Why do so many people have a hard time understanding these two characters?
Why do so many people have a hard time understanding these two characters?
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Because Sup Forums is fucking retarded.
It's not just Sup Forums.
People who watch anime are retarded in general
What was the meaning of these books?
why the fuck was suzaku in a soup store?
this never gets old
What character in this show is understood?
A lot of people probably don't care to understand at all.
Milly seems like a pretty simple character to understand.
She's one of the most complex characters, tho.
Not too hard, but a lot of people didn't pay attention. Hell, there are probably people out there who didn't watch R2.
I'd like to analyze her complexity if you know what I mean
Sorry Lloyd, but you can't just go around taking data on teenagers.
This thread isn't getting too far so let's ponder this:
Which girl is the cutest? Provide reasoning if you can.
Indian cosmology
Hints Sword of Akasha
>kollektives unbewusstes
Collective unconscious
Basically the Human Instrumentality project
>Encyclopedia Britannia
They ran out of ideas
Every single book content played a role in the story events.
Kallen. My reasoning is simple. I like red heads and big tits.
It's fron codement abridged
Are you me?
The fuck even happened to purpleyes? He was getting funnier and funnier with every episode
All the abriged series bubbled and crasged
same reason a lot of people voted for trump: autism
Please kill yourself.
over thinking
they are suppose to represent the difference definition of justice, they are and should not be hard be understand
case in point
No really, kill yourself.
I would tell you to go to Sup Forums but there really is no board for you
k, snowflake
Its a possibility.
is she not wearing any panties in that pic?
They had the best interactions of any character in the entire show. Really great dynamic.
Why are they built like slenderman
What does that mean
Lelouch is the protagonist, so people project positive qualities onto him and neglect his negative ones. Suzaku opposes Lelouch, so people project negative qualities onto him and neglect his positive ones.
I hope not
It's meant to be that way, in a sense. Lelouch was much truer to himself than Suzaku, which is why the former won out in the clash of philosophy as Suzaku regained his sight of what needed to be done. It's not because Lelouch was the protagonist, but because his method of changing the world was completely superior to Suzaku's.
drawn by women
Really? I was wondering why they looked so much like Shoujo and Josei characters
Which thumb is on top when you clasp your hands together? Personally, it's my left.
There are a lot of people in the world with below average IQ, sad but true.
Apparently knowing the difference between there, they're and their is enough to make you a genius these days.
Dominant left thumb means you use your emotional intelligence rather than your analytical intelligence to communicate with others.
Guess that explains why I'm a social autist.
Based on what? It's more likely based on the genetics of your parents than anything else.
I dunno, I have a dictionary of gestures written by a psychotherapist at home and it's written in the paragraph among emotions.
By the way if your dominant thumb is the left and you use your right ear for your phone, then congratulations, you have empathic intelligence.
I just came back to the thread. Thank you for the info I really do appreciate it
What if you do left phone left thumb?
Fuck I'm going to have to read up on what that is since apparently I have it.
Well, find anything?
An article about active listening/ putting yourself in the shoes of others and a page on the six different types of intelligence. Nothing real detailed.
it is highly correlated to base neurological dispositions and not very correlated to advanced capability
I don't know about that.
one is an edgy teen another one is a flaming fag - here case closed.
Because all I care about is CC
ironic from shillary fan
Is he also liked by suzakufags?
Nobody likes Ohgi. Traitorous cunt that he is
>Traitorous cunt that he is
No different than Suzaku.
meant for this
>Why do so many people
I see you learnt from your previous thread the other day.
Suzaku learnt his lesson in the end and regretted what he did. Ohig on the other hand...
Yeah seriously, what's up with that? Seems like they all imploded at once a couple of years ago.
DBZ is still going, and SAO finished Aincrad so who knows if they'll do the next arc.
Oh and Yu-Gi-Oh is also still alive.
>It's meant to be that way, in a sense
Nope. It sure as fuck doesn't help that he was shown to be wrong and everything he did wound up biting him in the assanyways.
