I’m two episodes in and I’m very confused. How faithful to the source material is this. Church orgies and devouring boobs seems like some new age shit. Also the animators are making me hate sex. Is this how I am supposed to feel?
I’m two episodes in and I’m very confused. How faithful to the source material is this...
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>How faithful to the source material is this
A reboot decades later that was modernized & created for a new audience?
All of the characters have huge changes to them, but the basic plot progression is the same. You might feel confused by several subplots and the pacing is worse than the manga. It adds some shitty track and field symbolism, social media and rap to appeal to mainstream.
> How faithful to the source material is this
It's Netflix, what exactly did you expect?
Dude, in the old OVA Akira rips off some bug demon's titties and eats them right in front of her as she bleeds to death. The story is definitely different but it was always edgy like that.
>Church orgies and devouring boobs seems like some new age shit
That's pretty accurate to the source material.
Okay, so it actually is faithful to the source. Didn’t realize it was that edgy a series.
it's not just "an" edgy series. Devilman invented the concept of edgy anime.
I’ll check out the manga after I get further in Berserk.
Devilman is literally like the first genuinely edgy manga.
Devilman was one of the two main inspirations for Berserk, the other being Hokuto no Ken.
Have you actually read Devilman? It's relatively faithful to the source material, minus the whole track and field subplot and Miki's general characterization (which doesn't make any sense in the original anyway).
I can see the resemblance.
Yeah in the original she's just an annoying love interest without much character to her.
The show made me feel awful but I still enjoyed it. Hope that answers some of your questions.
It's moderately faithful but it does skip many things from the manga due to limited runtime.
You can't fully adapt 5 volumes in 10 episodes of ~18 minutes each no matter how hard you try.
Doesn't help that they also added OC donut steel material that wasn't in the original like the track subplot.
Also it's "modernized" for nuMale audience with added smartphones, social media, internet etc.
I just thought it was kind of goofy. It was too exaggerated to take seriously, and had too many pacing and tonal problems. I laughed at it more than anything.
>Go Nagai
>Didn't realize it was that edgy series
Go Nagai spent his life drawing edgy shit to push boundaries and make his editors mad.
He's the king of edgy and love him for it.
It's becomes less confusing and more disturbing the further it progresses.
Watching it felt like they lived in modern day Detroit. Maybe it's exaggerated for Japan, but it was quite real and relatable.
Her mood does a 180 every other panel in the original. In a moment where the whole school is taken over by demon spiders, she fluctuates between scared and mocking at them about three times per page.
It's a fucking series called DEVILMAN
what the fuck did you expect?
The manga doesn't have anything like that though.
Devilman is pretty goofy. Specially the first two volumes with shit like "this is laced with drugs"
I don't know how many soyboys with machine guns you have in Detroit, but it can't be that many.
I liked the track material. They needed a way to make Miki more than just cardboard and giving Miko a role like that was fine. They found a way to incorporate the original Miko and that manga-only spider subplot just fine as well.
That was the fun of the show. The first two episode did a great job with humor and surprise using pacing. I think the problems really began after the track and field event and the last episode was obviously ridiculously paced (the manga is as well though).
Really not liking the sort of retards this adaptation is attracting.
Same here. Maybe if you never leave your basement it seems like this. But minus the whole demon part, and actual techno drug party is not that far off from the way it is portrayed in Devilman.
to be fair like half of modern shounen protagonist have a "dark" hidden power that they call up to transform themselves. it just so happens this darkness is incredibly tame and has no reason to be forbidden in the first place.
So people first think Devilman will be the same, even though when you stop and think about it, calling on the power of a devil would be pretty fucked up.
I felt Ryo got changed a lot in this. Original Ryo made more sense, was more sane, more likable despite being an asshole, and Akira didn't look like a giant push-over moron for following him.
My problem with the OC material is that it overrode important story and character development details such as, you know, EVERYTHING ABOUT RYO'S FATHER.
