Youjo Senki

16 hours until jingos get honored

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How far ahead is the LN now from the start chronologically?

They already announced it's going to be a recap movie though, right?

It's like 4 years since the war originally broke out if that's what you asking for.

I believe there was only one vague source on that information so I would wait for the official announcement.

Would Tanya even be able to live without war now?
She will likely carry memories of the war for the rest of her life. Someone must protect that little girl!

She's gonna get hanged as a war criminal and die as Being X laughs at her.

She will flee to south america and start a new life with her wife Victoria.
They will settle in southern Brazil, ParanĂ¡, in a village with russians and german immigrants and they will blend seemingly while cultivating coffee.

user I...

Have you seen volume 9's cover? I don't think this story will reach a happy conclusion.

I'm not holding my breath, but since someone bothered erasing every mention of Tanya in the registries, I think she will escape somehow.
Possibly fleeing to the US (that's the WN ending right?), and they had her registries erased because they didn't want anyone to know they were housing an empire soldier.