I guess that's why it's called Nanoha Vivid!
I should have fucking stopped at StrikerS. That was bad enough.
I guess that's why it's called Nanoha Vivid!
I should have fucking stopped at StrikerS. That was bad enough.
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Yeah, Vivid isn't Nanoha's strongest moment, but if you quit now, you'll miss out on Vivid Strike. I remember when Sup Forums went crazy over it. It was the most discussed show on the board for November 2016.
I fucking love Nanoha. Even Strikers. I dropped Vivid Strike like hot garbage.
you can honestly watch Strike without watching any ViviD. It's straightforward enough.
>he thinks his lies will trap anybody when any non-newfag knows Flip Flappers aired that season
Strike was good, but it was hardly the most discussed that season.
No, it wasn't the most discussed of the *season*. I didn't say it was. I said it was the most discussed of November, as in right after episode 4 aired.
Say what you want about it, but Vivid has the best art of the series.
It was obvious the show would be shit, there was a clear trend of every season becoming more and more cancerous.
The final extended showdown of the manga might've been enjoyable to follow along if it hadn't gotten stuck at translations never.
Now everyone already knows how it ends.
It would have been a disappointment either way.
I think people were expecting Vivio to have a bigger victory than that and for Nanoha to have a bigger sendoff than that.
wait, people were expecting Nanoha to win?
Fuck, I mean Vivio.
From memory, it was more of "Yeah we're all cheering for Nanoha but that can't be how they end the series. They're gonna have Vivio win as a sort of hand-off."
It's not that we WANTED her to, it's more that we were expecting them to do it.
So Fate is the one mama that Vivio hasn't defeated, which is pretty much a confirmation that she's the strongest mama in the Takamachi family.
vivio is still Nanoha's #1, though.
I want to do consensual sexual things with Vivio.
Vivio is a stupid traffic light!
Mothers always love their children more than their spouses, user. Nanoha has claimed that Fate is her most important person a couple of times. Poor Vivio.
What's the age of consent in Midchilda? If you can employ children as cops then I wouldn't understand why you couldn't fuck them.
Exactly what you'd expect from someone who doesn't recognize the highlight of the franchise.
the age of consent is "Ripe".
Like any civilized world, all you need is both mothers permission.
How did it end?
not him but do you really want to know?
Nanoha powers herself down and enters the tournament vs Vivio
Vivio wins
>Nanoha powers herself down
So Nanoha is still stronger, okay.
Oh I don't think anyone is going to argue that Nanoha isn't stronger than her 14 year old daughter.
That would be kind of abusive if she proved that she was.
I actually enjoyed StrikerS, but found both Vivid and Vivid Strike to be lackluster. Einhart and the golem girl were the only worthwhile characters from the former, while Rinne was the only one worth a damn from the latter. Rinne takes up most of the screen time (and rightfully so) just to get shat on constantly and the ending pretty much made everything that came before it pointless. She even stops being the MC's rival at the end for whatever reason. There weren't even any decent fights to make up for that. The best action scene in Strike was when Einhart bodied Fuuka and it was only like 10 seconds.
At least Vivid had decent fights and magic. Vivid Strike didn't do anything well other than introduce a "potentially" interesting character, but did nothing with her. Give me back Teana and Subaru please. Einhart and the golem girl can stay as well.
>Golem Girl
Yeah sorry I haven't watched Vivid in a long time and she didn't get any screen time in Strike.
Just finished Vivid and it was actually more shit than I expected. What a pathetically abrupt ending. Giga Drill Breaker-chan was a pleasant surprise, but aside from that it's hard to believe how low stakes and poorly done this show was.
Vivid Strike will be better, right? Maybe?
Vivio is fat!!
It's just winter weight!
!Akemi, why can't you just fuck off and kill yourself already. Why must you spend every single day shitting up threads for series you don't even care about. Go do something constructive instead of literally wasting your life.
I really hate this piece of art, it makes Vivio look like a hag.
Raw for the first chapter of the Reflection manga.
>asymmetrical hair
Nanoha has been saved.
Caro and Erio (and Lucretia) the unsupervised park rangers with lots of time, a bunch of lush wilderness to themselves, and raging hormones. They're probably having more weird forest sex then you can possibly imagine.
Nanoha's always been a tough cookie.
I don't ask questions about why I like these shows or characters anymore. I think I've been lured into liking the atmosphere more than the actual show or plot itself. It's like they made this sort of dullness interesting and exciting solely because of the cute girls who are strangely mature. Rinne's past was unbelievable, Fuuka didn't get much charaterization, and most of the show is focused around fairly poorly animated fights and over narrating.
However, Fuuka is cute and I still go to sleep at night dreaming I'm sleeping with her!
However, Fuuka is cute.
However, Fuuka is cute.
I liked the fights actually. Sure they were poorly animated in places but it felt like people were actually getting hit instead of just two cardboard cut outs wailing at each other until they were dirty.
Yeah I liked the fights too I just expect other people to shit on them because there were too many parts that felt unprofessional. They animation staff were probably underfunded and stressed out because of the movie. I don't think anyone can say they really gave it their best.
Oh certainly not. It's actually been a running thing in the Vivid manga that I've enjoyed. The matches are treated seriously and hits have impact.
Strike does it especially well with Rinne. She opens a match by breaking someones ribs and for the rest of the fight they can do nothing but defend because they had their ribs broken and it hurts to breathe.
Missed a sentence there. Meant to say that the animators weren't on their A-game but did enough to make it work after "Oh certainly not".