Why don't people like the Buu arc?

Why don't people like the Buu arc?

because of goten and trunks
they are the only bad thing about the buu arc

But Goten and Trunks were great during the Buu arc? Nearly the first time we see some interesting fighting moves since Goku vs Tien, Krillin's Kienzan and some of the Ginyu Force excepting.

>little kids
>surpass everyone
Yea that logic is retarded. Literal ass pull

It was going great until Super Buu vs Gotenks, then it went off the rails.

they kept fucking up forcing gohan to go in and help. than he fucked up and forced goku, vegeta and satan to save the day.

Sure maybe, but there's like 10 different excuses that you can use to handwave it if you're the kind of autist that gets pissed off over canon or logic in dragonball. DIdn't Toriyama just say they have some special gene or something? There you go.

Yeah they're kids.

you think watching thier moms get eaten would atleast make them take this seriously.

They should have never been able to go super saiyajin as kids.
Only when they fused.

went as long as frieza maybe longer. trunkten was a little cunt who was just fucking annoying.

I loved it. It was WCW 2000 in DBZ form. Every Majin Buu form was unique looking, seeing fat Buu have a moment of redemption after some strangers shoot Hercule's dog was good. Gotenks was Trunks x1000 and Trunks is my favorite character. Vegito's fight with Super Buu was pretty awesome too, even when he got turned into a jawbreaker.

I personally didn't like it because I thought he was a shite villain.

>gohan fucking around in highschool instead of fighting
>buu fucking around with mr.satan instead of fighting
>everyone fucking around instead of fighting
>in a show that's supposed to be about fighting

Almost every hero gets a super cool power-up only to have it totally ignored because they hit the bad guy, he blows up and then immediately reforms unharmed

After the 2nd or 3rd time it's just boring to watch anyone set up an attack because its just going to get tanked

pic totally unrelated, on a new machine and dont have many images saved

Mr. Satans redemption and being the key to beating the strongest villain in the series was pretty brilliant.

I think I liked the fights with super buu-kidbuu more than frieza just because the zenkai boost thing was a bit obnoxious. At least in buu saga the power-ups made some sense

They don't? The others got eaten while Kid Goku and Trunks were in the time chamber practicing the fusion/figuring out how to get out.

Yeah. Mr. Satan befriending and taming Buu was solid character development. He was still a coward but he wasn't in it for himself after realizing Buu could be used for good.

>literal elementary school children being super saiyan without struggle or intense training
>Gohan not training for 7 years and neglecting his heritage and responsibility as the champion of earth
>Supreme kai being hyped as some Uber powerful God and then becoming buu cannon fodder
>piccolo being reduced from a super saiyan level warrior to a teacher for goten and trunks
>gotenks somehow being able to become a super saiyan 3 and still lost to super buu

I don't hate the saga, these are just some of my gripes with the minor details

When was Piccolo ever a super saiyan level warrior? He was always strong but never THAT strong. He was a teacher figure in the Saiyan saga with Gohan too.

>When was Piccolo ever a super saiyan level warrior?

When he fused with Kami.

Back in the android saga after fusing with kami he was leagues ahead of super saiyan vegeta and goku. Plus after fusing he went into the room of spirit and time TWICE before the cell games. By the time of the buu saga he should at least be as strong as goku was when he fought cell imo.

Gohan being shown to not have trained or being weak later was just a way to make goku and vegeta seem like super duper bad asses and show gohan as a weakling. Again.
Remember how they had Gohan act exactly like goku during the fight with frieza and vegeta later with cell? And how they made him out to be a monster because of it?

As for goten and trunks. I still say they should have been unable to use SSJ unless they are gotenks.

It's an objectively better arc than the Cell saga at the very least. Most of the issues people have with the Buu arc are personal gripes, while the Cell arc has actual inconsistencies in it's writing that can't be justified.

On top of that there's things like Cell being an even more shallow villain than usual DB big bads, an over reliance on characters fucking up to advance the plot, and Gohan's worst characterization at any point in DB history. Oh, and a final fight that could barely even be classified as a fight.

>>gohan fucking around in highschool instead of fighting
The Great Saiyaman arc is the best part of DBZ. It feels like classic Dragon Ball.

