>[HorribleSubs] Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san - 01 [720p].mkv
[HorribleSubs] Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san - 01 [720p].mkv
>[HorribleSubs] Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san - 01 [1080p].mkv
I've been living under a rock, no fucking way they animated it
It's a joke
You're in for a treat.
Is there any reason to watch this if I already read the manga?
I'm on the fence leaning towards no. Give it a shot, maybe you'll like it
Honestly, no. Rie Takahashi is a subpar choice for Takagi's VA. Well, OP is cute I guess.
Seeing our dense boy animated was pretty nice.
Anime is just an advertisement for manga, so no.
Don’t watch it, it’s fucking shit.
How old are they? Cute as fuck.
This was fun.
Where are the boobs and ass
It's only January and we already got the worst adaptation of the season. Bravo, Shin-Ei Animation
That was terrible.
Rie is a subpar VA
Old enough.
porn when
takagi sounds waaaaay too mature.
Is this show supposed to draw out the pedophile in people?
I liked it. Reminded me of the feelings I got when I first read the manga. I got used to the VAs pretty quickly, and I quite like Takagi's.
What's so bad about it?
Don't encourage him.
>worst adaptation
It wasn't the best but I wouldn't call it the worst
Far from that infact.
This is pretty much what I can even expect from Takagi anime. It is cute. There is not that much happening in the manga anyway
Is it just me or is the bgm a bit too loud? Or maybe distracting? Was hard to focus on the voices at times.
Holy shit, that Takagi bitch is infuriating
Literally the worst anime I've ever seen
Both voices sound nice but neither is remotely close to how I imagined them.
Not watching it, read the manga.
Well that was garbage. Sasuga
Better than the manga.
It was good.
Seki meets Takagi. What happens?
Real talk, how hasn't he slapped this cunt?
Nishikata will team with Rumi and to try stop Takagi and Seki and they'll fail miserably.
A short would've been a better fit
>It starts.
Now that's something I'd watch.
a) She has done nothing violent to him
b) He likes her
c) He is actually having fun everyday with this
Seki had such a great OP.
idk the mango, is it good? I like foreheads.
This show is nothing short of vehemently infuritating
Everyone involved with should be ashamed of themselves
>head to my sekret club of choice and torrent it
>open thread before watching
>show is actully bad
>all those buttblasted self-insert faggots
>I am a genius
Learn to have your own opinions, you fucking retard.
I have limited free time and I'd rather not watch things that aren't good.
>caring about Sup Forums's taste
Perhaps you would prefer reading it?
I was waiting for it. But I am dissapointed, I think it's first time when voices bother me so much. They just don't fit very well into the characters.
What does her mom look like, She must be a fucking cutie.
I was expecting to watch lewd JC, but this anime is nothing but a borefest.
why is an elementary kid whispering sweet little lies in to my ear
and why am i falling for everything she says
shh it's to keep out secondaries
That's odd because she was pretty much the one good thing about the episode.
I liked it alot and think Takagis voice is perfect
Why must a child torment me so
I feel like Yuki Kaiji is a terrible choice for Nishikata, but Rie did't bother me much.
Still, I liked it.
Is the manga better? I enjoyed this a lot.
my thoughts exactly
Yes, the voices are better.
Bocchi animu when?
Hopefully never, the lewdposting for Colors has already reached heights that haven't been reached for years.
Kaguya-sama anime when?
But that's a good thing.
Bocchi is not for lewd you disgusting fiend
He sound beta enough imo
and young enough, but barely
It's cute teasing
How would you prank her?
I'd "accidentally" put it in her butt!
I'd marry her. OH WAIT
Honestly if you didn't think her giggle was perfect don't fucking talk to me.
Spoiler: Nishikata only wins once, and he didn't know he won. He asked Takagi to go to a festival with him. She maintained poker face until after he left.
They eventually get married and have a kid. It is unknown if he "got" Takagi when he proposed... or if she proposed to him.
Secondaries will probably get more out of this.
Those aren't spoilers, everyone know these things.
Honestly there's not much anime can do for this series execpt colors, so I'm glad they went all the way on music. Otherwise it would just be another way to read the manga.
Her voice sounds nothing like it did in the manga.
His imagination is pretty lewd, how is he not jacking off 24/7?
Takagi is untrollable.
oh wow
Nishikata is cuter in the manga.
How would you do it, user. How would you embarrass her.
We call him a beta, but he married best girl so he's more alpha than 90% of anime MCs.
I'd accidentally drag her behind a tree and fuck her
I'd catch her streaming anime.
Confess in front of the whole class. Obviously we know what the result would be, but to him, if he failed it would still probably embarrass her.
>implying out lord and savior Takagi-san is that fucking retarded
>comfy bike riding ED
>followed by a short skit with the other girls
literally perfect
Not a fan of Takagi's voice, I still think it should have gone to Kanahana but whatever. It's alright, not as good as the manga so far however.