ITT: Animes that make dumb people feel smart
ITT: Animes that make dumb people feel smart
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ebin bro, thanks for making this thread again.
ITT: OPs that make faggots feel smart
Fullmetal Alchemist
Cowboy Bebop
not anime, so maybe
i don't remember FLCL that much so maybe i'm wrong, but how a comedy anime make you feel smart?
>t. brainlet
the rick and morty anime
>If we insert random entry-level /lit/ and philosophy quotes into every episode that makes our show smart, r-right?
it's just slapstick comedy with sakuga
Imagine being so stupid that you think FLCL is pretentious.
unironically and pic related
The presentation was pretty pretentious at times, I agree. But the general concept was pretty "deep" from an ethical/legal standpoint.
Thought about just that.
Woah, abstract images! So woke!
Fuck off. Still better than Life is Strange. Now that's a game for the really dumb who are entitled. Not far better still.
Imagine not getting FLCL at all that you think that this comedy makes people feel smart for some reason.
it is a nice concept, but it has been done a million times already
still, while I liked the premise, the show didn't really explore it enough IMO and the story was pretty mediocre in general
Not anime, fuck off.
Girls and Panzers
>Any anime in general
>pic related
How? it was just fun.
>I like to watch foreign movies
It's okay if you didn't get it, user. I didn't know it was possible to be too stupid for FLCL, but it's okay.
Doesn't make me feel smart, just makes my dick feel weird
who the hell thinks ngnl is for smart people ???
this, more than anything. its fans are awful
i watched the first season a long time ago. does it get better? and would i have to rewatch it to watch what's next?
>some guy ranting about his random weird thoughts through seemingly eccentric characters gets adapted by a studio with cheap but effective visuals
monogatari is self aware, people self indulge in it, i haven't seen people thinking they're smarter cuz they watched it, unless they think that figuring out japanese language humor is a sign of higher being which isn't the case
Americans should not be allowed to watch anime
Cyborg 009 judging by the brainlessness of its fujoshi
>does it get better?
Shinobu actually starts talking after 1st season, and there's some pretty cool characters later on like Ougi and Kaiki.
If you don't remember 1st season maybe rewatch it, also might as well watch the Kizu movies first.
lurk for 2 years before posting
well isn't it valid for all konaka written works ? The guy who wrote these shows is for sure kinda interesting since he took the time to research all kinds of shit about how the future will be like. These shows especially are without a doubt smart shows. Understanding a smart show doesn't make you a smart person and maybe that's where the disconnect happens where some brainlet talks about a show based on what he read about it. As for me I didn't like this one.
Why don't you learn how to speak japanese faget if you like it so much.
Fucking literally shit and anyone who worships it is retarded
originally retarded, everyone has seen these shows, no one thinks they are smart after doing so.
Kill yourself retard.
splendid dialogue
>I don't like to watch foreign movies
why are you watching anime then?
>better be bait
>not being so weeb you consider yourself a born japanese, just without the citizenship
Literally go back to plebbit
>liking some edgy nips divorce revenge fic
You know there are some people that watch foreign movies only to feel superior or more intellectual. Also very often they happen to be gay.
I don't got anything against for watching foreign movies. Some from each country are good, also watching them broadens your horizons and way of thinking.
But dude, almost each country produces as much garbage as the next.
Go back to redit you fucking shitstain
How exactly is one supposed to feel smart watching these?
you just make me feel bad about you man
Glad to see that this is the kind of Sup Forums and Sup Forums tier faggot who actually thinks that steaming pile of shit is for intellectuals
Really this word cannot have plural form? your are extremists when someone put a fucking S in your precious word.
Is it recommended to watch everything in chronological order, or just go in order of release?
I'm pretty sure people were mad because ngnl made them feel dumb
Japanese doesn't have plural like English does. The plural of anime in Japanese is anime. Creating plural forms for words from a different language that either don't have one or have a different form than adding an s generally sounds really weird.
at least in my language, foreign words are used in their singular form everytime, and by writing animes it does look like you're a newfag
It's really irrelevant.
