>5' 2" tall
dropped so hard
5' 2" tall
japs are short..
It's japan, what did you expect
>random text in the OP
you'd better make sure you're not saying this while you're a manlet otherwise a bunch of lesbians will come out of nowhere and mock you
Come here manlet, I'll protect you
>ywn casually tower over a sea of yellow people
no wonder their women are so thirsty for foreigner dick
I'm 6'1 but like short feminine women not trannies
they're also incredibly ugly even by 3d standards
>burger units
What? Is she like a quarter pounder?
164cm tall
5'3 is literally the objectively superior female height. Unless they're 6'1+ then they should solely be used for breeding by short men.
So is this show actually any good? Character designs look nice
That’s the perfect height for physical bullying. Imagine bending her over a railing like a piece of wet cardboard.
She's taller than me, what's the problem?
t. short man, possibly 5' 8"
What do you think?
The designs are fine the story is utter shit that has been the same repetitive drama since it started. /u/niggers are probably going to spam it anyways.
why are they so smol
i don't respect you regardless of if you're a "man" or a woman
6 flat
All woman should be under 5'4" or 160cm.
>tfw 190cm
so if i go to japan will i be a fucking freak?
k thanks for the tall women bro
What do you expect? You'd literally be in the 99 percentile for men. Women go even lower.
get a tragic backstory and you can be the male lead in a shoujo
t. filthy lanklette
King of manlets
using retarded measurement units
When I watch anime I only care how everything looks in relation to everything else on screen. Don't care what the measurements are in relation to the real world.
Yes. Couple of my buddies and I went to Tokyo and both got weird looks/headbumps at almost every door. Ones 182 and others 205cm