Why do people like this edgy asswipe? he's just another edgy trap given special attention by the author to boost sales in nippon, like hitsugaya, sauske and what have you edgy bishonen shitlord of whatever given popular manga.
Why do people like this edgy asswipe...
calm down son
Go bait somewhere else horse fucker.
You hit the nail on the head, people just like the trope. And I'm pretty sure that fag was the start of the "edgy silent teen with overpowered eye powers out for revenge" trope
I like Kurapika.
>a literal fucking MARY SUE
they want to f*ck him
> edgy
> literally felt sick when he was taking killing Uvogin
OP is a faggot
Wasn't it also revealed that he could suddenly use one of his overpowered chain abilities against anyone?
But he shortens his lifespan while doing iz, no`?
Something like a day per minute Ithink.
>power up that's so overpowered it breaks the established rules of the power system
>runs on "soul power"
>doesn't cause him to age
>consequences is that there are no consequences
>he'll just randomly dropped dead one day because he ran out of "soul power"
This is the most brainlet power possible
we knew it ever since Yorknew that he had another chain
> literally scrapes away his life
> doesn't give him more power or anything, just allows him to master skills from subtypes he'd normally have low affinity with
Emperor Time and Chain Jail is perfectly balanced. nice buzzword though
Why doesn't he just make a chain for each of his enemies? Wouldn't this result in a massive power up?
the Restriction needs to be specific.
The only thing he knew is that he's gonna fight the Troupe, so he made a strong chain that could force any member of them into Zetsu.
What's stopping someone from creating an incredibly restrictive power for each of their enemies? Like if someone in the world of Hunter wanted to kill someone of importance like a leader of a country, couldn't they make powers just to kill that person and become immensely powerful?
>he's just another edgy trap
I didn't know this was a trope, Could you recommend me some more edgy traps?
"It takes years off my life" and "It physically harms me" in settings with super healing/time travel is the worst. It's raising the stakes without actually doing anything or adding consequences.
I'm sure at the edge of my fucking seat when Deku breaks his finger yet again.
At least MHA was good enough to end that in what, the second arc? And it fit within the established rules.
Does anyone but Kurapika even use soul power to super charge themselves? Seems like that power would break everything. What's stopping martyrs from just becoming gods and sacrificing their lives to accomplish their goals or kill someone?
it is just because of his eyes. And with his clan all dead there's no chance of anyone else but the edgy faggot from doing it
Toga always makes sure to write the plot in a way to make a stupidly OP power that either cant be used ever again or by anyone else
its a second = 1 hour,
so if he is using his power for 1 minute he will lose 60 hours (2.5 days) of his life,
1 hour usage of his power = 3600 hours, or 150 days,
AND he cant use his power for longer than 3 hours at once because he will go KO for 9 hours otherwise WHILE his power is still active, so he already lost 12 hours, meaning 43200 seconds, translated that makes 1800 days or 4.93, basically 5 years,
there are BIG aftereffects on his power for all the power he gets
> What's stopping martyrs from just becoming gods and sacrificing their lives to accomplish their goals or kill someone?
Maybe thats the reason why Nen isnt teached to every person?
The evil people who have Nen are to arrogant and not the type to just offer their life for a single small-time gain.
Arbitrary power timers in comics suck too. It removes the element of surprise from the reader the first time, castrates tension, and the author has no real method or obligation for getting the timing right, to say nothing of how weird it is to have such an exact number.
no, because the restriction has to be specific. it won't just allow you to turn yourself into a nuke, just so you could kill that person.
you could potentially create a power that's specifically hax against someone, but seeing how even Chain Jail can be broken by physical force, it's not 100% you'll get enough power for it.
>castrates tension
> It removes the element of surprise
would you prefer something more asspullish?
good eyes
How is not having a periodic table of the exact amount of time your body can withstand xyz and and the exact time conversions any more of an asspull?
I'll take "as long as I can hold my breath" over "x minutes/hours" any day. It's the same thing without taking the reader out of it.
Nen powers have always been personality centric.
It makes sense that someone like Kurapika would have an ability that's very autistic about calculations and numbers.
Togashi practically invented this type. And it was really fucking popular.
fuck you OP, not cool
Kurapika is the best.
>given special attention by the author
Literally didn't appear in 3 of the biggest arcs in the series.
When's he going to take that suit off and go back to being a cute fuccboi?
But unlike the other examples, Hiei actually had enough power to back up his edge and didn't spend the majority of his screentime getting his ass kicked.
You're rationalizing metafictional complaints with narrative reasoning.
and you don't?