>Piccolo chickens out of his fight with Shin when he was probably many times stronger than him
this is the one thing that always bugs me. It just doesnt feel right at all. If piccolo surrendered out of respect thats one thing but he acted as if he was stronger when he definitely isnt

I didn't dislike it, it was interesting to me because of all the weird mistakes the heroes were making and shit like they were so arrogant that Buu would be an easy threat compared to what they dealt with in the past that it just kept going south which felt kinda natural to me.

We also actually got somewhat of a continuation of Goku's Cell saga character arc which was nice wish Super would do that cause that was never resolved.

>Gohan's worst characterization at any point in DB history.

This is true but his apparent "badassery" clouds how people view his transformation

Because I was sick of the whole villian has a regen thing from the cell arc. Only good parts were vegito and kid buu

Vegeta wanting to see cell transform kinda made sense and ironically cell having part of vegeta's personality is what gave them a chance with the cell games and then again to see gohans powers. Being the combination of a bunch of existing characters doesnt make for a great character, but I think it did have some interesting touches like that.

majin vegeta was pretty good too

I was just disappointed that the World Tournament got cut short

satan and buu

It's my favorite arc since I replayed Buu's Fury a lot when I was a kid.

the whole beginning part with babidi and dabura was really boring

Which always baffled me. There's nothing badass about beating up someone weaker than you. It's like saying I'm badass for stomping on some rats.

They buu it.

it was pretty cool to see him kick and punch cell jrs in half though

Always felt Buu was kind of underwhelming compared to the previous Z villains and DB ones. It had some cool, fairly iconic parts like fusion and ss3 but it just doesn't feel as good. I've heard the editor for the previous arcs of the manga left and so things became more unhinged.

It had some great moments, but depended way too much on everyone being a complete idiot, even by Dragonball standards. And not just stuff like Goku and Vegeta wanting to fight someone at full strength, Goku and Gotenks both had no real reason to let him get away twice, and he only got away with absorbing everyone because they spent the entire fight fooling around.
The worst part was everyone thinking Gohan was dead for most of the arc though. Seriously, Goku tells everyone he's dead and gone forever and NOBODY realizes he would have just been brought back by the wish they just made around a minute ago? Someone should have noticed that big contradiction.

She wasn't eaten, but Chi-chi was turned into an egg in front of them, right before they went into the chamber. Goten at least seemed to take things seriously for a while after that, but it was completely forgotten as soon as the fight started.

I really liked the lore surrounding Buu. Fusion stuff was great. The show always had shitty pacing and an awkward narrative, though. Gotta pump out episodes.

does she poop in this doujin?
there was only one that did it


The Buu arc is both the best of and the worst of DBZ. Prove me wrong.

I won't. It epitomizes DBZ. The power level stuff/comedy/inconsistent logic comes to a head with that saga.


buu saga is proto-GT
future trunks arc is DBGT alt.
DBH Evil Dragon Mission is DBGT Director Cut

Buu saga is still my fav arc.

still right

That guy is being a total faggot though. Buu's abilities being so batshit insane and creative was precisely why he was interesting and a genuine source of dark comedy that worked (how is a creature with a transmutation ability that cures a blind kid just to feed him with a human transformed into a milk carton not fucking awsome?). He was a force of nature rather than just a plain bad guy. The parts with Gohan being a superhero were actually pretty good too. Contrary to what these stiff assholes argue, the problem wasn't that Toriyama was tired of the series in the sense that he was creatively bankrupt, but rather the fact that he had too many ideas going around in that didn't quite gel together in a coherent story-line. Just think about all the lore he introduced for it alone and how much he could have gotten out of it, but he still ha to get the main characters involved in some manner. I get that people think it was a narrative mess, but it was far more creative and fun than anything in the Cell arc after his first transformation.

There are good elements, but the fights are fairly lame, the tone is all over the place, and the whole cast turns into a bunch of useless, shitty assholes. Piccolo genuinely suggesting that Buu go kill off the rest of the human race to buy time for Goten and Trunks to take a nap was hands-down the worst moment in the entire franchise.

