How do you think the potatoes will die?
>get to the final layer
>nothing there but a flat landscape of metal floor, the moon enormous in the sky above them
>they keep moving
>"Chi-chan, what do you think the Moon is like?"
>"I don't know. Probably very cold... with nothing and one around forever"
>they approach the edge of the megastructure, the moon is in front of them in the sky
>"that doesn't seem that different from here, chi-chan. If we go to the moon, we can still keep each other company, right?"
>"yeah... we could."
>they grab each others hands tightly
>they take a step forward
Girl's Last Chapter
I hope theres a town... but knowing the rest of his stuff its all depressing as fuck..
I won't be surprised if they die at this rate. All I want them is to find peace even in death
Where's the best place to read this? My manga reader app skipped over like 5 chapters
Where else? The best quality is at buy the mangos
I was interest in this manga because I like Kettenkrad, but I'm glad I din't read it. Shit like this gave me depression.
I don't get it, why did gramps told the girls to go to upper levels, when they can just die all three together?
You should still give the manga a shot. It's not trying to just be depressing, the girls keep moving forward in spite of hopelessness.
Where should I buy from? I have no local mango dealer
maybe he thought there would be more food and supplies higher up? Its strange to me too, there seemed to be enough people left when they were little to still be fighting over resources (at least enough that Yuuri was wary of Kanazawa when they met him), but at the beginning of the manga they had survived a few years at the lower levels just through scrounging. There actually seems to be less and less supplies as they travel upward.
More translated chapters when?
Last one on Friday.
I hop there will be a plot twist.
[SPOILER]The surface will be a verdant world full of plants and animals and they will be the first humans in a reborn world.
They will be Lilith and Eve[/SPOILER]
>It's not trying to just be depressing
You do realize the creator has a fetish for lesbian suicide pacts, right?
I think they're just going to wonder where to explore next.
Jesus, have you ever tried online? Nobody buys mango's locally.
>not going to the local weeb store and asking for dabbing lolis
fucking casuals
What's depressing about a couple of romantically involved girls releasing themselves from their earthly tethers
I fucking wish
>"Chi-chan, what do you think the Moon is like?"
>"I don't know. Probably very cold... with nothing and one around forever"
>they approach the edge of the megastructure, the moon is in front of them in the sky, completely destroyed
>As they keep approaching the edge, they look down below, and see the same level of destruction
>Suffering ensues
>it was all a dream
Fuck, I'd love a GWTB show.