Cardcaptor Sakura

Alright, lets set everything right:

There are shown 53 cards in the episode, so is clear the new anime follows the old anime continuity.

Is not yet clear if the movie was retconned (Reminder that the 53rd card could be the unnamed card shown at the end of the old anime.

And yes: It is worth watching the old anime.

Other urls found in this thread:

Tomoyo getting into body jewelry now, huh.

>so is clear the new anime follows the old anime continuity.

Meilin is still not invited

I might cry if we see her again.


Reminder that she got kicked out of the series the moment the main plot really kicked in

I fucking cried when Li and sakura met up again. Felt very satisfying. I also love that they are using the old OST.

This anime has given me a reason to live just a bit longer.

I did not liked her when she first showed up, she was just annoying and there was no reason for she to be in there, she felt like pure filler, but once the crying in Tomoyo legs happened, holy shit, everything was worth it. Now im on the wait to see her again in clear card.


>Who's that Clear Card?

It's Windy

>It's The Gale!

This was so much better than I expected, loved the first episode. All the VA's sound great still, the music was lovely with some of the old stuff in it too, the animation was good, was some quality, but by and large it looked really good. Can't wait for Sakura to put on her new costumes now.

Loved the OP and ED too, Groovy still my favourite, but these are atleast decent. Hope the quality keeps up.

Totally different thing

The new ED was absolute Godtier.

>so is clear the new anime follows the old anime continuity.
They will follow whatever continuity that allows for the most merchandise. Not complaining though.

Yeah, I loved the animation. Wasn't a massive fan of the song, but it looked great.

I liked the new OP better than dududuriming.


Somebody isn't daijobu.

Gotta shoo out the clowns.
Her goodbye episode was so heartfelt, one of my favs.

I'll be surprised if they don't even reference her. People need to hear Yukana and her screaming again.

Tomoyo will be a great bridesmaid desu wa

Considering the rumors, I wonder how Nelvana is going to censor this new one.

I want to hide behind a tree and film these two holding hands.

I miss Syaoran's blushing scenes!! We need at least a flashback in this new series.

zettai daijobu da yo


She wasn't in all of the friends Sakura was listing. I don't think she exists anymore. Literally just annihilated.

>she felt like pure filler
Because she was pure filler. They did put her in roles that other characters had in the manga though. Like the liar kid was the witch in the play in the manga but Meiling was in the anime.

>Sakura was listing
>Tomoyo* was listing, friends of Sakura. And she stretched into c-listier people than Meiling for that.

Funimation is doing the dub of it though I thought. It's listed under their simuldub (though for being simul it's still not out) on their site. And it's listed as TV-14 for some reason.

They're still really nervous around each other at points in Clear Card.

I hated her too but she grew on me. Opposite of Syaoran who I thought was kind of cool with the sword and chink bitch following him around but then he turned out to be a total shouta faggot encroaching on sacred loli territory with his dollar store personality.

I should go to bed.


>And yes: It is worth watching the old anime.
But where can I find the old episodes?

Remember: There are some people on Sup Forums who have never:

- Watched the dub when it first started airing in the states
- Watched the Japanese dub when they got an Internet fast enough to stream it or imported it
- Watched the Uncut Nelvana Dub
- Watched the Animax Dub
- Watched the specials
- Watched the commercials
- Played the bad video games
- Posted on Sup Forums about it pre-2016
- Posted on Sup Forums about it pre-2008
- Watched Tsubasa Chronicles (anime and OVAs)
- Contributed to the series either monetarily or creatively

I know most people saw the references in the new OP to the preview OP, but how many people understood that this pic was referencing Episode 46 of the original series?

Truly, CCS is back, yet all Sup Forums can talk about is the meme anime Pop.

When Sup Forums is reserved in its conversation about it instead of spamming it everywhere, THAT'S when you know you've got a great anime on your hands.

Lurk a little more.

>Episode 46



I'm not going to spoonfeed you. Watch the episode and draw your own conclusions.

>watching TRC instead of reading it
I've been reading the Clear Card manga but there isn't going to be discussion about anything until it happens in the anime, which makes me sad.

Also what is the uncut Nelvana dub? How is it different from the dub that aired on TV outside of not having things cut and reordered? Is it the same voices? And the Animax dub is the Asian English dub right? It's better than the American dub but still not very good. Sakura's voice is way too nasally.

>you will never be Sakura and Tomoyo's teacher Mike from Portland

From what I noticed it mixes both, because the pink and winged bear is from the manga only, and the airport scene is anime only.
"It follows the anime/manga cannon" is just low quality bait right now.

And yes, it is worth watching the anime and reading the manga. Both are good.

Though he's right in here:

They explain in the episode that Sakura made the pink bear before shaoran go back to Hong Kong, so is not the same bear from the manga.

Holy shit you are enormously conceited and shamefully so for all of your meta commentary garbage and posturing against another anime series. Turn off the computer and reflect on your actions for a few hours.

Sakura making the pink bear before Syaoran went to Hong Kong is what happened in the manga. It didn't happen in the anime but the bear's important somehow I imagine so they had to put it in the story somehow.

When is Sakura going to get a redub? Surely it's popular enough to get one like Sailor Moon or Escaflowne.

