This is my wife. Say something nice about her.
This is my wife. Say something nice about her
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Stupid worm whore brotherfucker
I love Sakura!
I love worms. Sometimes I stick them up my urethra and let them wiggle around!
She has a very sexy body.
Why are Sakura threads always like this.
She gets an upgrade on the moon and becomes the best Kouhai. Sakura herself is shit though
A filthy whore.
17 Replies and 9 posters, it's just a Tohsacuntfag being mad.
I fap to your waifu a lot.
Since she's infinitely better, we should all just pretend BB is the original.
Best Fate heroine.
She is the strongest and the cutest.
You are lucky to have such a devoted wife, user. She truly is the best.
It's nice that she was able to find happiness with you after all the rape in her early years.
best phone ever
I dno't know what this means.
BB herself admits to being inferior to Parvati, though.
She would still love you even if you turned into Illya.
I liked BB at first, but much like Rider, she got ruined by BBfags being shallow cancer who just use her as a vehicle to shit on the regular Sakura.
I have a similar gripe with Rin. I loved her after reading FSN and she's always stayed pretty high in my ranks. But Rinfags are so insufferable, I find myself skipping her interactions on my current F/HA playthrough. It's a shame and I know I shouldn't let the shitposters interfere with how I feel about a character, but it can't be helped.
Nice slutty used goods you got there user
>pure girl's body
She looks good in a wedding dress