Matsu Monday has finally arrived, let's hope this is a good one
Osomatsu san
Theres a lot of preview shots going up for this episode, wonder if it's something big
I think they did it to compensate for a week's break.
Also what about those shorts, dMatsu? They will start airing tomorrow I guess?
I have a feeling based on the pv images, we're going to get a skit mostly of the younger trio plus Choromatsu (just judging by their reaction and the episode title) then maybe a second skit about the elder brothers. Of course, I have been misled by pv's before.
Sanematsu is back.
Eeeew. Why are they showing their foreheads?
>Proper Matsu episode
Hope it isn't too proper
>proper juice does have a bowl cut
the fucking MADMAN
Well, seems like Nips liked the episode. Lots of wwwws, apparently otoutomatsus were very cute, Choro did something, new ed is good.
So what was the episode about?
Great ED.
>Proper Matsu episode
>No 3d jyushi
This is bullshit
Choromatsu dyed his hair, Ototos freaked, Choromatsu blamed the Ototos when Choukei said it looked hideous.
Next week
Karamatsu Taxi
Totty Quiz
Once again Choro proves he's a mistake
This was actually a pretty nice episode. Seeing the younger bros trying to actually be considerate was oddly cute.
It's mostly Sanematsu trolling, then they save the actual material for the end.
Fucking Fappy, will he ever stop being shit?
>these are your little brothers for tonight
Real spoiler
It ends in Fappy being naked and bullied so maybe it's all good.
i love choro
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAhe actually doesn't look that terrible.
Still a mistake tho
He rises again.
He looks surprisingly good in high heels
I stopped watching at like episode 4 or something
Did the show go back to being comedy instead of fujoshi pandering?
No, stay away from it.
Stay away. It's for your own sake, user!
It was never fujoshi pandering in the beginning, you've just construed it that way.
Go back to watching your yuri pandering anime
Season 2 was pretty gay dude and the long skits made it less about the jokes and more about character ships.
It's the bait user who thinks any kind of brother interaction is fujo pandering. Expect the user asking why season 2 killed the show to show up next.
Yes because any brothers interacting is immediately to be deemed shipping bait.
Just leave before you embarrass yourself even more
You mean that 1 ChoroIchi skit? Yea right, it's like the gayest thing ever. Maybe you should take your yaoi goggles off.
They sound like they belong on tumblr.
I liked it in kun whenever they were surprised or scared their hair would ruffle up, I wish they kept that in San, it was cute
The early manga had some type of gag where the hair would pop right off before they decided to go with that instead.
This season has been pretty shit so far. Did the writers change or something?
It's the same writer but only him. Might be burned out
It's the same composition writer as before, it's just sequel syndrome.
I thought it wasn't possible for Choro to be any uglier yet here we are
That makes them look more like beans than they already did
Is there a new opening? I only hear people talking about the new ED
I believe there is, the sing is called illusionary wink and it's by the same band that did the last 3 ops
Has the elsidoe come out yet?
They are all so out of character. I don't think they have personalities anymore. What the fuck was Ichi in this episode? What the fuck was Juicy with his mouth closed?
Kara is secretly a suck up elevating himself for Oso's efforts. That's the choukei dynamic you've been wishing to get explored all this time.
> OsoKara episode
IchiKarafags btfo.
Double btfo
Ichi is getting better at acting like Kara though.
They all were OOC in this skit.
Jesus christ Choromatsu
The older bros were so reliable in the last one.
As it seems to be a theme only one of the skits are hilarious, The Choromatsu one was legit funny though so I don't mind.
Sanematsu was boring, Uma one could've been better if it was a bit more thought out (also was the beginning a reference to the hxh intro from the early episodes?), The last one was decent, I liked seeing snob choro and choukei
I thought the episode was good, but I couldn't help but keep thinking that S1 Ichi would have been able to tell Choro his hair was shit with no hesitation.
I really liked Oso and Kara acting as defined big brothers though.
No matter what Osomatsu-san has the best OP and ED animations.
*Also the new ending is weird as fuck, almost trippy even. I preferred the first one
There's something about nyaa Chan that makes her get on my nerves
This episode was really good. I wasn't a big fan of most of 1st cour, so I hope this means better episodes in the future.
Damn this thread is pretty slow for a new episode one
That one ep worked.
You walk into a new episode and Karamatsu looks at you like this. What do?
I kept staring at scluptures' nipples during the ED, is that gay?
Depends, are you a guy?
Why does he look so sullen though?
Was there really no nudity in this episode? That's a first.
But there was.
>the totoko and nyaa-chan in playboy bunny suits
don't do this to me
This episode felt odd. Choromatsu Incident was the only skit that made me laugh, Sanematsu was pretty dark and the Iyami skit wasn't funny. The next episode seems interesting though. I'm looking forward Karamatsu taxi and Totty Quiz.
Would he really though?
I can't recall a time where Ichi actually ever said anything particularly nasty to any of his brothers aside from his spiel about Totty in episode 14, and that's consistent with their sibling rivalry.
If anything Todo is the one that should have been able to shit on Choro's hair but for whatever reason he just wouldn't.
And once again choros willy was censored, when will we ever get the pleasure of seeing their dicks uncensored?
The episode was fucking great, loved it. Ichi, Juicy and Totty reactions were the best part.
Can't show that in a Christian anime.
Do you want to be disappointed?
He's just being shy/manry. If his episode was anything to judge by he tries to act cool and collected in front of his wife even though he's actually super clingy and love sick for her in his head.
It's nice that despite all six of their sons being neets that they're still super into each other.
I thought they were gonna laugh at him.
Maybe his penis is hanging vertically due to the gravity of him jumping, you never know
The other Sanematsu was kinda dark too, however it suddenly changed the mood with the wacky fake preview. This one's fake preview made it even darker somehow? Well, at least it was surprising.
I honestly love anything where it's the younger brother group dynamics versus the older brother group dynamics like in Kerosene and the associated episodes.
Despite their higher level of crazy the younger brothers are definitely softer in personality than the older three.
that little blush. cute
kick him out and tie him to a chair until he begs for forgiveness.
Totty has a hamster in this, not very appealing
1st season had a main writer but also episodes by other writers. This season only has that the s1 main writer with no one else.
I don't know if they did that with the s1 blu-rays, so I don't have much of a clue
I'm worried for whoever writes the Sanematsu skits, that shit is pretty sad
Another episode and another reason to state why Choroshit is worst Matsu.
Why is he such a piggy?
So what happened to only comedy skits for now? Because that first one sure as hell wasn't one.
I think I might have felt legit feeling during the Sanematsu skit.
Is this the first time Kara calls Oso "Osomatsu niisan"?
Choro should have gone full blond delinquent.