Funimation is doing a simuldub of CC (at some point) so maybe they'll get the license for the whole series too at some point.
They're literally everywhere online, user. Just use Google. I suggest you to watch it subbed, though. All the English dubs are disgusting. Unless you speak Spanish, then I suggest you the Latinamerican dub.

I'm not sure if you are aware, but the Nelvana Dub stopped airing in the states around episode 50-51. The airing network, Kids WB, were doing MASSIVE edits to remove the romance in the series. However, after a sharp turn for Season 3, Kids WB found it nonviable, so they literally canceled the series. It was later retranslated and redubbed for Canada and then rereleased in the US, hence "uncut."

As a CCS fan pre-2000 with no Internet access, having the series just cancel on me was pretty harsh.

Yeah but are the voices any different? Because that dub is trash even if it's unedited and uncut.

Literally every English dub not named "Cowboy Bebop" sucks user, deal with it.

Can't wait to see any extra features from the previous releases removed.

> Almost kiss
> Love confession
> Holding hands


You forgot the English dub of the Japanese openings which were surprisingly very good.

When the anime ends. If InuYasha and Kagome, Naruto and Hinata, etc., are shown kissing, then an anime focused on teen romance most certainly will have a kiss at the end. It'll probably be something stupid like they both kiss their bears and then have the bears kiss one another.

>Watched the dub when it first started airing in the states

I'm not American and I watched a dub that was legit and didn't make half the stuff different.

Even if you believe that the American CCS dub is still a lot worse than most dubs that have been made in the last 10 or so years. It's on par with 4Kids' One Piece dub and other shit like that.

Isn't that the Animax dub? The one that was made for southeast Asia.

everything about this so good all comfy zones hit

SOON i hope ;-;

That Platinum reference in the OP. Anyone do a comparison video?

I think you're gonna have to wait 2 more years for that to happen, user.

Let me tell you about Platinum and all of it's flaws relative to other openings in the series.

Do tell desu.

The visuals were great but the vocalist was shit. Super pitchy and off-key for most of the song.

>has to use google to find anime
what the fuck, get the hell out of here you nigger

I felt it hard. I can't wait for next week.

>When all the cards have gathered together...
>It is not the end, but rather, the beginning.
>The beginning of the end...

no clamp


You dissin' mah Sakamoto Maaya?

Yeah CCS has had that issue before with their theme song performance, such as with Platinum.

What a horrifying word.

Needs a Tomoyo version.

> Kiss
> clamp
Impossible user.

Anyone notice how in the manga, it's very clear that Syaoran knows what's going on (or at least this is the reason he was called back in Japan), but in the anime, they made it more subtle?

How badly would Sup Forums want to die if the Syaoran who returned was actually the Syaoran from the Tsubasa universe?


You know it can happen.

I'm mad about them clearing the cards since the beginning. I wanted to see Sakura in action with the old cards and the new animation.

> Tsubasa
Friendly reminder Sakura is fucking dead

Don't forget about CLAMP in Wonderland 2. Other than the CCS Sakura reference in the Tsubasa OVA for the 10th anniversary, that was the only new piece of animation we got after CCS stopped airing.

Well they've already shown him pull the sword out of his hand like he does in Tsubasa but that could just be something he was taught back home and doesn't necessarily mean anything. Also in the first episode they didn't get to the first part where Syaoran and Eriol make it apparently that they know some stuff. Should be in the next episode.

The new cards are somewhat similar to the old ones so you'll get something.

Could you tell me where in TRC this is? Because I finished it the other day and didn't see anything of the sort in it despite people shitposting about it in these threads.

Yes. The first half was fine but when it got to the more difficult second half she shit the bed.

The Sakura in Tsubasa Chronicles is the Tomoeda Elementary School Sakura, not the Middle School Sakura, and among ruins to add.

So there's no way that you could connect the two. ...Right?


I'll kill CLAMP, Madhouse and then myself desu

She isn't among ruins in the manga. The background is blank in the manga. And she's older than she is in Clear Card in the manga during this part.

*rolls up sleeves*

I don't give a fuck if there aren't any kisses in this anime, I just want to see Yuki and Touya hold hands.

Why did they change it?

Because Sakura was never an adult in the original CCS.

>teleports behind your setting
>"uppu puu puu!"
>your setting is now all settings

Why Touya doesn't fuck Yue too? I mean is way better than Yukito.

But she is an adult, or at least older, in this part it seems. So that part happens a fair distance in the future in the CCS timeline. Maybe it'll happen near the end of Clear Card. If they do decide to tie it in.

>Gaijin English teacher
Literally me.

Because Yue is only for Eriol-sensei.

TRC is almost guaranteed to be included at some point, because CLAMP are hacks.

>they put the "-chan" as his official name

I'm thinking they somehow fused the endings of the old anime and manga. At least that's the feeling I got.

The endless stream of tears is going to make it all worth it.

But Eriol only wants that sweet cake booth, Yue should just give up

>Episode 22 happens
>Tokyo is destroyed somehow
>X reference
>Sakura appears, Sakura gives her staff
>CSS Sakura dies

How would you react?

Did CLAMP move her to another school because they realized having a little girl in a relationship with her teacher wouldn't fly in this day and age?