ITT: Scenes that make you tear up no matter how many times you watch them

I'll start with an obvious one.

Other urls found in this thread:

Why didn't she just jump out the cockpit after landing the plane in the water?

because Emiya shot her



What is this from?

Those fucking melon seeds man. Chokes me up to this day.

An edit with the k-on movie I think

I’ve got a lot them them because I suck at keeping my composure dealing with anime.

I’m pretty sure most of you know what this is and it was just horrible to watch. The scream killed me.

I thought this was a comedy

I can’t believe I cried on this one actually but when Nagasumi finally becomes a respected member of the family at the end it was really touching for some reason.

This and the bus ride.

Fate/Stay Night

Is this gintama ep 130? I remember that episode and it hit me hard when the ED stars and it show the tombstones.

Train, whatever, its been a bit.

Bro, The fake out death by the old man, I swear I haven't bawled so hard ever unroll this scene

I know a lot of you will probably make fun for this one but honestly this is one of the best over the top confessions in anime. The entire episode is just talking and I didn’t even care because of how amazingly done it was except for when that idiot rejected her and made me mad.



This episode actually made me feel pretty bad because up until that point I hated Homura and it kinda taught me a lesson.

It’s extra sad because it was the VAs for the characters.


Why are you people so sensitive about Madoka? It was too over the top dark to react like this. I think the only moment that I felt was really emotional was the Homulili execution in the movie (which is for some reason not very much liked buy Sup Forums. I find it great tho).

this, the ride home

Bye Mitty...

Tears were shed in MiA's Ep.13, and mine were not the only ones

Are you kidding me? That part was one of the saddest things I’ve ever had to see in an anime.

The saddest floof. Plz, no more. :'(

I don’t care what anybody says. This was sad.

I don't remeber feeling anything about it, I don't even remeber what was that moment about. Was it one of Homura's failures? Like, it's really hard to take Madoka seriously, imho. It's more of a dark comedy or maybe some kind of torture porn.

So many moments in the entire Fafner series but Kanon hit especially hard since Angela made the lyrics specifically about her.

Believe it or not this is one of the saddest things in the series if you know the meaning behind everything. I hate to be “that person” but this intro is very deep despite how silly it seems.

You’re just trolling at this point.

Kanon's life is a special kind of getting cucked hard by plot. Wish it had been Maya instead.

shit propoganda film, the bombs ended the war and miyazaki needs to get over his hatred of the USA, faggot wouldn't even drive a car cause of it being too american a concept to him

I remembered when I first watch this, as soon as that little guitar string, started. I cried. The whole scene together was too much, it just hits way too close to home

I can’t believe people actually think Homura hates Mami and and Sayaka.

I can’t believe people actually think Homura hates Mami and Sayaka.*

Not at all, I really don''t get people who take Madoka seriously. Like, what's the thought process behind it? It's just getting darker and darker and everyone suffers. At some point it have started seem funny to me, and I was watching it shile being depressed.

It's the normal, everyday level of sadness that feel genuinely sad to me. Like Inuyashiki finding a dog, who's the only creature that cares for him in his life. Or Naota looking at the sky as Haruko flies away in FLCL. Madoka only makes me wonder how far the creators will go with all the despair and depression, which makes in highly entertaining, but not something I can take seriously.

Butthurt American in the thread.

That’s kind of funny because the stuff you’re talking about didn’t make me sad at all. In fact Inuyashiki and FLCL seemed overly ridiculous to me.

Mami was in a sadder position that the grandpa was but I bet you didn’t really think about her because she’s pretty. Now who is judging people for how they look?

This scene never fails to fuck me up.

It's not fucking fair. It's always my favorite characters. I can't wait until The Beyond finds a way to crush my heart again.

The edge in Inuyashiki is like if Elfen Lied went super saiyan

Welp, Madoka seemed ridiculous to me. Inuyashiki and FLCL were about the common human sadness: the sadness of being lonely and the sadness of parting ways with someone. Madoka is just about being screwed up on some cosmic level where you just can't relate to it (if you're not enormously pessimistic about everything). I've been depressed multiple times in my life, I've been screwe up and struggled a lot of times without any success, but I still can find any way to take Madoka's plot in a serious way until Rebellion.

