Killing batoto wasn't enough for Daiz, he had to hunt down DoujinStyle too

Killing batoto wasn't enough for Daiz, he had to hunt down DoujinStyle too.

Other urls found in this thread:

>in the process of transferring to Discord
Fucking kek

its over, daiz cant be stopped. give up and praise our new lord

I'm literally going to spam them with reports for piracy and child porn


Don't they realize that hosting pornographic content goes against the Discord Tos? They could get shutdown as soon as they finish migrating.

What's the problem? seems like you are still able to download stuff from the site and Discord is just for people who use the forums

They will be locking the site completely. It looks like everything will be through Discord after that.

Usually all the new stuff is getting posted in the forums. I suppose we will have to wait longer to download new content, now that everything will be posted in the discord.

How do they call forums ancient tech and act like that's inherently a bad thing?


holy shit

Never heard of this site, what are some gems?

>transferring to a chinese botnet snooping chatroom because forums are "old"

Discord also has an 8mb file size limit. So good luck batch downloading.

>>They will be locking the site completely
>the downloads won't dissapear, nor will the site

I guess they will just upload to mega or whatever, and then post links there, but still. I would rather wait a few more days to listen to new comiket stuff, than join the botnet..

It literally says they will be locking the forums and site if you continue reading.

What the fuck is Discord anyway? Is it like facobook? And why are there so many people moving to it?

I don't get it, they say that they make a discord because people browse but don't contribute, but what's stopping those persons to just log into discord, download shit and then fuck off

Skype clone.

hybrid of IRC and facebook chat

It's just irc with voice chat and built in picture embeders and you can have a little avatar picture. Lots of circlejerks happen there

This has gotta be a troll. It'd be completely impossible to do this through Discord for all the reasons already covered in this thread (mainly no porn allowed).

>What the fuck is Discord anyway?
It's basically a centralized chat service like AIM, except designed by tumblrfags and redditards. I've had nothing but bad experiences with the sort of people who use it.

Same. Just seems less of a hassle.

And all tied to one company and their software. Which works out so well every other time.

It's good for finding pickup raid groups

IRC-Skype hybrid designed for gaymers and normalfags.

>I've had nothing but bad experiences with the sort of people who use it.
At least 2/3 people I know who use it are furries


What a terrible decision.

As a Discord user, it's fine for MMO guilds and small groups of friends who want a small, private chat and image sharing place.

>a forum now feels like ancient tech compared to what is available today

Discord is terrible for looking at historical content or organizing discussion into threads, since you usually have a limited number of text channels that are just long, sprawling text crawls.

This, it's why I hate discord because people use it as sub for a thread or forums.

>As a Discord user, it's fine for MMO guilds and small groups of friends who want a small, private chat and image sharing place.

Discord was created for vidya purposes. It was never meant to be a forum stand-in.

I wish someone would do modern forums though, I still regularly use them when I need to but wish the early 2000's design would die already.

Discord is IM/IRC style comms, not a replacement for forums.

What the fuck is the problem with forum layouts as long as they have a search engine that isn't shit? I don't even understand how Discord can be a replacement when you could just use IRC to transfer files. I know discord has music bots and shit but do people use them like xdcc?

People visit doujinstyle only to find a link to upload spreadsheet.
If this link is posted in a discord and can be easily found using search I don't see a big problem.
Though I don't know how uploaders will feel about discord.

>forum now feels like ancient tech
>dischord is a replacement
How retarded can you be? That'd be like removing Sup Forums because Sup Forums has an irc. It truly boggles my mind what goes on in peoples heads.

No it doesn't, Discord literally has a NSFW toggle for channels for porn.

And how do they feel about loli?

It's technically disallowed, but there are servers for it anyways. Besides, DS already didn't allow loli even on the forums.

They have a template that your are required to use when posting content, that makes it searchable using Discord's built in search.

>using Discord's built in search.
I don't understand how this works in a public server. So they make a channel with every download and you ctrl+f in that channel to find games? This sounds retarded and I don't see how this is better than IRC.

Nothing, everything they have is provided at chinese forums/blogs, 9tensu, baidu threads and dunno from where else they steal/rehost

It's no different than something like XDCC where you search the XDCC site and it will give you the pack #.

I honestly didn't even know discord could do this. Where is everything host? Don't they have like a 15mb file limit on uploads?

That might have been the case a few years ago, quite a bit of the content on DS now comes from self-rippers there. There's still a lot of content on Chinese sites though.

>Moving to Discord
Discord is only fun for shitposting, and hopping into a call with my friends other than that I don't think moving to there is a smart idea. Also their TOS ban Shota/ Loli. Their UI is certainly a clusterfuck of a mess too.

why do you know so many furries sir

I wonder if this will cause a spike of activity in /jp/'s Comiket threads

The self-rippers from DS just are starved attention trannies that will eventually move on elsewhere when they stop getting attention


Most of those self-rippers have accounts at those Chinese sites to begin with.

Nothing will be hosted on discord. Just like nothing was ever hosted on doujinstyle. Everything is uploaded to mega or other dl site.
As usually people crying about something dying are people that never used that something.

If you want doujin "music" just check xiami, if it's up there then there's a download link around baidu

One of them I met, oddly enough, through a guy I got to church with and the rest are due to LoL friends in highschool who were mostly really bad.