Why? Piccolo's stalling was perfectly reasonable. if Buu killed the kids there, they were completely out of chances against Buu as far as he knew, while bringing back the Earthlings with the DBs was always a possibility as long as they killed him. Completely justified.

Creativity doesn't mean much if it isn't utilized well, and a lot of the "creativity" is exactly what caused the Buu arc to be such a mess in the first place. Sure, the Buu arc was probably the most creative arc in the series. But that doesn't excuse its sloppy narrative and tonal problems.

Say what you will about the Cell arc, but even admist all the time travel fuckery, it still managed to feel relatively coherent, and there were great character moments for several characters, not just Vegeta and Satan.

And funnilly enough, the Buu arc easily had the worst fights out of all the arcs despite its creativity, at least when regarding the manga. Goku vs Majin Vegeta and Goku vs Kid Buu were only even semi-decent when the anime adapted them. The only other fights that stand out are Gotenks vs Buu and Vegeto vs Buu, and both of those are just gag fights (less so with Vegeto vs Buu, but definitely still there.) Which aren't inherently bad, but DB stopped being a straight up gag manga since even before Raditz. If those fights are the best your arc can offer, then that is sorely underwhelming.

Buu Saga is the most creative in dragonball, from the fusions to Buu's forms and attacks and gimmick and mindset, and Gohan in highschool and Mr. Satan, Buu is one of the only times in Z that it feels like Toriyama is actually having fun with writing the series, which may have something to do with how his editor was infamously breathing down his neck about everything in the Cell Saga.
It managed to up the stakes to the point where the entire population was actually destroyed too, and even that was done in a creative way and it was a surprise. Honestly so many good and memorable moments come out of Buu saga, it's hard not to put it at the top for at least the Z portion of the series. Also my man the World Martial Arts Tournament Announcer returns, one of the best characters in the series.

The part with Babidi and Dabura between when the tournament is crashed and when Buu arrives was pretty boring though, I admit. But when Buu arrives the whole thing becomes peak dragonball.

cell saga kinda didn't have many fights now that you mention it. most of the time it was just one character being vastly stronger to the point they're not even fights

>vegeta vs 19
>18 vs. vegeta
>vegeta vs. cell 2
>perfect cell vs vegeta and trunks
>gohan vs cell jrs
>gohan vs perfect cell

only real evenish fights were the fights with imperfect cell, 17 and gokus fight with perfect cell.

I'm with this 100%. I loved the fact that fat buu is unstable and fickle, and that his moral nature is totally ambiguous. The nonchalance (and gallows humour) with which he kills people somehow makes it more horrifying than the Cell or Piccolo cycles.
I'd say the peak of the series is the Namek/early cell saga (Trunk's time travel, numbers 17/18 etc.), since those are the most emotionally dramatic.
My main complaint of the whole Buu cycle is that it drags on too long, and I agree with the power level autists that it shits on canon a bit, and that the Gotenks fight is thematically a wreck.
Overall though I enjoyed reading it. Hated the last 20 pages, though.

What? I thought that was dope! It was the kind of level-headed, intelligent, but cold strategy that sets Piccolo apart from the rest of the cast.
I absolutely loved that part.

Problem with the buu arc is gohan was ruined and everyone was salty.
Also no future trunks.
Cell arc was just too good.
Nothing with the arc itself was bad, except maybe the great sayaman plotline...

That's kinda the problem. Most fans got into the series during DBZ.

It's long-winded, subplots are cluttered, and character usage is all around poor and unentertaining.

It was a rollercoaster
>What the fuck have you become gohan
>Atleast you found a waifu
>This tournament is dope
>Man I cant wait to see whats in this egg thing
>Oh, that's it? what a shit villian the red demon dude is way cooler
>terrible fighting ensues
>confusion sets in
>people keep transforming and unlocking new shit and god knows what
>none of it is effective, buu eats them
>it's ineffective, everything is ineffective, ensue more bullshit
>buu is fat again and now tame, everything is back to normal
>nothing was accomplished

That's a problem with DBZ as a whole, really. There was much more of an emphasis on one-sided fights than there was in DB, especially once we got to Namek.

