What does Sup Forums think of Ougi Oshino?

I just finished Owarimonogatari second part. So I want to know what Sup Forums thinks about Ougi Oshino?


Best girl

A smile that was protected

Oshino Ougi is Oshino Ougi.

correct; go to the top of the form

OG spook

Nice niece






the sole reason why im alive

I love Ougi

how strange


The best character in monogatari series after Kaiki

What was the reason for suddenly being male?

Precious girl who hopefully leads a fulfilling life, doing every that Ararararagi can't. Her va delivered hard in that finale

Shit and giggles. Seriously.

laundry day, all his/her girl stuff was in the wash and he/she decided to roll with what was still hanging in the closet!

Must be protected forever

Not the best girl.