I only used it about twice a year, but now I have to use another program to get to what I want. It's just annoying.

I used DS often, and I'm not going to join the discord botnet just to find the links from new comikets. I'll wait until they all appear on /jp/ on private trackers.

>I'll wait until they all appear on /jp/
Unfortunately after "no thanks" drama in 2013 /jp/ upload threads are dead.

I honestly don't understand why people use Discord.
You cannot host personal servers, channels shitpost oversexualized anime girls and there are bots playing music. is Discord the new Reddit?. That's right, every fucking shit Discord channel might as well be a fucking subreddit because it's the same species of cancer. Full of 35-years-old ironic weebs .

Is there any non-meme answer out there?

Care to explain succintly what happened? I noticed they disappeared at some point but never got to learn why.

Not really. Discords useful in slim specific instances but for a majority of the part its entirly fucking useless

cause it's easy and simple to use
theres a few drawbacks to it but not anything significant
fairly good for running a small community, but the people in the community are what you should dislike, not the program itself
(aside from the personal servers thing, I agree that the option should exist, but for most people it does not matter.)

I'll have this updated tonight.

Oh good, for once he kills something I couldn't care less about. In fact, I'm glad that worthless DL link stealing hugbox is dead. Good riddance.

Do they mainly steal from /jp/?

There was a decent amount of stuff uploaded in this year's threads. Although it was still drama-heavy.

It's not good for large communities though. I've had convos with the admins of the FGO server, which is one of the largest at 2k+ active users, and shit is constantly breaking.

Can we blame Daiz for the Intel thing too?

Oh I'm stupid actually I remember what happened. That was really stupid.

I remember /jp/ upload threads too!

gonna miss that place, though...

What Intel thing?

I'm pretty sure Daiz isn't smart enough to design or understand CPU microarchitecture or program a kernel, so no.

At least it's rounding up links in one place
/jp/ is ass for looking up old content and many blogs you find on google make you go through 500 adfly links

Do you live under a rock or something? Oh boy, you're in for a wild ride once you find out.

it still works fine for 500~ people communities if theres enough channels and people are mostly reading instead of inputting(trade hubs for mmo's ect), but honestly it's just not meant for it.

> 500~ people communities

>2k+ active users

Fucking how? My tiny discord group feels crowded when six people get on. Do they just not have voice channels, and are just text-only?

Remember Sup Forums, centralized sources for your pirated entertainment content are a good thing! Use cartel Nyaa over Pantsu because Nyaa suddenly shutting down was a complete freak accident that won't be repeated again.

Let's keep it anime/Japan related.

The cartel already won; cry more about it.

Pantsu has shit cloudflare and its scraper bot sucks.

dude. dude. seriously?

How about every intel chip since the 486 having a wide open backdoor built into it because they wanted to cut corners in their memory controller to make their chips faster.

Google stumbled onto this gaping back door, and it turns out to close it completely your intel chip will take a 30% hit to performance (or more). Well that was first reported. Now it looks like there will be an additional hit to performance to close the other hole in their architecture. Amazon's cloud servers were some of the first patched, and they're been fielding performance complaints ever since.

FYI: when intel learned about the hole they made, and the problems with the fix, their CEO sold his stock.

Since when was it a competition? Pantsu works, pantsu is alive, and pantsu is not a centralized shithole run by faggot admins. Based on those metrics they should be considered winners by default, as it has the better service.

>pantsu should be considered winners
Keep telling that to yourself, maybe one day it will become true.

I'd still be using Pantsu if I could actually get my animu there. I'm looking at today's uploads, and there are only two listings for English translated anime.

Pantsu doesn't have the torrents, so they already lost the competition, retard. See

Chinese Botnet.

China's Tencent owns the largest share and the fastest to hand money to Discord.

That was Meltdown.
Days later, they found another security issue (Spectre) on both Intel and AMD chip.

>Batoto and DS both going down the shitter


If you're talking about HS release then you should go there directly instead of using cartel nyaa.

It's not an excuse for not scrapping them in the first place.

cartel nyaa is faster because HS is uploading the torrent themselves there.
They won them over by spreading lies and slander about pantsu.
Other than HS releases, actual fansubbers (or what's left of them) tend to prefer pantsu.
But I do think their scrapping need to be faster but I can live with that.

Not just on AMD and Intel chips, on basically every single modern microprocessor ever. That's what's so terrifying about Spectre, it truly is a specter.

What do people use DS for in 2018 anyways?

lol, who cares
Can get easily from somewhere else
Haven't seen game dumps in years, not sure if they're not making them anymore or people just don't share, you'll be lucky to see 1 or 2 Touhou games every comiket and those find their way into Nyaa anyways.

DS was only good for old obscure doujin games from back when they were more common, but at least those are staying archived.

music because fuck crawling through long ass /jp/ threads and looking things up warosu and clicking on malware redirectors in blogs

yeah text based for the most part, ones with voice are usually 20~ people at most

>lol, who cares
You're such a faggot.

Who? Seems to me a lot of them literally never even post anywhere else except for the download and discussion threads.

What the fuck is wrong with just browsing and downloading? Why does everything need to be social?

That one isn't actualized.

they want people uploading

>answers own question
>'lol who cares'