Less than 5 days to go until AOTS.
Full OP got leaked in the usual place or listen here:
Other urls found in this thread:
Didn't they just post the OP in the website
>that chorus
I couldn't be any more hyped if I tried
How the fuck is this allowed? Lewdest anime of the season confirmed.
Trigger saving anime once again
>making AOTS
Yeah no, remember how garbage KLK, Kiznaiver and LWA were?
Though based A1 might make it decent.
>saving anime
Violet Evergarden from Kinoani has that covered, it will sell 100k minimum.
Hoping its hype
Is she a demon?
It'll do until Promare I guess.
>sci-fi mecha
I will literally only be watching it because Trigger is involved.
>Violet Evergarden from Kinoani has that covered, it will sell 100k minimum.
Nope. Estimate sales are at best 8k
Definitely, the Anime im most looking forward to watching this season but it will be hard to beat Devilman
Ready for the teenage melodrama and lots of crying
Based fatso-kun never stops eating
Kiznaiver was great though
>also got best girl
He can't keep getting away with it
Cocona best girl.
>is fat and doesnt give a shit
>also gets hot and cute pussy
This cant be happening, someone has to stop him
I bet this will actually look good in the manga since it's Yabuki who's drawing it.
Cocona > glasses > horns > fat guy's girl > twintails
consider me hyped
why cant nips into names for their series
it sounds so goddamn retarded
I will save your time, user.
Promare will be a coming of age story about a hot blooded teenager that will start in a somewhat small conflict and eventually ready absurd dimensions.
The romantic interest of the protagonist, or his closest person, will die in the last episode in dumb scene in the last 5 minutes.
The end.
Nice of them to let Ryuko be the main character again.
Why the guy in the center gives me guilty crown vibes?
According to the screening, the show has fanservice and "beautifully drawn" asses, but the piloting actually less visually lewd than you would expect. The idea itself is more fetishistic than the execution. The impressions are pretty great. It's being uniformly praised, people say that it's interesting, exciting and that the animation is great. A lot of praise for Zero Two, too.
>based A1
Yeah, the worst anime studio possibly ever.
They literally have a daily screening up until the premiere.
NTR doujins when?
You make it sound I don't want to see that with zany Trigger animation thrown into the mix.
Go watch kill la kill or Gurren Lagann then, they're all the same thing.
This, of course, says absolutely nothing about the possible quality of the show. Narrative/plot means next to nothing.
People that have seen the premiere all say that it feels more like a Trigger/Gainax show than like an A1 show.
Triggerfags, everyone.
Explain how I am wrong. You can do that to every single show ever made by saying "Characters learn about life." They're all the same thing.
Thats not a good thing
Wait, where's Trigger on that list?
Well, it's certainly better than it feeling like an A1 show.
>tfw no idea whether or not I'll like the show
>but the OP is really good so I'll probably watch at least the first three episodes
That list obviously favors (kind of) older studios because there was a time when BD sales were a lot higher than they're today.
Fucking deen is in that list. Deen is a good studio now?
Not like Trigger is a good studio. But A1 might indeed make this somewhat watchable.
VEG will be priority target for shitposters, right?
A1 was founded in 2005, probably one of the youngest studios on that list
Sunrise is the most important studio.
This, if Darling has any chance of being good it’ll be because of A-1, not Trigger
>Deen is a good studio now?
They made Rakugo didn't they? Not everything is DEENED.
>Deen is a good studio now?
Have you been living under a rock? They have been doing good stuff lately.
There are a lot of impressions on Twitter. I'll post a variety of them:
>I watched the Darlifra screening. It was very entertaining! I look forward to watching it every week.
>It was suuuuuper good!
>I watched Darling in the Franxx screening. It was pretty fun. It's a show with robots and attractive girls. Feels slightly like Kill la Kill but more modern. Zero Two is cute. ^^
>I watched the Darlifra prescreening. It was really good! I want it to be next week already!
>I watched the Darling in the Franxx pre-screening. The action animation was amazing, it has a lot of impact. The contents are also interesting. I'm going to keep watching.
>I liked Darlifra episode 1. It was omoshiroi. It has elements of Eva and Pacific Rim.
>I was allowed to watch the first episode of Darling in the Franxx early. I can't say much due to spoiler bans, but the visuals were great and the script and directing had a great power as if it was a movie. I'm definitely looking ward to watching it weekly.
