are you fucking kidding me?
fuck you japan
fucking faggot fucks
i just got to the reveal and needed to vent let this thread die like this shit series
Assassination classroom
Wow it's a fucking trap
He barely even looks like a girl though.
He looks exactly like a girl and is voiced by one, turbofaggot.
I literally couldn't watch this show because of their hair and the shitty OP
Open your eyes.
Stop being a faggot.
>le trap doesn't look like a girl meme
Fuck off.
Have we witnessed the birth of a new copypasta today?
>le trap doesn't look like a girl
I want to fuck her(him).
What the fuck? Good thing i dropped that show before the reveal
What reveal? He was a guy from the very beginning.
Every trap is.
>that time Karma suggested they take a trip to Thailand to give Nagisa a proper sex change
I miss this series.
If you haven't watched enough anime by now to not assume a character's a girl when there might even be a slight question of ambiguity, I don't know what to tell you.
Fuck off, he looked and sounded exactly like a girl to me, and because I am an insecure pathetic loser I feel so offended.
Yeah he does.
already sick of this template.
>that neck
If it's any consolation it's not by choice. His mom is a psycho that made him that way.