Best anime to watch while on shrooms? My buddies and I are gonna take shrooms and watch movies and shows. My one thatvbuddy is against anime is allowing us to pick one show for us to watch while tripping. What would be the best anime to trip on? Nothing that is moe classic anime trash garbage. Looking for something even my anime hating buddy will enjoy even a little bit.
Best anime to watch while on shrooms? My buddies and I are gonna take shrooms and watch movies and shows...
___ ____ _ __ it?
Just stop.
Boku no Pico?
the rapeman
go be a degenerate somewhere else
JoJo part 4 is great can confirm.
>drugs with irl friend degeneracy
>wanting to fuck animated little girls not degeneracy.
This board has some messed up morals
Pop Team Epic is made for degenerate stoners like (You).
Rewatch madoka magica :)
This is actually a good answer.
One is action, the other is thought.
Doing drugs and not bothering anyone is bad
But fantazing about fucking children isnt bad?
Dud are you actually saying thinking about fucking children is okay? Dude what the fuck... you are the fucking degenate my man
yea that's exactly what he's saying fuckhead.
That looks really trash desu. Ill watch the first episode tho.
Fucking child molesters
watch your mouth
Real humans are icky.
Also to answer your question, probably Redline. It has a super varied color palette along with dark heavy outlines that really make it pop. Shrooms would probably enhance that.
This is also good.
Oh sorry. Child molesters
Mob Psycho 100 lmfao all the flashing colors will intensify
Far enough but I feel like if you asked any normal person who doesnt understand anime culture they would be more for shrooms then lolis just saying. Also thats sounds sick ill look into it.
Space dandy
Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo
Recommendations are banned on this board, fuck off
Space Dandy or maybe Flip Flappers.
Didnt know my bad man. Wont happen again.
And for psychedelic stuff Dead Leaves and Mind Game
I dont wana watch gay porn while trippin. Thanks for the input tho
>hating moe
>rec thread
Mcfucking kill yourself.
this. The best shounen anime I have ever watched.
for an actual answer OP: don't
shrooms rarely lend themselves to media in my experience, and I have taken them several times over the years. and honestly winter isn't a "shroom season" either. when you take shrooms you will want to experience tactile, real world shit, like taking a walk in the park with friends or going to an outdoor music concert or doing camping. shrooms will only enhance media and other passive activities if your own mind/body is used to the effects enough that you can focus somewhat on the film. in that way it's no different from other drugs which have psychological effects: for newbies the effects themselves are a big distraction from activities. It was even the same for weed when I was just starting out.
that being said, if you want to watchb something while on shrooms pick something simple, but yet abstract and capable of complex meaning given viewer reaction. in film form this would be something like Koyaanisquatsi. In anime form it would be something like Angel's Egg, or the better shorts compilations like Neo Tokyo.
Im good with moe shit my buddy isnt tho. Like I said he hates animes.
Cats Soup. maybe early dragonball
Gokinjo Monogatari (Neighborhood Story) the intermission scene literally scared the shit out of me while I was tripping. Show isnt really that good but if you want to freak yourself out just download an episode and go straight to the intermission
On phone was typo its also like 5am and im tried as fuck so give me a break dude
mind games
>this thread is still up
Op is also surprised
This board really has changed. Just look at the amount of serious replies, too.
>phoneposter as well
Are you intentionally trying to be the worst poster on Sup Forums right now?
Best answer
Idk man theres that guy who thinks fucking little girls is okay.
>straight edge fags still exist and think anyone wants to hear them cry about muh """degeneracy"""
>stupid nigger bumping a cancerous thread because he feels comradery with his fellow cancerous nigger
Seconding this broob. From my experiences, psychedelics don't mesh with videos or vidya or indeed most shit you can watch on a screen.
Maybe it would be different in a movie theatre, but so far every time I've tried to do this I haven't been able to really see the forest for the trees once it properly kicks in. It becomes way too obvious that everything is a bunch of fucking pixels and flashing swatches of colours and I can't really 'see' what is being depicted very easily. Even if I could, you really do what something more tactile that engages all of the senses. Video plus sound is one thing, but it's way better to talk to people, go touch some cool things, let the wind blow over you, smell some nice flowers or whatever. It feels like you're constraining yourself after a while.
Going and watching some brainless aneem while stoned might be fun, but the same really isn't true for psychedelics.
Maybe something much more visually intense? I can't actually think of anything, but I can usually tolerate electric sheep decently and I feel like there might be some kind of anime equivalent of that way out on the fringes of things. Maybe Mononoke? It's really the only thing I can think of, but good god I'm not sure if I could follow the plot in a drugged state.
I recommend Redline while it's kicking in. Doesn't have that much of a story to keep track off and it gets progressively more visually stimulating.
Watching Gochuumon wa usagi desu ka while it was wearing off, was one of the most mofu things I've ever done 10/10
Mostly, just watch something you know you'll like
>do I fit in yet guise
>there are more people on Sup Forums who are in favor of recs and spoonfeeding than against
What went so wrong?
This. Why would you take shrooms to watch TV?
Go play outside, it's fun.
>am I reddit yet guise
What a bunch of retards, kill yourselves already.
Maybe No Game, No Life.
The colors should be astounding
Everyone just reports and moves on these days.
Flip floppers
Inferno cop
Inferno Cop
can mods please ban everyone in this thread
i don't mind if you include me as long as every other cancerous crossboarder here goes down as well
to add to these posts: watching media while on shrooms will work a lot better on the com-on and the come-down. music will be the same way. the effects take a while to start effecting you in a noticeable way, maybe as much as an hour. then you will reach a point where you look around and think "this shit isn't normal", and past that point, during the big part of the "trip", you will want to focus on seemingly mundane shit. I stared at some plants in my backyard for like an hour once and I thought I was having the biggest epiphany about life. on the come down things will still feel "off" to you but you will be able to mentally abstract yourself better. this might be the best time to relax, watch a movie, eat some food, and smoke a joint if you have one. as a newbie do not mix shrooms with alcohol or weed, especially during the plateau period. both can push you over the edge into "too much" in terms of physical sensation and you would puke. hell you could puke anyways, and as a newb the best thing to do is simply get it down and not puke. drink water and do not eat food, as that is another thing that can make you puke. eating food and doing other drugs will usually be fine on the come-down, but it still depends on your level of experience. and for the love of god make sure you have no commitments the entire day, and as a new probably clear out at least the first half of the next day. you can have a bit of "shroomy" feeling the day after, and if you have to go to work or school that can be a bitch. plus have a safe venue, like your fiend's house or something where no person you don't want to see will barge in on you. be with people you trust, don't try it alone since you could do something stupid under the influence.
Janitor please also ban the straight edge fags
This is what I had thought of, but I think this would actually leave to a really shit time if you're taking a psychedelic dose. I've found flesh doesn't mix well with tripping.
>all this rec shit and weed blog shit
Reddit millennials ruin everything.
I don't know, OP. Audiovisual media are very noisy for shrooms, the information overload is no fun. Especially in anime 95% of the content is meaningless, annoying attention whoring. Yelling, running, blushing, crying, groping, molesting, panty shots, shower scenes, etc. Noisy. Maybe something calm and relaxed like Mushishi works though. Never tried it. Best just lean back and listen to your environment, or to some decent music like Hendrix.