Anime is just Engrish for animation. Get over yourself. They break rules, we break rules.
Came here to post this but you already did
this big ol' floofy pumpkin right there.
she's really gonna activate your almonds
I want to interface our cyberbrains for many years of sex
That's not how you activate almonds! You gotta watch her stare at reflections of herself for at least 45 minutes!
You know like in Jack & Jill
I'd personally watch Kizu first because the show spoils how Kizu will end, not to mention there's a ton of flashbacks and references to the events of Kizu. Kizu does kinda have a different vibe to it than the show, and it's very combat focused so maybe not a good representation of what the rest of the show will be.
There's a similar situation with nekomonogatari in that it's referenced several times through with flashbacks and all, so maybe you can watch that after Kizu. For the rest of the series I'd go in airing order, there's a big chronological back and forth in the later seasons but other than Ougi showing up without explanation they're all mostly self contained.
do you go to a fucking grocery store and ask for two milks, you absolute unit?
>cant be bothered to find a pic from the actual anime cuz too lazy
>he didn't read the manga where they have cybersex
it makes dumb people feel smart for hating it, and smart people feel smart for liking it
I did, but in the manga she doesn't stare at her own reflection for 45+ min so she doesn't activate anybody's almonds.
I mean look at this goofy gremlin with her Virtual Boy headset. How is she gonna make dumb people feel smart if she looks just as dumb as them?
>hurr durr muh subtle references that only I get because I know so much about pop culture hurr durr
>dumb person feels smart for hating it
it checks out
but user, both are great
i even liked arise
>i was merely pretending to be retarded.jpg
Oh gosh I'm so sorry...
Well, at least you didn't like the live-action thing.
What about actual smart anime for actual smart people?
the shelling sequence is cool with the new theme
Pop Team Epic
>the live-action thing.
never watched it, scared to do so
no such thing, fellow
sure, if you have the taste of an early 2010s vidya babby.
quite rightfully, they don't call her"SCAR"jo for nothing.
everything in this sequence screams hollywood
I absolutely love the Monogatari Series, but I can't imagine anyone feeling smart for watching this or calling it deep.
It's a fun show with good characters and great dialogue. It looks good and has intersting cinematography.
It's wonderful entertainment, but are there really people who call it deep?
That's like calling Game of Thrones deep. Sure it's a great show, but it's not philosophically demanding in any way.
>chinese cartoons
>does ir get better?
Yes, the character get a lot more in depth on season 2
fucking this
Except that there are multiple layers to the series that you only get if you really invest in it. You know, the definition of depth.
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand the Monogatari series. The symbolism is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of how Nisioisin's mind works, the deep hints of symbolism and existentialism will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Ararararagi's loliconic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterization- his personal preferences draws heavily from Nisioisin's very own fetish, for instance. The fans understand this stuff, they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depth of how characters are developed in the Monogatari series, to realize that this series is more than just another mainstream, generic anime- the series says something deep about LIFE. As a consequence, people who dislike the Monogatari series truly ARE idiots- of course, they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humor in Hachikuji's catchphrase "sorry, I flubbed", which itself is a cryptic reference to Japanese wordplay. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Nisioisin's genius wit unfolds itself on their dimly lit computer monitors. What fools... how I pity them. and yes, by the way, I DO have a tattoo of Shinobu's eight year old form. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin' personnel, kid.
Lurk more faggot.
Overhyped garbage not worth a single moment
Attack on Titan
Who feels smart after watching this?
Not even quads will make this true.
It might not be extremely deep, but it's a wonderful movie and the anime that brought me into watching anime.
>Who feels smart after watching this?
Complete retards, that's who.
Evangelion and Monogatari are good fun tho.
overhyped yes, but it's still a good movie, just not as amazing as people claim
While it certainly belongs in this thread, it's still not garbage
the sequel might be, though
I remember going to watch this and thought it was really, really bad. Probably because of how highly regarded it is.
such is the effect of overhyping an imperfect movie.