How many shows even end with the Earth blowing up and all of humanity going extinct?

How many shows even end with the Earth blowing up and all of humanity going extinct?

Not much before Devilman, at least in anime.


Obscure /m/ shit. Ask on /m/.

So how is Devilman? I've heard of it for a while but I've never seen it before.

Manga is better in explaining things.

arent in the ending all alive again in the scooter?

Of course it is.

It surpasses anything Okouchi ever wrote. It's his master piece. Also, best Bible fanfiction ever.

All good ones.
Also a good reason why you should invest in space habitats, and make sure they are armed.

Space Dandy ? I cant recall the ending.

I think it works out better when shows start with it


What didn't the anime explain? Was it too subtle for you?


>Also, best Bible fanfiction ever.
You're all idiot children, watching a children's cartoon.

Ever heard of paradise lost?

kill yourself for the spoiler, faggot

narutaru sort of

That spoiler is almost twice as old as you, tsundere-chan.

It is probably a joke, and you're probably a retard.

Satan has some nice tits

I'v never seen the original Devilman and I liked it, so as a standalone series I would say its definitely worth the watch.

>best Bible fanfiction
But user, the bible ls already fanfiction.

You mean read.

Crybaby is an adaptation of the 1972 manga.