What do you guys think of Legend of the Galactic Heroes?
What do you guys think of Legend of the Galactic Heroes?
Would be perfect if julian stu doesn't exist
Always wanted to watch it but never found a good way to do it. Where did you people watch it?
not enough lolis, too many references to Chinese history
But seriously, does anyone know where to download it or something? I've looked forever.
Me too. Did anyone else watch it behind closed doors inside of their room?
I thought i'm the only one
Travel to Japan and steal the laserdiscs from the secret government storage facility.
Download it from Nyaa or stream it on YouTube.
Incredibly overrated. The directing ranges from bland to atrocious, its political commentary is 15yo tier, the warfare is boring and the "genius" of some characters depends on their opponent being retarded (much like Aldnoah Zero), the characters are not particularly deep nor do their lack of depth serve a bigger thematic purpose.
It isn't bad either tho, despite the characters being shallow, they play really well off each other. There's also a lot of entertainment to be found in seeing all the conspiracies and battles play out.
Lurk for 2 years before posting.
This is pretty spot on. Also, Jesus Christ, Yang has to be one of the biggest Mary Sues to ever exist in any anime ever.
> the characters are not particularly deep nor do their lack of depth serve a bigger thematic purpose.
What is a deep charater to you? Evangelion characters? The characters motivations felt really convincing to me.
Don't tell me... in your underwear?!
You wrote "Julian" incorrectly.
No.... I was wearing socks
Socks don't count. Point is you weren't wearing pants or a shirt.
Yang serves as more of a metaphor for how corrupt governments seize to function. There are several times in the story where Yang has forseen events and plots ahead, but the free planets government ignores him because they fear his influence as a charismatic and successful general. Yang isn't interesting because of his depth, but because of what he stands for not only in the narrative, but as a natural foil to reinhard
>There are several times in the story where Yang has forseen events and plots ahead, but the free planets government ignores him because they fear his influence as a charismatic and successful general.
Yes, I know. The entire series is just:
>the republic is retarded and ignore's Yang's advice
>the republic gets in trouble, and Yang barely saves them by being the best military genius who ever lived
Wash, rinse, and repeat to varying degrees.
Without Julian a lot of funny light-hearted scenes wouldn't exist.
Started watching Gaidens yesterday. It's terribly dragged - that 4 episoded arc about snow planet could be perfectly fit in 2 episodes. Also, now I hate Empire even more. The bad guy of the arc had to kill himself in the end, because according to Empire laws his whole family had to be executed with him for treason.I cant believe someone still could accuse FPA for trying defend themselves from this monstrous regiment
Not as good as K-ON.
>What is a deep charater to you? Evangelion characters?
Yes, I would consider Eva's main cast deep. Griffith, Irako Seigen, Rei Kiriyama and Naota are all characters I would consider deep. They feel human and not a stand-in for some concept or idea the author thought was cool, which isn't even a bad thing if done properly (see Dostoyevsky's characters), but in LOGH there's not much else to them. Reinhard is the only character I would consider somewhat deep.
3 month before anime is saved
I can agree that a lot of this rinse and repeating happens because plot; however its explained well in universe by expanding upon the greediness of the FPA's politicians and their hunger for power. Not only that but each circumstance the FPA finds itself in is reasonably different from the last, making it just barely excusable that the government still follows their thought process.
Of course I didn't. I watched main OVA series and movies already. My point still stands.
But Republic ceased existing because of Yang's decision not to kill Reinhard.
With a whole numerous cast fully named characters that probably die the same episode they appear or never seen again, one would take the hint that LoGH is not a character driven story. It's about the conflict.
I don't see how Griffith deeper than Reinhard.
I'm not saying every anime or narrative should be character driven, some of my favorite series are plot or theme driven, but I also think it is inexcusable to have 110 episodes and not considerably develop the main cast of your series.
>not considerably develop
Characters don't need overly complicated past or dramatic personality changes, it's enough if they feel real.
>Only Julian and Bishop fall at that point.
Also, Reuenthal is hero straight from Greek Tragedy.
Shit overrated shit tbqh famalam.
Weng li is a retard mind-reading gary fucking stu who can predict the existence of the terrarist conspiracy behind phezzan while chatting with his boy toy julian on a bench in heinessen with ZERO evidence whatsoever only to die from the fucking conspiracy when he's shot in the leg by a fucking a nobody.
Reinhard is also a retard for trusting (((oberstein))), especially after westerland which ultimately leads to the snooze fest that is every thing Ruenthal.
Also, what the fuck are those animations. Each episode had like 2.5 frames. Space battles were horrible animated and the tactic themselves were often retarded.
For some reason, people remember that space is 3D like twice in the show. Also fucking ass pulls all the way like BuKEK especially. How the fuck is reinhard supposed to be an undefeated military genius when his 100K force engages the enemy in 5k chunks, gets eviscerated, and then finally decides to attack together.