The bait and switch with Gohan was the only really bad thing about it. There were a lot of highs that made up for it, like Goku and Vegeta teaming up, Vegito vs Super Buu, Piccolo mentoring the kids and the animation was at it's peak.

at least in saiyan saga there was no seesaw power fluxes. It was everyone throwing themselves at a wall praying it would fall. There was a much greater sense of struggle and they didnt need to wipe out everyone on the planet to do it.

I liked the craftiness of everyone in the namek arc, but the zenkai boosts were the most obnoxious there.

Cell and part of Buu shit could have ended much sooner if they didnt go full retard.

Namek had about as much even fights as it had ungodly stomps, and there was still some emphasis on techniques and shrewdness winning some fights. The carousel where evryone just kept one-upping their opposition with new forms only set in in the Cell saga, and then Toriyama decided to make a self-parody out that in the Buu arc by making nearly all the transformations completely ineffective (yet another detail why I like it over the Cell arc).

Too lighthearted. Most fans didn't read/watch Dragon Ball, so all the happy, easygoing moments turned them off, let alone the gag-tier villain. It was great to see Boo destroy and shit on every principle on what people perceived Dragon Ball DBZ to be more accurate to be. Akira stopped giving a fuck and it shows.

And I think that's where the Boo arc shines the most.

Namek saga really holds up exceptionally well.

Super is the anime that DBZ haters claim DBZ was.

>Namek had about as much even fights as it had ungodly stomps

Not really. Most of Namek was definitely curbstomps. Pretty much all of Vegeta's fights were one-sided one way or the other, and those make up a good portion of the arc. The only even fights I can think of are Goku vs Ginyu, Piccolo vs Second Form Freeza, and Goku vs Freeza.

>and there was still some emphasis on techniques and shrewdness winning some fights.

There was still a fair bit of thinking and strategy involved in the Cell arc. Piccolo, Goku, and even Cell had some clever tricks and strategies, like the IT Kamehameha or Hellzone Grenade. And I liked how Cell could not only be sneaky, but could also use his knowledge of his opponents to his advantage (like how he goaded Vegeta into letting him transform).

>The carousel where evryone just kept one-upping their opposition with new forms only set in in the Cell saga, and then Toriyama decided to make a self-parody out that in the Buu arc by making nearly all the transformations completely ineffective

I don't really think that's what Toriyama was going for. He clearly had very little proper planning or direction as he was writing, so this strikes me more as purely coincidental. Regardless, you can argue that the Buu arc was just as guilty of this as the Cell arc was, just that this time it was primarily the villain who did the one-upping with new forms. Remember how Buu's absorption all of a sudden became a thing?

>Remember how Buu's absorption all of a sudden became a thing?
buu could copy techniques shortly after seeing them.You could argue that he saw fusion and thought that's neat I'll try doing that. Cant say that's exactly right since buu absorbed people before that, but the whole series gets so weirdly inconsistent that toriyama probably thought up that part later on.

There's no denying that. I still like the fact that super found a way for the rest of the cast to have a chance to shine, especially the Androids and Roshi. Everything else borders on canonized satire though.

I would unironically love a demon realm arc similar to DBH's though, only with less OC donut version of some cast members.


Because fat Buu wasn't in enough of it. Super/Kid Buu felt so damn lame and uninteresting.

Fat buu and kid buu are really annoying. Super buu was cool because he could be taken seriously but was also a trickster and had the same playfulness as the other forms

Mostly just lack of respect for our protagonists. They just lose in easy and dumb ways.

Gohan hyped for an entire arc, fights for one chapter and is written out.

Gotenks has a fine fight, and is used for a convenient powerup and written out.

Turns out all you needed was Goku and Vegeta fusing the entire time! Just do that real quick!

There's no dignity for any of our characters, just Buu's weird playful cruelty and stupid decisions.

That being said, Fat Buu and Satan were great and an actually decent bit of writing for Toriyama.

Nice blog

I liked it

It's very simple when you compare it with Freezer's arc and Cell's arc, there are not many enemies and the most part of the arc they fight against Buu so there isn't many twists... but Buu's arc isn't that bad and there are scenes with much merit.