Just to make it clear Gohan was in fact using Ultimate Mode BUT that Kamehameha was by no means a full power Kamehameha. Hell, it can't even be considered a Mid Power Kamehameha because it felt more like a Casual one.
Dragon Ball Super
Other urls found in this thread:
why are you stating the obvious?
Has someone made a collage of episode 122's art yet?
Why would Gohan gasp in shock at a 'low level' Kamehameha not working? Wouldn't it make more sense if he was expecting it to do something?
He already knows Toppo is tanky from the Zen Exhibition match, so why would he fire off a Kamehameha weaker than the one he saw Goku fire and then be surprised when it didn't work?
I need a webm of that galick gun
why does the art look so much better now?
he wasn't full power ultimate, has the extra hair strand like in early buu saga
>First Jiren's fight mirrors Goku vs Freeza when both Kaioken and Spirit Bomb are used to zero effect
>Now Jiren's fight mirrors Cell vs Vegeta with no-selling a full powered Final Flash that 'appears' to do something at first before it's revealed they were faking
Will Jiren throw in a reference to one of the Buu fights before this is over?
Because some people are confused by that scene. They think Gohan was in base form and think that Kamehameha was a full power one.
Why are Gohanfags so pathetic?
>Gohan was going full power against Toppo
children in these threads actually believe that? How retarded do you have to be to not understand this show
Then why was 17 sweating?
>some people
Only the retards and literal underage can’t understand this
Maybe he was testing him or thought Toppo would take more damage considering he is in mid-air with no defense
nice catch I didn’t notice the Goku vs Freeza reference
Hopefully no more though I want something different to happen with Jiren, if he even is defeated
maybe because he is below ssb and Vegeta needs to help those plebs to take out Toppo
All of the next four episodes will each have one elimination each
123: #17
124: Dyspo
125: Gohan
126: Toppo
Because he was surprised at how strong Toppo is.
A form no one has ever seen before is Gohan's goal. The question is who will trigger this new form? Dyspo?, Freeza's betrayal? or GoD Toppo?
His class project
if Freeza is going to get help from Gohan does that mean he leaves Toppo alone with 17? And eventually Toppo is watching all the other two fights alone?
Both of these scenarios make almost no sense
The way I see it
>17 as mentioned in the spoilers tries to take Toppo down with him, but Gohan hesitates which lets Toppo take out 17 alone
>Toppo backslaps Gohan out of the way and goes to help Jiren fight Goku and Vegeta: their 2 on 1 fight becomes 2 on 2
>Gohan sees Freeza is having trouble with Dyspo, goes to help eliminate him instead
I think the GoD Toppo thing is setting up for a fight with Vegeta
Obviously Toppo when he rings out 17
ah that makes sense especially considering vegeta is pretty much running on air at this point even with the new form
Then of course we get Vegeta vs Toppo, Goku vs Jiren pt 2 after Dyspo gets eliminated
What would your reaction be if Gohan's new form actually WAS him with white hair? Would the board have an Sup Forumsneurysm?
not only would Sup Forums be completely destroyed but the other boards would suffer as well
Super saiyan berry punch
>hooray for being a saiyan
This is me everyday every time I'm reminded im black and genetically gifted
Would be pretty awesome but i think it will be just Ultimate with sparks
Super Saiyan Royal Blue
>Goku follows the path of the Angels with UI
>Vegeta follows the GoD path with ascended blue
>Gohan follows the Kais with fully unlocked potential and white hair
It even makes sense in the story
Last episode had one of the better animation directors but the series is still inconsistent animation wise.
Blue Eyes White Vegeta
Same but for me for being White
Toppo can fight SSB with barely some problem. Why is so difficult believe he could easily deflects GOHAN's attacks?
I'll forever hate the "you hit me dead on but it does no damage" shtick.
At least it showed Jiren trying to block the Final Flash
because Vegeta did damage on Jiren, Toppo just made fun of gohan for being weak
same here
Who's going to be stronger?
GoD Toppo or SS Ultra Blue Vegeta?
Would you a Cench?
If 17's ki blast can annoy Toppo enough to interrupt his attack than Gohan's Kamehameha should've at least done something.
