Ryuuou no Oshigoto!
First for 9 is prime.
only if it doesnt end up like tenshi no 3P
>This fucking guy is engaged to loli
How does he do it and gets away with it?
Isn't fucking fair.
Hold on, let me bring up more sales charts.
>girls lust after MC's dick and he's completely ovious to it
My 9 year old wife.
Ai is love.
Loli is scary.
Ayano is mine.
Why did they make her so sexy?
Because every loli is sexy by default.
Cute girls but guy is crap.
>goran no sponsaro Japan Shogi Association okurisimasu
Did they really have to bring the boring male lead in?
All he does is ruining the characters dynamic
Nice dubs
Why did they make her so scary
That loli looks like she's in dire need of a rough and deep dicking.
Superior Ai when
Ai is going to be baachuaru yuchuuba
It's started much stronger than 3P I think
It has more going for it than just lolis
Also better art
Because little girls are sexy.
I miss colorposting.
I'm completely convinced that Ai's anus smells even better than the Colors'.
Somebody is gonna have to detail that,
Blame retarded editors. Most of those male leads are forced. This could've been Shogi Saki but no.
Somebody call the cops on all of the lolicons above please.
It really didn't. MC is boring as fuck. Door joke was too long. Generic falls on naked girl shit right at the start.
It's probably going to be watchable but I'm not expecting anything great. We'll see if they can make boring sport interesting like Chihayafuru or Saki did.
Also she's probably got a cleaner cunny.
+1 memepoint
This one is going to be lighthearted right? Last time I watched a show about a little girl shogi player it was actually a murder mystery.
Is this propaganda to increase Japan's birth rates?
Holy shit, that was pure fun.
The MC was almost killed by a naked 9 years old girl and a jealous 14 years old bitch so I'm not sure yet.
His whole interaction with Ai was fucking great.
Why was she so triggered? Are lolis really that territorial?
Best girl right here.
Is this what a miracle of the universe looks like?
Yes, now hurry up and go breed the lolis.
How did she get in his room?
I want to say no, but them triples.
you'd be suprised how often japs leave their door open.
But I don't live in Japan.
On a scale from one to Saki, how crazy will this get?
Around japs always relax.
Doesn't matter applies to everyone.
>Door joke was too long.
Then I'll bother if my government takes the effort to produce loli shows.
Fuck off
>but also has banter and crazy moments
>Generic falls on naked girl shit right at the start.
Bless them for that.
It's truth faggot.
I'll be impressed if it's even 5/10 like Saki.
Two shogi shows in one season. What a time to be alive!
(international chess sports anime when?)
Loli Kasparov when?
>Muh self-insert
>muh lesbians
>muh males are evil and anything straight is garbage
Characters one would lust for
>Black Ai
>White AI
Characters one feels paternal towards
>White Ai
>Black AI
Did I get it right?
Lolis know that if they don't keep watch their prey is going to be stolen by jealous old hags.
>that arms outstretched pose
Nothing should be allowed to be so cute yet so lewd at the same time.
Hit me, punish me, humiliate me!
I love loli as much as the next guy, but damn if this girl doesn't hit all my buttons too.
Characters one would lust for
>Black Ai
>White AI
>White Ai
>Black AI
Characters one feels paternal towards
>White Ai
>Black AI
>Black Ai
>White AI
I don't know many of their names but I think it's fixed now.
user, no one is complaining about the fact that there's a male, just that he's simply boring and bland. If he actually had personality different from generic LN self-insert everyone would have been fine with it.
She has a spare key to his apartment. In fact before Ai starting living with him his place was like a shogi doujo with many different players visiting and playing shogi.
>She has a spare key to his apartment.
But how?
You're talking about the hag.
You're talking about the loli.
She's his older sister disciple so he gave it to her.
Right, sorry I'm retarded. Loli got in because the door was not locked because of the reasons I stated.
He's fine, he's far better than
>muh music, muh social outcast
Tenshi no 3P MC.
He's fine for now, nothing too cool or too shit.
>yandere loli
>mc busts a gut at his friend being called a dom
>loli VS oba-san banter
>mc actually seems cool
>more loli's to be introduced
>main loli is cute as fuck
>chuuni cape wearer seems like a bro
I loved it.
still better than shitty female MC,
You're deluded. Just look at Fate/Extra to see you're wrong
FeMC is as bland and boring as male MC, yet people still bitch and shitpost because they want her to be the MC
You can see it's yurifags shitposting. They even admit it's a dumbass revenge because of shitposting in threads for their stuff
Cute as fuck. Such a shame it's haremshit.
>Ayaneru is her VA
Already best girl
>If he actually had personality different from generic LN self-insert everyone would have been fine with it.
You guys still hated Saekano's MC even though he wasn't bland. There's no satisfying you guys.
>all these 10/10 lolis wasted on a show about scribble chess
It better be 90% SoL antics
the author is the same author as nou-rin so of course the chunni guy is a bro.
>Hating superior chess.
No saving your shit taste.
It's not yurifag shitposting idiot. Most people want feMC.
Even in games you mentioned it's always 70% feMC if game allows a choice.
Is this girl a mistress?
I mean when it comes to mc's that are liked, I think the most recent was Kazuma in Konosuba. Had a nice combination of scumminess, pettiness, and that hidden heart of gold underneath that dirt.
>Saekano's MC
>wasn't bland
And why do you think people want FeMC? When she's as bland and boring as her male counterpart, why is it so wrong to use the male in the anime?
I know people want FeMC, but why? Because they're retarded yurifags, or want EMIYA to be a main character, when he already has a ton of shit featuring him
Stop replying, user. The /u/shitters never learn, We don't another derailed thread, when we could be discussing lolis.
Or it's simply because girls look better and allow for more fun interactions than "kyaa naked girl!" you stupid shit.
Those hips are scary.
I wonder how her flat chest feels.