Ryo's characterization and development are completely butchered in this adaptation because most of it was simply cut to make room for irrelevant Miko and track subplot OC trash.
If you're going to add OC material, extend episode count so that you can fit in all of the manga AND your OC donut steel shit.
So which Devilman manga are even worth reading other than the original? Since I heard like 95% of material that isn't the original 5 volumes is straight up trash.
You know they made him an orphan in this version, right?
Ryo is just a misunderstood boy
Sure, but there's no denying that Uncle Nagai would've approved of that, especially considering the amount of vagoo demons he creates.
Yes, they did it so they could cut his characterization which is my entire point you goddamn stupid fuck.
>no, I must fight the demons!
>no John, you are the demons.
Completely agree. Cutting out Ryo development not only hurt Ryo, but made Akira look stupider by comparison as well. Ryo betrayal was a shock in the manga, since he was always such a bro to Akira. Ryo betrayal in crybaby is like how did you not see this coming Akira?
Read Shin Devilman because it's basically Ryo and Akira's gay travels throughout time.
I dunno, I expect everything on Sup Forums. Someone in the other thread insists that Ryo is a hippie and won't back down.
Somebody please seed the Devilman Lady torrent an nyaa. I want all of this edgy, cheesy bullshit, but in a late 90's gender swapped kind of way.
the first manga didn't, but everything else afterward did. It's actually disturbing how casually rape gets treated in Devilman Lady, for example.
>"Great going Jun, because you fucked up I got raped by a wolf monster! You should stop fucking up and be stronger next time, you pussy! Anyway, moving on..."
Almost like the original Satan, right?
I haven't read the manga btu watched the ova and just finished crybaby
To me it seems like this new series is more plot focused than the OVA so I'm confused
So in the end it went from stopping demons to human extinction so nothing matters,everybody and everything dies and God comes to reset Earth again,is that it?
That kinda counts as a "lost volume" seeing as it's taking place between 2 and 3.
So, is there anything other than Devilman (the original 5 volumes) and Shin Devilman (the extra 6th "lost" volume) that's worth giving a fuck about from the manga department?
Since the OVAs are obviously great watch, shame the 3rd and 4th OVAs got cancelled due to creative differences and the 5th one ended extremely subpar again due to infighting.
>more sane
*tips inverted crucifix*
Yeah even that was more sane than the crybaby version of him.
Read Debiruman Lady
Yes, he was changed a lot. It totally missed that he doing the same thing as Akira, but fighting for demons instead. And not just because WORLD OF STRENGTH is superior, but because he didn't want God eradicating everything simply because he decided it was not good. And it missed where he regretted doing exactly what god did too. Made him more fujobait I guess to appeal to modern audiences like all the other changes(dumb moeblob pre-Amon Akira and Saint Miki). Even Amon Akira comes across as an idiot because Ryo is so obviously shady.
>shitty genderswap spinoff without any of the gore
>without any gore
You haven'r read it, have you?
Did the scene wit Miko and the photographer make anyone else uncomfortable?. And it was never really addressed after thay
Why ask what to read next then, faggot
>without gore
Can't say I have, the concept sounds stupid enough already and it probably ain't made by Nagai either.
if you're talking about the rape scene, it was just a fantasy
So to summarize, the only shit worth bothering with as far as manga goes:
Shin Devilman
Devilman Lady
And out of animated material?
The 2 OVAs, the Amon Apocalypse OVA, the new anime, anything else?
Girls have rape fantasies all the time, if you ever get a gf you better learn some judo moves to keep her satisfied.
That sounds about right.
>In all levels including physical, I am smug
The Amon Apocalypse OVA is garbage and also not canon. You could also read Violence Jack if you wanted, but it's not really Devilman.
its all the same stuff in at least similar vein, if you like one you might like the others.
>The Amon Apocalypse OVA is garbage and also not canon.
