Gundam IBO

Have Okada fucked up?

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Worst Gundam after Turn A.

Stop memeing. It was alright.

/m/ totally love this show.

Go back to school

>/m/ is one person

>Turn A

/m/ is me

It's good if only for Barbatos Lupus and Vidar. Love their designs.

It suffered the opposite problem that G-Reco had. IBO had a coherent story, but awful characters and QUALITY out the ass. Also, there was like a 12 episode stretch in the first season with barely any Gundam shit.

At least G-Reco came away looking really neat. IBO has nothing other than some unique mobile suit designs

Easily the worst Gundam.

Shut up Tominofag

It is a stain on Gundam's legacy to put it nicely.

Easily the best Gundam.
Only made better by how hard it triggers the manchildren who can't move on from UC

Even first seed is better.

What stretch of 12 episodes? When they were in space?

Usa loved it and Japan was a mix. Heard they are preparing to make a Live Action movie and a new season, OVA or movie. Personally i really liked it

Seed Destiny still takes the cake. Zeta was pretty annoying too.

It didn't "feel" like Gundam. I'm not sure how to explain it, but usually there's a certain wackiness that balances out the serious bits. IBO had none of that, and instead went straight for the plot. I also think that the focus on Tekkadan made the conflict seem smaller than it should have, even when control of the solar system hung in the balance. In a way it was kind of like a deconstruction of the Gundam series, but unfortunately not an interesting one.

Japan liked it too, dvd sales mean nothing, they are still memeing and building kits of IBO just compare it to G-reco.

The best UC serie, what the fuck are you saying.

IBO s2 sold like 20k BR or something

That's not age and it ages fast that anyone forgot or didn't want to remember about it.

Yeah i know Japan liked it but not as much as western people.....i think

I'm not saying it's the worst, but Kamille's autism gets annoying quickly, and the way that the Titans are portrayed as being just a bunch of bad people for the sake of being bad (there's only one episode that shows that not all of them are unreasonable) is also a negative point. 0079 is leagues better.


Its easily the worst. I rank it below Seed Destiny because atleast Destiny was a fun trainwreck to watch. IBO is just boring.

People will meme about it because it's not like 00 with action at the end of every episode. It's actually a good anime, it is however very different from modern Gundam. This is where the disconnect is.

chocoman did nothing wrong

Chocoman should've been happy with his loli.

Anyone else is happy that Mika died at the end? I love the manlet but he could barely move without Barbatos. No farming, No sex with Atra no nothing

Chocoman did everything wrong but I forgive him.

He could move inside barbatos. Thats where he fucked and inseminated Atra. I think they could install a larger cable for him to move around a farm.

If he could had escaped after the last battle i doubt he would have taken Barbatos with him to the farm too risky

This ed tho.

Why did nips make this a meme again?

Who knows, Orga became the most loved IBO character in Japan and now the VA is more popular than ever
So do you think Sunrise is planning to do more IBO or was this just a fanservice tweet?


>teased Calamity war era all along
>Ride's counter Attack
>Kits sell by wagons
that would be criminal

>Ride's counter Attack
He'll just kill 1 or 2 big shots and die in a gutter somewhere dark. There's no reason to put mobile suits in it too.

Every fucking IBO fight
>pew pew robot fight
>oh no tekkadan is losing
>mikazuki enters
>yay tekkadan is winning
>oh no mikazuki is going to die
>orga: hey mikazuki please don't die fella
>mikazuki kills every fucking one
>yay tekkadan win

>calamity war fags
Jesus fucking Christs aren't you and your faggotry extinct by now? The calamity war was never meant to be anything more than the fuel to Choco's autism. An epic propaganda for the people to latch onto, an escapist fantasy for the weak where the average guy wins against an overwhelminglymore powerful opponent.
There's nothing wrong with wanting this I like this too but this isn't what Gundam is about man. Just pick up a shonen or a harem fantasy or something.

>Usa loved it and Japan was a mix.
Usa found it boring as shit. On most hardcore circles like 2ch shat on it hard and normalfags don't seem to care much for it since it was the lowest rated Gundam anime on prime time. >6,249 Kidou Senshi Gundam Tekketsu no Orphans Season 2
The ratings were also shit.

>normalfags don't seem to care much for it since it was the lowest rated Gundam anime on prime time
Nobody gives a fuck about Toonami. Even Jojo bombs there and they love Dragon Ball Super

AGE still was worse but IBO is pretty close.

I'll take care of her.

Nope, Destiny was at least watchable.


The only thing I remember about this shit was Lafter's midriff

A show with flaws but still ok. Best girl won at least

whatever happened to the chocolate mans loli? They didnt show her in the epilogue.

It was so bad and poorly received that we won't be getting another Gundam TV series for a while. And IBO already finished 9 months ago.

I was talking about Japan retard. Nobody gives a shit about IBO in the US either

Good, the only good ones were the OVAs, more of them please.

>the only good ones were the OVAs,
>08th Team

All fucking shit

And her feet.


I liked it.

>Nobody gives a shit about IBO
Whatever helps you sleep at night

Nope. She actually managed to stop the show of getting even edgier than it was. And originally even the 1st season was supposed to have a darker ending.

Who the fuck hates MS Team?
What's wrong with you?

>Who the fuck hates MS Team?
People with taste

>*1.95% 2016 鉄血のオルフェンズ2期
>6,249 Kidou Senshi Gundam Tekketsu no Orphans Season 2

I'm sleeping quite well actually

At least he didn't have the nerve to add War in the Pocket.

>Who the fuck hates MS Team?
Who the fuck likes MS Team?

Hopefully they keep making more CD Dramas. At least a movie is being planned

>At least a movie is being planned
Nice meme

Best Gundam.

The guy who did the Castlevania series is interested in doing one

One of my favorite Anime ive seen since 2015. Really want a sequel but season 2 warped up everything pretty nicely so i don't see a season 3 happening. Maybe Ova or movie

>One of my favorite Anime ive seen since 2015
Holy shit taste batman

Anime is quite boring nowadays. But now that i think about it i enjoyed Mob Spycho 100 more in 2016

I liked it. The characters and the plot were probably the most believable in all of Gundam.
What I didn't like was the horrible amount of expositions the characters were blurting out constantly.

This show suffered from constantly having one foot in the water and one foot out. It couldn't decide what it wanted to be and tried to do everything weakly.

I rather liked IBO, though S2 was a trainwreck, but it could've been a lot better if the writers had worked it out between them in the beginning what they wanted the show to be instead of fighting during production.

I hated how afraid they were of killing off characters in season 1.
Like the only good guy that died was buscuit.


Nagai deserves some of the blame.