What do you think of when you hear the term "soft anime", a term I just made up

What do you think of when you hear the term "soft anime", a term I just made up.

I think of a pretentious fag using buzzwords to describe things he doesn't really understand.

Ichigo Mashimaro
anything with soft lolis, really

I think it's a phrase that has no meaning that some faggot just made up.

Anime with colours which are soft and easy on the eyes.

Anime that fails to make my dick hard.

i'll be honest -- i like it. turn it into something good. it doesn't have to please people

Describes near anime projects.

Has most of the required elements for anime, but lacks one or two. Such as being produced by Japanese people.

For instance, an "anime" is produced by a Japanese company, but is solely drawn by Koreans. This is a soft anime.

what's wrong, Sup Forums? afraid of this hot, new word? of course you are, ya bunch of soft anime boys

Anime without any otaku themes, so no loli, ecchi, harem, traps.

Like... westernized maybe? With only hints of conventional anime style drawings?

Maybe something like Teen Titans or Samurai Jack is soft anime?

Like a really postmodern slice of life, where you're just watching lolis and schoolgirls bathe and eat and do homework. Imagine a show that was just six hours in 30 minute segments of a girl sitting on her bed reading, and then she goes to sleep. In one episode, you can only hear her humming from the next room, for 30 minutes straight. That kind of thing.

Jesus fucking christ...

Hidamari Sketch and Nichijou

fucking fund it right now. this is the pinnacle of art

Moe slice of life.

bampu desu

I'd love to fall asleep to that.

"soy anime"

That's pretty much what vrchat streams are at this point. Only you watch 25 years old weebs doing that with anime avatars.

but they always eat soy products in most anime

can i use google cardboard for that? my computer is good enough for VR. i just don't have any VR headset

You can play vrchat on desktop, it's just more fun with vr.

Grounded in reality, light hearted, easy to digest, normie-friendly. Maybe some nice squishy TnA within.

Doesn't go full retard like "hard anime" has a bad habit of doing.


Very interesting replies.

Yuyushiki is the first thing that comes to mind.

Check out Sleeping with Hinako

I owe you a beer. Thank you.

Moe anime for normalfags.

That's just haremshit.

>Japan uses tons of soy in their food
>Sup Forums can't REEE at it because anime autism
Feels good to be on this side of the ocean


Anime produced in 720p instead of at least 1080p.
Get your shit together Japan, it's 2018, even 4k will be soon superseded