I'm aware it's not canon, but I enjoyed watching it.
Who gives a shit, Castlevania when? It's 2018 already.
In the end, the message is this.
I fucking hated the track garbage, it feels so pointless, devilman is the opposite of subtle but it's so much time spent for obvious symbolism
Oh shit I thought that happened.
How's Lady Devilman anime? I assume it's completely censored due to being TV and thus not faithful to the manga at all?
have you never watched a movie before so that you cannot recognize common visual and storytelling techniques?
Devilman Saga is the newest ongoing. You could probably include that.
Violence Jack and that new sci-fi Devilman might me worthwile
God hates everyone equally.
I didn't think we needed Ryo's father in this. I disagree about Miko and the track stuff being irrelevant.
People who are getting mad about Ryo are missing the forest for the trees. He's still getting 3/4s of the same development, just not presented in the same exact way.
He's still as much of a dick in the manga even with his father stuff and still injects paranoia into the world in order to cause everyone to die except the demons.
This is ignoring and white-washing the fact that Ryo is still a jerk to most everyone, including Akira, for large chunks of the manga. He still gets to be a bro here but only to a degree. Which is the same deal.
Great argument. You're a stable genius, I bet.
Ryo never really made any sense to me (I pretty much just put that to the writing of the time) and I enjoyed the aesthetic of the Professor Fikira scenes. Although I agree with that his betrayal was incredibly obvious and Akira seemed stupider.
It's not like his betrayal is that much of a surprise in the manga either. Go Nagai doesn't exactly hide it until the last moment. He learns about his Satan self differently, but after that you can't really avoid knowing it'll happen.
I think we did, it's more sensible than that random guy in south america who just suddenly turned into a demon for no reason and lit himself on fire. His "dad" was actually researching demons and killed himself over the discovery.
I feel like I seen that thing in Fantasia.
That's right, user's crazy.
If I remember correctly, in the manga he goes back to his father's house and we see a bunch of demons enclosing upon the house. We don't actually discover the truth only that he is not in fact who he thinks he is.
In both cases he wasn't actually the real son of that man. I do wonder why they went as far as to create Fikira though.
Is anyone else bothered how generally shit this looked? The whole fucking thing seemed like it was outsourced to a no-name studio in China. The animation, colors, scene composition, all god-awful compared to other Yuasa's works.
It's low budget like all recent Netflix anime ventures because they're testing the market.
Not really. The track scenes were kinda weak, but apart from that it looked good.
There were some QUALITY moments but I liked most of the design choices. Only Ryo I disliked.
I felt the art and animation style being so fluid helped add to the surreal tone and compensated for the lower quality parts. I also thought the better scenes were worth it. The colors were also part of the sensations they wanted to establish
>Netflix anime ventures
They just have streaming rights you idiot.
>but muh Netflix original donut steel
Don't tell me you also think HS makes subs.
>it looked good
How did we go from this:
to THIS?
They simplified Ryo into muh Akira just like the rebuilds simplified Kaworu into muh Shinji. I guess that's what the modern audience want
The art is more detailed, but there is actually more animation (aka things that move) in Crybaby
You're a complete idiot, Netflix funded this, same as the Blame! movie and Castlevania anime last year.
They're trying to get into anime and these are their ways of testing the market, you're a complete moron for not doing your research, this isn't a "streaming rights" scenario, this is literally funded by Netflix.
Yuasa's works always look like shit.
>but there is actually more animation (aka things that move) in Crybaby
Bait as fuck but I'll still tell you to fucking kill yourself.
It's a different story with nothing in common with the manga besides having genderbent versions of Akira and Ryo.
They paid some money for streaming rights, obviously. Nowhere near enough to fund anything.
What? It's not an adaptation of the Lady Devilman manga?
I sorta agree with the other guy, the movement in the OVA is too stiff. Crybaby was pretty rough too but it had some glorious money shots.