>My impressions of Darlifra: you can fully feel Trigger's style in the action scenes, I love it. Zero Two is super-cute. It's very sugoi! And uwaaa! The music is beautiful.
>Watched Darlifra. It was great! Can't wait until it's next week so I can talk about it with everyone!
>It's a show with robots and attractive girls
Looks like typical twitter shills. No one is going to say it was shit.
Surely there's a bad impression.
Nope. The least positive impressions just say "it was good."
There are a few people I trust that said it's good. I don't think the first episode was ever going to be bad, though. Anyway, people in Japan do call stuff bad when they don't like it. The impressions for the Kiznaiver premiere were pretty mixed.
That’s cool and all, but are the men drawn sexily too?
I thought they put it up on the website for 24 hours or something? Great OP though and this is my most anticipated anime.
I can't wait for the Yabuki Manga and Zero Two femdom doujins.
Is that you, kyoanishill?
>having an AOTS, ever
>Inferno Cop
Ok but are they 2D or 3D mechs?
>hi I like westernized garbage and I'm proud of it
nice cherrypicking user, reminds me a bit of violet evergarden threads
I’m not into fatasses though.
Yeah lot of people were hyped as fuck coming out. Lot of people said they wanted to watch the entire series in theater due to quality.
I'm a trigger fag but this show is already fighting for 3rd place when CCS and Violet Evergarden are going to be #1 and #2. Fairly loaded season
I have my expectations so much in check that they just have to go above that line of not being trash for me to give them an applause. I expect good music, and well animated fights. Anything else is just an extra to me.
At least KyoAni has a bunch of 10k+ shows and a wholesome of awards to back them up.
It`s literally male Ryuko minus the edge
I literally posted every impression I found. You can actually just search for them yourself. They're meaningless, anyway. Not because episode 1 won't be good, but because episode 1 being good doesn't mean a thing. LWA pre-screened episodes 1-3 and people loved them. But the show ran out of steam afterwards with episodes 4 and 5.
>male MC
>terrible mecha designs
More like FOTS.
Are you racist against yourself right now?
this fuckboy maybe
Which is what Nishigori said he wanted. As always, focus on the staff, not the studio but no one listens. So it makes sense it would feel like such.
>if you're from X you must like what other Xs make
Totally racist.
He's not lying and I can vouch for him as someone who scanned the fucking hashtag and title for hours about it. Stop your shitposting just because VEG threads are a cesspool.
Don't reply to obvious bait.
How do we call the mechs, waifubots or moechs
>memes and slideshows
Wow, what a great studio.
>I literally posted every impression I found.
But you only posted like 10 tweets? How big are these screenings sounds like barely anybody went to them
Some post to their blogs and such or don't use the hashtag. Even those were positive in the same sense.
Blond megane boy is described as a “moodmaker,” so he may be the manliest and therefore the hottest.
>(hetfag girl)
Aka normal person.
Take your t/u/mblr lingo elsewhere.
That I found in the past 17 hours. They have daily screenings. There are a lot more tweets around. But finding them is hard since people also talked about the special and the OP upload. ダリフラ 先行 gives a lot but not all. ダリフラ gives all but also a lot of Tweets that aren't about the pre-screening.
I'm confused, where are the attractive characters in this?
Not really a good chart, Ufotable for example makes few high quality anime that far exceed the 10k, i.e. Fate and makes promotinal anime for well known video games franchises (Tales of Zeristra/God Eater)
>male mc
Nothing wrong with this, yurifaggot.
>terrible mecha designs
Shit taste.
Oh yeah some people were keeping their lips sealed about the end roll. Apparently some big names?
Get some taste and try again.
>Get some taste
For cock, you mean? Like you?
I like Westernized anime, like Tezuka and Miyazaki.
>2D or 3D mechs?
based on the cover art I would assume 2D dakedo...
Mecha are not for lewd. Keep your hands on the controls, pilot!
2D. all action scenes are 2D with dynamic CG by Studio Khara in places.
OP is pretty good.
The controls in this show are the girls’ hips. The boy pilots will make those hips move on their own!
Zero Two is objectively the most appealing girl of the season.
I have absolutely zero expectations with how they ruined LWA TV via shoehorned characters, shoehorned romance, and shoehorned plot. All they had to do was make a 2 cour version of the OVAs but couldn't even do that.
>CG by Studio Khara in places.