload my manga now?


>announce this literally while Madokami is fucking down

At least the mandatory registration isn't as silly as Madokami's.

Any good alternative other than mangafox?

Dont most manga sites just post rips from batoto? This is going to affect a lot of sites.

>now I'll be forced to finish my backlog instead of being tempted to pick up new series from the sidebar

Taking their personal sensitivities with them I hope?

>implying anyone actually used it after they added registration requirements

RIP scanlations, though. Install an ad and script blocker, and go on shit sites like KissManga or whatever for what's already translated because nothing new is coming out for a while.

This sucks a lot for all the No Groups and user translations. It's the only place I ever posted shit I typeset because I knew others would just rip it and spread it around for me.

>we're the only source that still gives true quality.
>I understand that our forum is a valuable form of communication for many.

where do I upload my scanlations now so that sites rip it?

>batato closing
>madokami is fucked up
that's it, time to draw my own manga

Ok you faggots got me into that site in first place, provide an alternative right fucking now

For mainstream stuff?
Literally almost everything.
For niche stuff? None sadly.

Someone download all the Manga!!!!! NOW!!! WE NEED A BACKUP

They absolutely are, newshit.

>none of the manga I TLed actually reached the sidebar

>Going forward, some of the staff members have and still are in the process of backing up the entire Batoto comic content as they have been notified of this decision well in advanced. They may choose to create a new Batoto or something simpler. That will be up to them, but I will no longer be part of running it.

Maybe it's not the end.

Hasn't really ever been anything on batoto that I couldn't find anywhere else. I'm sure there is but nothing I've run into myself. I mostly use Kissmanga if I want to read anything online. Though recently I've just been downloading through scanlator sites.

Why do people need to come up with so many stupid excuses ? Simply say
>I can't do this shit anymore, I've gotten tired of this site so I'm closing it down.
Is it because of patreon/donation bux ?

with a big titty tomboy protagonist i hope

Everywhere else rips from batoto.

Where do I read manga now?

There will be bunch of replacements in a week.

What the fuck?
And I thought 2018 will be a good year.

Well, that was sudden.

>Going forward, some of the staff members have and still are in the process of backing up the entire Batoto comic content as they have been notified of this decision well in advanced. They may choose to create a new Batoto or something simpler. That will be up to them, but I will no longer be part of running it.
Looks like someone's already thought of that.

Why not give the reign the someone else instead of shutting it down?

That's literally what he said though?
>I'm tired and I just can't do this anymore

Damn, been using this ass clown of a site for awhile but sad news.

[√]Assassination of botato


And batoto mostly just has stuff that scanlators upload. There's nothing stopping them from uploading to other manga reading sites.

Read the whole post. He says he's giving all the recent donations back. So getting some is clearly not an issue.

I hope everyone who reads online instead of downloading dies of cancer.

>Though recently I've just been downloading through scanlator sites.
I'm more manga than anime and online reader are much more convenient for me solely because of the volume of stuff I follow.
But yeah, in some case you have no choice but to download them.

I want to say fucking finally but now I won't have anywhere to distribute obscure shit to the masses.

Will we ever be able to stop this madman?

That's literally what he said, and he closed donations months ago, you dumb fuck. Learn how to read.

What's a non garbage site to read manga on while goddess is down?

Fuck, Batato was where I got through all of Jojo.
Didn't really use it for anything else since though, so I guess it won't be a huge loss for me. Can see it being a problem for others and more obscure/old series though.


Ok who needs money? I'm ready to dish out $1000 if it means batoto stays up.

One of them will be promoted heavily by a company and do shady shit behind the scenes.
Another one will be hyped up by Sup Forums but turn out to be missing lots of shit

Only retards download anime
What next, you download movies?

Except that many don't want to do that because of shit quality resizing and abhorrent practices.

Well fuck, only reading 2 series there at the moment, but it was a good site for reading Sup Forumsnon scans.

Batoto.si when

But at least half the other places have been getting their stuff from there!
Just because I only steal food from my parent's fridge doesn't mean I'm safe when the supermarket closes.

Did anyone read the link?
>Going forward, some of the staff members have and still are in the process of backing up the entire Batoto comic content as they have been notified of this decision well in advanced. They may choose to create a new Batoto or something simpler. That will be up to them, but I will no longer be part of running it.

It took less than a week for a copy of nyaa to be online and it went down without notice.

Except we don't want to touch the cancerous sites ourselves.

sticky pls

RIP user scans

Time to lose track of everything I'm following

RIP in pace

Me. I'm the admin. Give me the money and Batoto will live.

How does he keep getting away with it?




Which sites allow me to upload my scans, anyone has a list?


>big titty tomboy

>70 percent of my manga on tachiyomi are from Batoto
Fucking Christ

batoto.pantsu.cat is where it's at

God damn it.

I only used it for ripping manga to read locally, guess I'll have to move to whatever doesn't compress the scanlator's pictures(kissmanga?)

Oh fuck me I started reading Vento Aureo and Crossbone Gundam literally yesterday.

Prove to me you're admin, I need name, email, licence, and proof of ownership.

This is the biggest problem. Scanlators that just post to their own site reader are as well. Rippers could rip releases from Batoto that weren't downsampled or watermarked and upload them to goddess and make them available in their original format.

Dumb mobileposter

Good fucking riddance.

I haven't seen the list in years

nyaa only hosts torrent files and the copies sucked ass for months.

It certainly reassuring, but batoto has been the biggest place for people to upload and scrape from for a while.
Moving somewhere new is scary

That's a bummer. That site introduced me to a lot of fun mango.

I hope everyone who reads online instead of downloading dies of cancer.

Where do I read manga now?

Honestly I've been uploading more to mangafox than batoto nowadays. They already removed the series that I do.

>Downloading manga
For what fucking purpose? Is your net unstable or something?

Okay, I'll just go ahead and GIVE ME THE FUCKING MONEY DAMMIT!

Why do you hate manga?


Just buy the manga?

As far mainstream stuff is concerned, I can assure you some of those place will have the chapter uploaded hours if not days before batoto.
Niche series are fucked however.

Those are usually posted here first before being posted on batoto.

This is pretty much it. I read a shitload on my phone and reading online or through some shit app is a lot more convenient than transferring individually downloaded chapters.

He said that he literally dedicated every second of his life to the site to the point of skipping vacations and social interactions.
I call bullshit.

Because shit happens

Also I fly a lot

the admin said he hasnt been accepting donations for a long time and will refund them if anyone sent any

Oh fuck. We still have madokami, but batoto was a good site.