Do you accept certain girls as sluts and be fine with them even though you do prefer pure girls?

Do you accept certain girls as sluts and be fine with them even though you do prefer pure girls?

Sluts can be interesting and likable characters.

>unironically liking sluts

Panty is so pure that she's a double virgin.

Sluts can be fun and are a fantastic source of easy snug pussy for men who're unfortunately large.
Problems arise when they try to play them up as girlfriend/marriage material or the like.

>Do you accept certain girls as sluts
They are honest with themselfs and doesn't lie about sluttness. No one blames sluts becpouse they are sluts.

Sluts are the most honest females in existance, and most of the time their character and development is always better than the "pure" girls you like so much

t. roastie


No, you are the liberal.

>even though you do prefer pure girls
I love how you assume everyone here is a purityfag. Pure girls are shit and boring. People that always go for them are virgin soyboys.

This. As human beings, we all crave sex everyday, why hide that fact? Panty is great because she doesn't beat around the bush when she wants dick the same way we, men, don't want to beat around the bush we want just want to fuck.

Women literally only need to exist to get sex. Men have to work towards it.

Liberals don't exist in this shithole, just like "pure" girls don't exist in real life, might as well get the one that is honest

Pure girls don't exist user, your waifu fucked a fat producer to get published.

sluts can only exist in 3d

And what if I told you you don't have to work for it anymore? I don't know about you, but I'd be happy. Sex is pleasurable activity for both male and females, why should there be barriers before getting to it? It's stupid. Fuck society's norms and double standards. There's nothing hotter to me than a girl that is honest with themselves and blatantly says she wants some dick when she's horny like a men would.

degenerate filth
go OD on dope because "it's le epin and feels guud fuck le society xD"

Dope is like sex? Purityfag's logic always amazes me. You guys are delusional.

I bet you like going out with a girl and get to meet at least 20 guys she’s sucked off.

Are you implying that you haven't fucked 20 girls aswell :^), still, 20 guys is a bit too much for my taste

I don't care about who she sucked before, as long as she gives good head to me, I'm fine.

I just want to fuck barely teen or preteen girls. Whether they are pure or traded by a local group makes no difference to me.

Are you implying that the average girl in her mid twenties hasn’t fucked 20 guys?

it's opium for the masses
addicting, destructive, people who have fallen for it pretend that they are cool and better than those who have not

I pity the girl that's gonna be with you.

How could i possibly know that?, as i said, the only honest girl is the slut, because she doesn't remember

>these divided opinions
I thought Sup Forums was united in our belief that only chaste women have value?

I figured this trend of gyaru and cuckolding anime would warp some of your minds. I just hope you realize that no woman without a hymen is worth a diamond.

I pity myself that I have to share this board with your kind

All 11 or 12 year old girls I've fucked already had their hymen broken by riding a bicycle or excersizing. It just happens.

I don't prefer pure girls. Not in bed, at least.

Everyone in this thread would be a manslut if women were actually interested in them.

No, we always fought for what you call "sluts", its just that we were a minority before. Now the parties are a little bit more even.

And you think I like sharing this board with a bunch of soyboys like yourself? Fuck off back to your stuttering waifu threads. This thread is about girls that loves dicks, not girls that blushes and faints when they see one.

>all 11 or 12 years old girl i've fucked

The thing is as man you need to have lots of things going for you to have that happen. As women, you simply need to exist.

a diference from most of Sup Forums i dont mind sluts as long asthey dont cheat on me, im a pretty terrible person and i have done some bad things on my life, if they can deal with me being an ex-con and a recovering alcoholic them i can handle them being turbo sluts

Obviously. You think I fap to one girl only? You'd be weird to not want to have an harem if you could.

What if it's an open relationship where you can both fuck whoever you want?

What? I was attractive and in my 20s once.

I allmost lost my dick 2 a slut.
But then I heard she has aids.
Serves her right, I guess(maybe)

my nigga

Calling someone a nigger, even if it is in kinship, is frowned upon here.

Sluts are great if they keep it clean and are honest about their intentions. At this point (23) I'm considering just getting a call girl to see what sex is like.

>giving a girl money just because she’s a girl

What are you trying to do here?

She has 3 holes you can use for a fixed amount of money, fair deal if you ask me

Inform you so you won't make that mistake again. I don't think it is a bannable offence, but it is most certainly frowned upon. Good luck.

I wish Panty were Stocking and Stocking were Panty. Panty had nothing going for her design wise, compared to Stocking, yet she was the focus of the duo.

Honest sluts are generally pretty based. They're usually more relatable and understanding of guys. Plus you can be friends-with-benefits.

