Hunter x Hunter

>start the series
>expect a comfy but bleak only to express everything happens for a reason
>get to the chimera ant arc
why go on in life?

You can smile again ^:)

when? :(

Creator of the series will be returning with the anime later this year. The manga is getting scrapped though.

why is it getting scrapped??

Because it's much easier for him to give directions to an animating team than it is for him to stay hunched over a desk drawing all day.

he got lazy over the years

I am the only one really loved Greed Island than Chimera? I got bored when Gon, Kil decided to train again. Too much "but muh deepness and symbolism in CA Arc". The concept is revolutionary, but the execution is shit

i really loved the greed island arc :(

Fake news.

>telling lies on the internet

>i want the series to dumb down and have big fights
go back to naruto or whatever the fuck its called now a days

>mfw gon goes hulk

What the fuck did you just create?

Greed Island>Hunter Exam>Heavens Arena>Dark Continent> Chimera Ant

Patricianly correct arc ranking

U included dark continent but not election arc???

>York new arc not included in ranking

Oh yeah forgot about that one, strange because that one was one of my favorites, I'd put in front of heaven's arena solely.

Let me guess, you wanted a gon vs meruem final battle?

Because the author is still publishing.

>the author is still publishing

That was the dumbest thing I ever saw. Did we even see how high his hair got? Felt like it was always off-screen.

Absolute garbage taste, neck yourself/10

Greed Island was great, but I liked CA, too. I definitely consider GI to be my favorite arc with Dark Continent taking over assuming Togashi gets to that point.

Greed Island was the only good Gon arc, because at least the mechanics of the game were interesting. The rest of his arcs, including Chimera Ant, are just punching people with various thin coatings of moral ambiguity pretending to be depth. Chimera Ant was just an excuse to draw a bunch of dumb fights against animal people. So glad it's back to a Kurapika arc now, cause at least his arcs aren't composed 80% of punching people and training.