So what did you think?
Death March kara Hajimaru Isekai
You actually got me. It hasn't even aired yet you jokester.
Aired two hours ago cording to livechart.
It's not on for another 2 days user.
AOTY. pretty sure it airs on 11th though.
Are you having a fever dream right now lad?
i want to fuck a lizard girl with the plan to marry her after getting permission from her father figure
Are you ready for at least 3 weeks of people shitposting "how can you fags possibly watch this shit" before they eventually give up and drop it?
It might be helpful to check the anime's official website for the actual airing date & time instead of some half assed chart
What the actual fuck. I swear it said EP2: 6d 22h this morning, like it had just aired. I just thought horriblesubs was slow or something.
But now it's fixed?
Please send help, I'm having a stroke.
Good thing in the anime they covered up all parts of her that make her look like a lizard girl- instead turning her into a painfully generic spear user.
>Please send help
Here is your help for evening.
You're very kind user. But I guess I'm already too far gone.
im hoping they just havent shown her scales in the promo material
Just one week for me, I don't believe in isekai anymore.
Nah, it can't be as bad as smartphone so i will not even watch it.
I'm only watching it because I like the director's work and want so see how he handles this show.
I'm only watching this because it has four lolis.
Hipsters should stay in containment board like with poltarts.
>make a LN with all these lolis
>constantly iterate the MC isn't a lolicon and only likes big breasts
Just what the fuck is the point?
>reading the LN
>missing all the WN brothel fucking
>missing pickling pickle girl
I just hope that actual goddess forces him to act differently, if the Sistina marriage doesn't have that effect. Past experience says he will find some loophole or excuse instead. It's really obvious it's the writer forcing the MC to ignore his harem at this point.
> wanting to fuck your daughterus
I didn't mean for Tama and Pochi to be included in that.
This girl is not a pure daughteru but yeah what this user said
Pochi and Tama are off limits.
they're all his daughterus honestly
even Liz
Arisa's mind certainly isn't pure, for all Satou knows she could be older than him.
I don't she wants Satou to view her that way.
>I don't she wants Satou to view her that way.
i know
it's just that MC seems more interested in building a comfy family of monster girls while fucking random (sometimes literal) whores on the side than getting a harem
Fuck you OP.
He should make them himself then. I thought he still has a locked skill about that.
He has "Talent: Pimp Slap Dat Ho" ?
Something that still bothers me. I remember reading in the wn, first or second chapter, he gets a skill called "other world object creation" or something, it seems like it allows him to create or sumon objects from his original world.
This is then never ever mentioned again or alluded to. Unless I missed something, does he ever end up using it?
I am trying to find the name, searching though chapters of the WN is taking longer than I thought, but he did unlock some other skills of that type as well. He just didn't activate them.
No idea. The only time he got items from A modern japan was when he teleported himself into a doghouse , which he gave to the lolicon hero to bring back home. Then he bought cup noodles from the hero's homeworld.
1-2 has a [Summoning Magic : Foreign World] skill. He put 10 points into that one, but I don't remember him using it.
Unit Creation is not unlocked, and he doesn't know the requirements to do it. He has already made golems, so something else needs to be made. In 4-10, he got [Sex Technique Skill, Acquired], [Lover's Talk Skill Acquired], [Seduction Skill Acquired].
>[Sex Technique Skill, Acquired], [Lover's Talk Skill Acquired], [Seduction Skill Acquired].
Those are manwhore skills. Would be useful if this was a fujoshit novel, but it's not.
pop reddit team got all of them
we ARE SAFE this season