>Lelouch was much truer to himself than Suzaku, which is why the former won out in the clash of philosophy as Suzaku regained his sight of what needed to be done
'What the hell are you talking about? Everything Lelouch has set up for himself was a huge lie and only a few characters could see through it, throughout the show he completely changed his initial outlook to that he went from wanting to destroy Britannia to preserving it and leaving it in the hands of Nunnally and Schneizel. Thanks for proving OP's point.
Do Lelouchfags always like starting shit with other fanbases or are shitposters from 10 years ago still have not moved on?
Virtually every member of this cast is a traitor one way or another.
Fuck off and die you political morons
Pretty sure Gino never betrayed anyone.
The winning side gets to judge, and Gino's faction lost the war.
He did
Lelouch never desired to preserve Britannia. He completely gutted the empire and left no traces of what it was before. Passing leadership to Nunnally was so she could form her own world, not continue what already existed.
>Lelouch never desired to preserve Britannia.
Are you fucking retarded? That's exactly what he did. He wanted to DESTROY Britannia and leave no trace of it left that was the only way he saw fit that Nunnally could leave in a world of peace. Britannia is still fucking standing by the end of the show and his sister is now taking the reins alongside his brother. How in the fuck is that not a complete 180 from what his mindset was in the beginning.
All Lelouch did was put all the world's attention on him so that he would be remembered as the one to commit all those atrocities. The royal family is still very much alive and Britannia as an Empire still exists so yeah I don't know what the fuck you're talking about. Lelouch made his intentions very clear since the begging that he wanted all traces of Britannia eliminated including his own family the last thing he would want was for Nunnally to get the throne with Schneizel still alive.
You have to remember this was only after the black knights betrayed him and he had to change his plans. Lelouch was ultimately a pragmatic motherfucker. He was well on his way to destroying Britannia before then.
>You have to remember this was only after the black knights betrayed him and he had to change his plans.
That and his mother telling him to his face that his ambition was for naught and his philosophy wound up getting so many people killed for no reason. Though I can't remember if he thought preserving Britannia was a good thing or if it was just a byproduct of Zero's Requiem because nothing in the show leads me to believe he would think it was a good idea.
Excluding Cornelia, Schneizel, and Nunnally, the royal family was wiped clean. The aristocratic system was also abolished, and foreign policy was also drastically changed. Calling Lelouch's Britannia the same nation as Charles's Britannia is apples to oranges.
>Excluding the Royal Family the royal family was wiped clean
What the fuck are you even arguing about? He didn't wipe out the royal family because they still fucking exist.
Again what are you arguing about? Britannia still fucking exists by the end of the show. Its like you can't admit that you were wrong so the only option you have now is to make yourself look more stupid.
Because their show's fucking shit.
Nothing you stated refuted his points. The royal family still exists and Britannia is preserved. These are facts.
How many of the royal family members over the age of 10 still exist? Remember that Pendragon got obliterated via F.L.E.I.J.A. almost everybody was killed. Nunnally and Schneizel have no reason to continue the monarchy, and Cornelia is more interested in military.
The first time I watched Code Geass I thought they were the same character, something like Fight Club.
Please tell me you aren't serious
I can actually see that.
I liked ogi because he enslaved that black girl with gigantic tits and made her believe they were lovers. He then proceeded to fuck the shit out of her for months until she learned who she really was and regained her memories.
In all seriousness tho Geass is complete shit and I regret watching it. "It's top 5 anime all time. Watch it."
I've never been told a bigger lie.
Having taste this awful is a crime against humanity
Cause people tried to apply logic to illogical actions. I still don't see what Suzaku's INITIAL (i.e. when he enlisted in the Britannian military) endgame was. Rise to general status and apply leverage from there?
I see it that Suzaku had little idea what he was doing and was just there for the ride.
If he never piloted Lancelot he probably would die (effectively suicide) in an explosion or something.
You seem butthurt. Not my fault your idol is shit. So do you also like Ohgi or not?
>I still don't see what Suzaku's INITIAL (i.e. when he enlisted in the Britannian military) endgame was.
Self-flagellating himself enough until Brits will give reward to good goy. Then he will just commit suicide.