ITT: Shows where all criticism is met with "You just don't understand"

ITT: Shows where all criticism is met with "You just don't understand"

looks like it was 2deep4u

t. someone who didn't get it

Hit me with actual criticism.

Lain, its even on the opening
>and you don't seem to understand

t. brainlet

i thought in the end god destroyed the demons again and just started all over. isnt that like what happens in the bible? God tries to do shit then Satan comes along and fucks everything up because he is so fucking autistic. God also tries to to gives lessons to Satan. In the end Satan realises love exists and then god destroys him and creates a new human race that has that love inside them even when they turn into demons.

Go Nagai doesn't think really highly of God, he's always some sort of antagonist. God doesn't really intend to give a lesson to Satan, he just punishes him and doesn't give a shit if humanity dies in the process.
Satan realizing that love exist is thanks to him falling in love with Akira, but that wasn't really inteded by God.

>It's another "demons are the good guys and God is the bad guy" anime/manga.

itt: contrarians


>its another the church is secretly evil jrpg

If you believe in a all mighty God then you would say that it was Gods plan all along to make Satan fall in love but if you have little faith in God then you would go that route.

I guess you can take away both stories from Devilman. It all comes down to having faith.

Kek, that's actually the case. See any Devilman thread and ctrl+f "understand" "get the point" "deep".

Also, Satan is the creator of demons and now with experience in love maybe when the demons emerge again they can live happily ever after with the humans.

To be honest. I don't like these kind of endings so I choose to believe it was a good ending afterall.

>It intentionally looks bad, dude

I mean, going by how Go Nagai usually portrays God and Satan ultimately realizing that he was no better than God for destroying all humanity kinda points at "God is a dick", but pretty much everyone is a dick in Devilman.
But anyone can have their own interpreation.

Devilman doesn't look too bad, and some parts even looked amazing. The issues lie elsewhere.

That's giving the defenders too much credit.

You just didn't get it, user.

It's not my fault you are were born an idiot. Tough luck. Stick to things you can understand, like harem anime.

>Sup Forums

goddammit, because of crybaby I was wondering if Violence Jack it is fully translated by today and FUCK

I just want to know the fucking ending, is not fair!!

too bad you seemed like a honest man


There are Chinese raws around. Search in the older threads.

you literally have not watched it and come here spouting your bullshit

No, demons are the motherfuckers of the world, but some demons that posses human alter their body while not being strong enough to take control over this body so they end up with devil-human bodies and human minds

>Go Nagai doesn't think really highly of God
Well neither does the actual Bible.

giving me blue exorcist flashbacks

>demons are the good guys
oy vey


counterpoint: it looks very good (even if some of the action is incoherent)

Are you some kind of on-modelfag? Some kind of brainlet?

>demons are the good guys
But that's wrong. Demons are demons, it's just that humans aren't any better. Also

At least it didn't go the Mao Dante route

You just don't understand.

There are no "good guys" in Devilman, except maybe Akira and his merry band of Devilmen. The point is that demons are assholes, but humans aren't really that better.

You just don't understand.

>and you don't seem to understand

>>"demons are the good guys
>This is the average Devilman critic
Holy shit you're retarded. Demons aren't good guys, they're still demons. The point here is that nobody is good. Demons are shitty for being murderers, Satan is shitty for trying to kill all humans, God is shitty for basically punishing Satan over and over again, and Humans are shitty for wiping themselves out. Nice job showing that you actually didn't understand it.

Those traced cars and buses sure looked good, user!

>All fate series
>One piss
>HxH (although i enjoy this one i can see why some won't)
>Berserk (same as HxH)
>Monogatari (same as HxH)
list goes on

But I don't know chinese!

>One piss
I like One Piece, but there's nothing to "get", its as straightfoward as it can be

You'd be surprised by the number of people who are bothered by the fact "nothing happens" in One Piece just because "Did they find the One Piece yet?" has a negative answer. As if Naruto became Hokage in a matter of days.

a shame you seemed an honest man

>It's another "anons who haven't even watched the series make shit up about it" episode.
Is anyone else getting tired of these reruns? It's been the same thing for the last decade.

>Watch the anime series and it's bad
You need to read the LN! It gets good after the anime content!
>Read the LN and it's still bad
Y-You just didn't understand it!

>over and over again
He only did it once in Crybaby. Disregard your manga canon.

He did it twice.

>isnt that like what happens in the bible?
Are you just as ignorant and autistic about the faith that determined the course of history as the japs?

more like everyone is wondering why it's only luffy doing all the fighting. even for other people's arch enemies he still somehow ends up being the one to fight them. even naruto left shikamaru to hidan and itachi to sasuke. but luffy just always has to be the one to fight the big bad guy

That's literally because he's the only stupid one to do it. He gets involved with big bad guys no one would dare go against

For now. The cycle will repeat infinitely to punish Satan.

Just with differences each time. Demons wasn't even the first time he did it. He blew up earth when the Greek Pantheon evolved on earth.

Pic related.

You don't understand, hey!

>God destroyed all the demons

Que? I thought that the final battle between God and Demons/ Devilman has always been left as an eternal cliffhanger