Heat 46
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I don't like this manga anymore. Honestly. Whether it's because the author doesn't know what to do anymore or because the author is too divided or because the author is sick or or or or...this is a really boring manga, now.
Just draw Chinatsu fugging and call it.
When there's no plot to write about, drawn porn! Have you never visited Japan?
its the same thing as the anime idk why people are shocked
april? we D.grayman now
I think my problem with it is that there's just so much pointless exposition monologuing superimposed over the actual dancing. None of it actually means anything because they're just babbling about nonsensical Japanese shit.
I like the characters, I like the art, I like the dynamics, I like the interactions, I just don't like the avenue through which the entire plot is funneled.
The manga and anime just seem like they're the wrong mediums to tell this story. It might be one of the few Sup Forums properties that could be done better in 3d (albeit with much uglier characters).
Those pages looks unfinished. Hope tje artist/author is doing well, especially if she was pushing herself to do tvis because of tje shit anime adaptation
nigga she's been dying for like two years
She was inspired by Cicada: youtube.com
It probably feel this way due to the fractured release schedule. Far as I see, her story telling is still operating at the tone she set since Tatara and Mako's dance
Japanese chest burster, it's all an elaborate set up to reveal that the manga is set in the Ridley universe
>there are cute girls growing inside of our chests
What wonderful news!
Has this artist drawn actual porn?
Yeah it was interesting at first but the babbling just got old.
what a barbarian! This is not porn.
Isn't this last month chapter?
Definitely. The difference is now that we have to wait longer for a new chapter so people want more out of it.
thank you!!
I don't know if am I reading dance manga or romance manga because Tatara & Chinatsu are fucking romantic.
G-ganbatte, Mako-chan ;_;.
Tatara and Chinatsu aren't in a real relationship, just a dancing one. Your romantic partner doesn't have to be your dance partner.
Would that be a form of NTR? Dating someone but not dancing with them?
I'm as moist as that judge.
I still like the manga. I admit the long hiatus and the anime finishing kinda killed the hype.I also don't see the mangaka ever recovering.
>due to the fractured release schedule.
Not him but I don't think so I genuinely think the last four or five chapters have been really mediocre.
The whole chapter feels unfinished especially with the first three pages being copied and pasted of previous chapters
And that somehow make his criticism untrue? You can make excuses all day but that doesn't change the fact that those pages were unfinished.
Thank you user! Really good chapter.
Thank you. Lovely chapter.
I'm still enamored with the manga. I can see why people would feel dissatisfied, though I think the long monologuing and exposition is fitting for this major arc finisher and it's mostly the release schedule, with half finished chapters over months no less, is what makes it feel unrewarding to some. Though to me, I've started reading this when Chinatsu was already introduced, at it feels very much like the end of Mako's arc. A long and elaborate look how dancing and interacting with each other made both of them change during the tournament and their epiphanies during it. If anything, then maybe Kugimiya's chapter felt like an aberration as it broke the focus on the current leads (same with Akira btw), though his perspective was also an elongation of the concept, that the manga has been establishing, showing the effect Tatara gradually has on his surroundings. Knowing where Kugimiya came from helps to convey the effect Tatara's presence is having on him. It could probably be told more efficiently, but even then, it's a lot of ground to cover by including the side characters and fuck, we're getting a lot of lovely art out of it.
Truly doing God's work
This manga is amazing
i want to lick chii-chan's chisled abs
I hate to admit it but she dead.
Same. Kugimiya's flashback was enjoyable too. These peaks into their minds and backgrounds are fun for me since it helps to act as a, uh, 'accent' to their particular styles of dancing.
Ballroom e Youkoso is a dancing manga.
And this is a middle schooler.
Its RAW like their emotions
Why is Hyoudo so creepy?
haha, this autist
No, it's a high schooler.
Being a freshman in U.S. schooling isn't high school in Japanese schooling, you know. That girl there is 14-years-old.
What is this doors n shit mysticism?
Which track is playing in episode 12 the first time they dance? I can't figure out which one it is.
What? US? Anyway, she's 15-16.
Something-something about chivalry or leading.
Why is this manga/anime with 10/10 girls is pretty much unknown?
Anime was shit
Doesn't stop people from watching DBS though.
>Monthly threads
>daily threads during anime run, often with multiple threads at one time
Fuck this manga I did not want Chinatsu to be his main partner. I figured Tatara will move past her as a stepping stone for the main girl.
Chinatsu is the main girl. Shizuku is goat feed.
He is dancing with Shizuku in the intro of the first chapter...and that takes place AFTER the events of the manga.
>daily threads
Didn't happen
>multiple threads
Maybe twice
What's with the Chi-chan hate? She's kinda annoying at first but I kinda liked her in the end. Did help Tatara grow some balls in the process as well.
Shit can change user.
She's fucking sexy for a 16 year old.
People have danced with others who aren't their partners. It could also be a change because she didn't have Chinatsu's concept finalized and wouldn't be introducing her for a long time.
The arc is really dragging, even if you read through it all now.
I honestly don't mind the hiatus. As long as the author keep doing the manga, though. If it did end in this arc, I'll admit I'll be kinda pissed. I wanna see those three couples dance together ffs.
O-Of course it won't end this arc. I can't wait for her next series.
I really want to keep enjoying this, but I just can't get that invested in a dozen pages of bystanders marveling at the main couple in five different roundabout ways. Please let the pace pick up soon.
It goes through a steady pace of top dancer's growth. The issues are release schedule, too much side stuff being showed into the current arc (the autism guy's tragedy, the yuri shit, the family drama shit) and that the stakes this time aren't that interesting, basically it's a stepping stone for something that matters which makes the whole arc's length a questionable decision.
Still, I do enjoy how main pair's connection progresses even though MC's journey is to become the ultimate attention whore.
>See You In April Space Cowboy
At least, it isn't Hajime no Ippo.
>the yuri shit
I must be blind as a bat or plain retarded, but I don't exactly see it (yuribait) in the manga/anime. It only looks like a one-sided crush to me. Chinatsu doesn't seem to think Akari as anything other than that one childhood friend that she lost. Akari does have a crush on Chinatsu though. Is that enough to be considered yuribait?
Considering that most yuribait never even establishes an actual romantic crush from either side, yes, that's enough.
I see, that makes sense. Thanks for the clarification, user.
i for one am a huge fan of the under boob