Never thought I'd be defending Gohan
Toppo is gonna be rekt and eliminated by Gohan
Spoilers already have Vegeta beating Toppo
Vegeta doesn’t need to waste his time with godpo
What if Gohan seeking a new form was a misdirection, like Caulifla and Kale wanting to get SSJ3?
In that, it never happens? This arc is full of build up for something, but it never happening. Krillin's little side-filler of ki control or whatever that was was another such misdirection.
Like, I'd bet money that Gohan will get knocked out of the tournament without actually achieving a new form of any kind.
Generic Ki Blast >>>>>>>>>>>> Cuckmehameha
Seems more like 17's attack caught him by surprise, but he at least was able to prepare for Gohan's Kamehameha.
you’d have a point if Krillin had anywhere near the relevance of Gohan they wouldn’t have him say he seeking a new form if there was no point to it
Fookin wankers wouldnt allow this name but i fought it, they said it was too poweful
Why does Vegeta need to take down Toppo in 126 ? Shouldn't Toppo have his hands full with 17 and Gohan?No excuse for Vegeta to barge on in when he has another battle
Top 10 powers in the tournament
1. Jiren
2. UI Goku
3. LSS2 Kefla
4. Universe 7 Spirit Bomb Goku
5. Ultra Blue Vegeta
6. GoD Toppo
7. SSBKKx20 Goku
8. LSS Kefla
9. Aniraza
10. Toppo
Yeah, sure, Toppo really looked like he was braced.
>wouldn’t have him say he seeking a new form if there was no point to it
>they wouldn't have multiple episodes of Caulifla obsessing over SSJ3, saying multiple times she will get it, Goku going SSJ3 to show them, etc.
What if he gets his new form after the ToP? For whatever comes next?
>characters are there twice
Ur a fkn retard
When will I get to see her again Sup Forums... I don't know how much longer I can wait.
you’re again comparing minor side characters to Gohan I didn’t say he would absolutely get it in the ToP but he’s almost definitely getting something
Do you think Jiren misses her? They had a thing going on
So how much would these threads explode if Gohan actually turned white?
"Trust me. The moment I kick these chimps off the stage, I'll wish you back and we'll be in paizuri city for the rest of our lives."
UI Goku
New Vegeta Form
Maji Kayo
besides Freeza being below hit this is pretty damn accurate
the fucking master does it again
>Not being a Vegetafag
Why even bother watching?
This remains me of when Goku SSB Kamehameha did shit nothing to Berserker Kale. Honestly, the Anime is a mess and its better to just wait for the Manga
Gohanfags and caulifags BTFO'd
>the entire tournament Goku holds back even in blue against his opponents and no one bats am eye
>the moment Gohan does it once people freak and call him weak
you anti-gohanfags are grasping for any straw you can at this point to try and shit on him
>not a friezafag
When will you begin to respect /ouremporer/
Oh shit I missed the last general, any new memes?
Toppo will be no match against Gohan at full power. Do you retards seriously believe he has a chance of winning?
The Mexicans will. Sup Forums will be Sup Forumspathetic as usual.
get out loser
You do understand that Vegeta has to go out of his way to take out Toppo in 126 because no one else can, right? work on your bait
how good is her succ game?
i need a side by side comparison of vegetable charging and firing the final flash until he's laughing to getting btfo'd By cell and Jiren
Nice headcanon.
Jiren > Goku and Vegeta
Toppo > Gohan and 17.
That's just how it is. U7 is going to have to step it up a lot to pull out their victory.
Are you serious right now?
>part of the gohan squad
>posts goten
>that look when Vegeta gave him a jab
What is this expression trying to say? Does Jiren have a weak bowel?
Scrapped due to poor ratings. Vegeta took his place.
Strapped for being an inferior half saiyan
>and as the days go by
Goten is Gohan Fanboy #4
Piccolo is #1, Vegeta #2, Future Trunks #3 and Videl is #5
he was afraid that his uniform would get ripped of, revealing his "property of marcarita" tatoo
gohan is a jobber
>stronger than Gohan
Goten is a bigger chad than Gohan at this point anyway
Super Saiyan God Royal Blue
she so cute
Just how many bunnies will the emperor kill after the tournament?