ITT: Otherwise good anime with awful endings.
ITT: Otherwise good anime with awful endings
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the backlash from this scene saved the anime for me. It was more entertaining than most of the show.
I thought the story went sour a couple episodes in really.
It had potential, though.
Life isn’t just some fairytale, retadfag.
It was bad from the start senpai
This. It went bad early on.
nah fuck you, the story was great up until the timeskip.
Anyone has links for the archived threads?
sometimes it is
Please, the scene with anime Peter Parker and the killer at the hospital was fucking comedy gold.
she actually would if the mc's mom wouldn't stop telling her to not come.
fuck that overpowered lion, and all they had to do was cut the bitch's head off
>all the stupids wanted him to stay with an old hag instead of the younger sweet piece of ass he got to hook up with at the end
I never understood the so called outrage
It's a fictional story though
Spirited Away
Too bad I was avoiding Sup Forums when that episode aired.
Probably one of the most tone-deaf endings I've ever read in a manga. Did the mangaka think that the asshole boyfriend was a good character or something? He couldn't die fast enough.
And everyone coming back to life at the end for no reason was pretty retarded as well.
Very pretty art, though.
this, also the mom moved where he was kept and didn't tell her just so she would move on if I remember correctly.
Plus what's the point of saving her life if she just wastes it waiting for him to wake up anyway.
I don't think I've ever seen something shit the bed quite as spectacularly as Virgin Soul did. What the fuck were they thinking?
Flip fuckers
The last arc of Dimension W just makes progressively less and less sense by the episode.
Should have stuck with just a mob/company conspiracy plot instead of going after the big stupid coil.
Meh endings really seems to be the 3hz Special
let's be real, that plot was irredeemably fucked from the start
>got the pizza girl who's way cuter
>bad end
10/10 first episode
1/10 last episode except 'MURICA
You don't need a good plot to have an enjoyable ending. The ending was just really stupid and largely disappointing.
Most of the show was enjoyable, and something better than what we got could have been scraped out of the foundation that was being laid out.
That show went to complete ass by episode 5
They weren't even lovers or anything. He was just saving her to stop the repeat and save his mom.
He had more romantic feelings with the girl from work than the girl he was trying to save to stop bad future
Pizza girl wasn't even a particularly good girl, either.
It truly took a nosedive when they introduced the mushroom haired girl. I just knew the show jumped the shark when they started playing real life chess on the airport.
That’s not the part that ruined erased
>girl you spend days with
>girl you spent an hour with
Not an argument. Also
>Implying that was the only problem
>Implying the last 3 episodes weren't a constant stream of ass-pulls, nonsense and people going full retard
>Otherwise good
pic unrelated?
The ending was literally the only good part