Why did no one on wenli's ship like go renegade when they realized that wenli was a coward war maniac who was doing everything in his power to prevent the war from ending.
>Oh no, the alliance is gonna lose, let me clutch this win out of my ass
>Oh no, reinhard is gonna lose, let me go >muh ideals, muh democracy and stop fighting.
The man was insane. Schennkopf should've just held a gun to his head, made the fleet blow up Reinhard's ship, and then kill wenli afterwards for being a raging faggot.
2/10, would not watch again. Also, literally like 0 soundtrack. make that 1/10.
Except it's not necessary to always go deep with characters. Anything else tends to drag stories. Yes, it would be nice to know more, but for what? They play their part in history, it ends, the universe goes on. Now, that's beautiful.
This is a nice pasta.
But LOGH already drags. As mentioned by it is very repetitive. It didn't need to be 110 episodes long, but since it is, they should have developed the characters or explore its themes thoroughly instead of doing nothing substantial at all.
So I guess that... history repeats itself.
Confession time - I don't hate Julian. I think he is a good character.
Me too. I already knew from watching the EDs that the story was ultimately about him in the end anyway.
Reinhard just won everything because he was better than everyone else except Yang. Griffith was someone who thought he was better than everyone else because he was better than most people, but the moment his illusion of control over everyone around him broke down (the moment when Guts beat him at swordplay and left) his judgement broke down and he made a mistake that destroyed him in an attempt to re-assert his dominance: Fucking the princess. Notice, by the way, how after becoming a helpless object of pity to every member of The Band of the Hawk that used to regard him as an object of awe, the first thing he does upon regaining his body is fuck Casca with it to re-assert his dominance of her and Guts both.
The point is, Reinhard is a Mary Sue, Griffith is what happens when someone who thinks they're a Mary Sue realizes they're not.
Reinhard also had enough of moments of hesitation and self-doubt. He also did some rash decisions. I dont see how he is a less deep character just because he managed to go through it without raping his friends.
In fact the story can make you think of Reinhard as a sue, but it's even stated he being surrounded by powerful allies was the reason he took over space.
Self-doubt isn't the same thing as making self-destructive mistakes when the image of yourself as a man destined to rule others is cracked. Reinhard doubted himself, but was basically 100% a great guy who made great decisions the entire show.
I only hated him being a pro pilot out of nowhere.
I could not dislike him after the pic related scene.
I was disappointed Julian wasn't the one who carried Yang from the scene, but Mashengo. Come on, Julian, man up, that's your burden to bear.
Implying that instead of showing it without adding something substantial to the series would have been way more efficient.
Haven't you heard Oberstein singing?
Man, I don't even think Reinhard is that deep of a character, but you are simplifying him and the story way too much.
He wasn't always making good decisions and was often criticized by his subordinates. The difference between him and Griffith is that even when Reinhard acted on passion he didn't completely lose rational judgment. Pre-Eclipse Griffith was driven exclusively by his passions and insecurities and it eventually led to his downfall.
It seems that this is what you appreciate about him, but to me it makes him a bit caricature. As most characters in Eva. It doesn't mean they are bad, but I prefer more grounded characterization.
Too deep for me
Yang is all of us.
So... are you HYPE???
>Reinhard's motivation
"I want to reinvent the empire to stop the aristocracy from passing down posts and power through genes even when there are more competent people for the job and put an end to treating people like my sister like objects. Also I want to unify the galaxy and annex the Republic because it's a weak and corrupt shithole."
>Griffith'a motivation
I like how you're just describing a political vision as if it were some kind of deep motivation that makes a character nuanced, too.
Memes aside, Oberstein talking sense into him by telling him that the lives of 10k POWs is a better option than sending another army to charge into the fortress causing something close to 1 million death was something i wanted to see earlier into the show, or how they never mention how every battle after the first one caused even more casualties and yet nobody makes a memorial or talk about it.
Who is supposed to be a kid next to "Obersten"? Mittermeyer?
Maybe it's Hilda!??
Because huge casualties are a normal thing, apparently. Keep in mind this is Napoleonic Wars in space structurally for the most part, down to line ship battles, crazy cavalry commanders, etc.
>dat feel when Kiercheis made a man stop being an alcoholic
>compaining about some gary stu
only faggots and idiots complain about some characters following this characteristic, seriously, KYS
>Characters don't need overly complicated past or dramatic personality changes, it's enough if they feel real.
This point is something too many people don't understand. It's exactly like it. Characters don't necessarily need to change their personality much through the plot to be good characters. What they need is to have a believable personality that shows in their actions. That's what makes a character good.
I want someone to rip it from Hidive. Just the subs. CA's ones aren't good judging from the first episodes.
I want Yang to be my boyfriend
I just want to go chill with Yang and shitpost about history. He's such a great guy.
Great, but extremely overrated.
This series has a bunch of problems that people don’t even mention, like the fact that most of the side characters are forgettable and the fact that it declines in quality at part 3.