3dpd shit on my Sup Forums? Crossboarders please leave and never come back.

>want service
>person offers service
>pay money in exchange for services

What a shit opinion, Panty's design is gorgeous.

People who just obsess over gothic lolita or feet froth at the mouth at Stocking.

There is a reason why historically people married and consummated their marriages anywhere from 9 to 13 years old.

Yes? What sort of autist would dislike a character just because it doesn't pander to his personal taste?

The girl would have to be protrayed as a slut at her introduction. It's rage inducing when they protray a girl as being pure at first then come to find out she's actually a slut. If she's a slut just say so from the beginning. Don't play with my fucking heart.

No it isn't. It's only frowned upon when it's used as a deragotary term with no context. Your new is showing.

You must lurk for 2 years before posting

Yes, the low life expectancy. The more people are capable to prolong their life the further they postpone average age for marriage.

Nothing more deeply embarassing then trying to portray the planets bicycle(or in the case of geminar a predatory lesbian pedophile with an underage dyke harem)as an innocent virginal waif.

>the low life expectancy
That's actually not true.

>What if it's an open relationship
na fuck that shit, open relationship are a meme, you are essentially a cuck with less privileges, if the girl dont want to be in a relationship them lets just not be in one

Yeah, sure, people in middle ages lived to a 100 years and only ever died of old age, but they had supreme wisdom to marry and reproduce when they were kids to preserve the purity of their essence, which was cleverly eradicated by reptilian jews that did it to weaken the white race.

You're dumb.

And this is how you spot a virgin

You do realize not all sex turns people into sex-depraved morons, right? You do know that bad sex exists, right? You can't possibly be this retarded.

Just do it
Sluts are experienced, too. At least you'll get someone who knows what they're doing. Remember to wear a condom and good luck!

ITT: eternal virgins share their wisdom on what determines a woman's value
You'd think people as smart as you surely need to reproduce to preserve the highest intellectual potential of the human race.

>it's opium for the masses


Don't knock it, he has extensive and scientifically proven knowledge gained from NTR doujins.

>Sup Forums likes sluts now
this is why reddit. is a mistake

t. soyboy

I've never gone below 11 and I've never gone above 19.

The younger and purer the better. Old enough to bleed, old enough to breed.

Liking sluts is for soyboys because they can’t get sex otherwise.

There's two kinds of open relationships

Cuckold and Cuckqueen type relationships

Relationships that are really just noncommitted FWB type things where they'll eventually break up or become mostly exclusive later on.

Someone did a chart about sluts?

Are you a christfag?

Girls who have the sexual maturity to be flirty and make naughty jokes but aren't sex crazy are superior to both true sluts and pure innocent maidens. "Pure sluts" who act like turbosluts but are actually clueless and have zero knowledge or experience are the most plebian of the bunch.



whatever you say cuckboy, whatever lets you sleep at night while tyrone is pumping your GF

>purityfags gets sex all the time

Nice try soyboy

How to spot a pleb

Sup Forums thinks a girl's a slut if she's never had sex but come on to a guy that's not the MC.
Need a better definition.

>Sup Forumseddit
>non anime gif
epic i love it upboated

Urusai bakayero desu!

Anime is shit

As long as she isn't a cheating bitch and has a likable personality, then I'm fine with them.

They're a breath of fresh air from the deluge of nondescript, template, hyper-virginal non-characters animu is filled with.

I just despise cheaters. If we got in a serious relationship, I want exclusivity.

It doesn't really matter if 2D is a tramp because I'm not going to contract an STD if I fap to her.
Once again 2D does not adhere to the same rules as 3D.

Fucking is great in 2d and 3dpd, so why not. Everyone should be able to enjoy themselves.

Man. the truth hurts,
quads don't lie ._.

If you going to be a weeaboo at least take some initiative and learn how to spell properly or else you're going to fall under that cringe worthy category where faggots literally just make up vaguely Japanese sounding words.

feh, nobunaga yourself you onikiri.

I was in a relationshit with a slut, it was fine because she was sincere and upfront with it, we lasted like a year.

Sometimes you just can't win against the cock mang.

I'm a fucking communist lol

Also sluts and kinky girls are hot as fuck, Panty included 100% - "Pure girls" might be interesting, but are often boring - I'd prefer crazy and horny girls desu

Aubrey, Panty, Hotaru - excellent girls desu (one's not Sup Forums friendly tho, pic related)

Commie here again, Panty is fucking beautiful - top tier waifu, super fucking hot slut who can kick ass & has a sense of humor

shit bait ESL-kun