Where's that come from?

Chrono Crusades ending
Wolfwood's death
Really decent people breaking down about not wanting to die.

is that Touma shooting down a plane with K-ON cast aboard?
what the fuck?

I think Madoka was 2deep4u if that’s what you think.

There is very important, relatable and relevant themes in Madoka including what you’re talking about in your post. How you completely missed them is beyond me.

What do you even mean by "deep"? Like, there was some hidden gem of a meaning I didn't get?

>there is nothing to be learned from Faust

Miyazaki didn't have anything to do with the film. This was a Takahata film.

The fact that you actually didn’t understand half of what you watched is what I mean by “deep” user.

>Inuyashiki and FLCL were about the common human sadness: the sadness of being lonely and the sadness of parting ways with someone
Did you just somehow not pick this up too while watching Madoka?

Every time

My picture didn't post

Madoka is compared to Faust a lot but when you really watch it the story really fits with the trials of Hercules.

You guys sure no how to SHIT UP a thread.

Nothing less from Sup Forums.

Alright, let's see how many I happened to take screenshots of.

Why is that girl able to see the glow of the missile from the front



Bawled again during this year's stream.

They were, but the show was too ridiculous for them to have any effect on me, and the themes themselve were too banal to feel like a revelation of some sort.

What exactly fo you mean by that? It's easy too say "you just didn't understand it!", but try to formulate now what is the thing I didn't understand.

Faust is much easier to take seriously.

I did, but it was to ridicualous to affect me in any way. I've said it in the very beggining.

Space Brothers S2 when?

Call me a pleb or whatever, I don't care. The epilogue of Your Name got me worked up the most out of everything I've watched, K-On is a close second.



So basically you didn’t like Madoka because of the art even though the Inu Curry stuff was probably one of the best things to happen to anime but whatever.


Is the manga even headed towards a conclusion any time soon?

How in the world did you come to that conclussion? Did I say anything about Madoka's art?

>Madoka was too over the top and not relatable
>I liked Inuyashiki and FLCL

Can you see why nobody is taking you seriously?

I think I remember reading that the "final arc" was starting, with no indication of how long it would be.

Re-Kan was criminally underrated.

Call me call me

The main reason I picked it up was because it had Nanyako, but in the end I'm glad I did.

Gintama sure has a lot of this moment

Because the art style is literally the only thing you have. You’re comparing Inuyashiki as a relatable not over the top anime to something like Madoka of all anime. That’s literally like comparing Eva to Ellen Lied.

Have you read what I've said before? Madoka was ridiculous emotionally. It was too over the top with it's whole edge and darkness. Inuyashiki and FLCL were weird in events but really normal and understandable on the emotional level. Madoka was just "okay, and now we'll make these children suffer over and over in the most brutal manner without any glimse of hope".


I'm trying to understand you, but I've no idea why are you talking about the artstyle when I didn't bering it up even once.

Obviously with the hyper edge factor in Inuyashiki making it Elfen Lied.



>Madoka was just "okay, and now we'll make these children suffer over and over in the most brutal manner without any glimse of hope"

You just proved you have literally no idea what you watched. There’s a reason there’s daily Madoka threads here and you hardly ever see FLCL threads and people are already forgetting about Inuyashiki and it just barely ended.

And that reason is?

Because people sympathize with the characters and their situations more.

fuck this edit

The comedy show, with a sprinkle of Heart breaking sadness




genuinely only arc of sao that was good

Well, those people are kids who's watching their first dark show and feel like it's the most meaningful thing in the world. Kids like dark stuff, and there's nothing bad about it: you need to integrate it in your wordview to make sense of the world, but after you've done, there's nothing so special about it.

I've already read my teenage set of dark stuff at the point when I decided to watch Madoka, so I for me it wasn't full of any deep or profound meaning, it was just enterteingn because of how needlessly dark everything was. In fact, It felt almost cathartic, because at the time I was pretty depressed. Madoka is too unrealitic on the emotional level to be taken seriously after you've overcome your teenage angst phase.

I'm with you.

Just finished Shin Seki Yori the other day. The series started off weirdly, but was intriguing. The final episode caught me off guard.