What's Sup Forums think about Fafner?
What's Sup Forums think about Fafner?
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Good OP. Shity anime.
I like it a lot mainly for its characters. Great openings and endings too.
Edgy Evangelion clone for SEED faggots.
It is popular only in Japan because it has a monopoly on fujoshits after SEED ended.
MC looks like a freaking Shinn and Athrun lovechild. The artist can't make his designs vary for shit.
>shitty anime
It's good
On my backlog
It had semen demons and one of the cutest girls died
DA and H&E were forgettable, but Exodus and RoL were great.
Waiting for Beyond is suffering.
RoL is the most pointless prequel ever, H&L actually moved the plot forward and set the stage for Exodus
It's very good. Kazuki and Shoushi are great MCs.
You aren't wrong, but that doesn't really change what I said. RoL is basically just a sidestory, but it's way more enjoyable for me than H&E.
I liked it, pretty addictive.
>tfw enjoyed both
The only terrible part of Fafner is trying to get through the original season.
Good drama
H&E has some beautiful clouds.
I dunno the drama gets kind of over the top, melodrama at times
Perfect balance of hope and despair.
It has it's ups and downs
End of S1/H&E is my favorite parts so far
S2 had some nice suffering moments but don't know if I really the direction it's going
Solid show. I don’t know why it’s so obscure in the West though.
The first season is just bad on so many levels. The narrative and setting are too vague, the writing is extremely obtuse, and the characters themselves are overly melodramatic. It presents itself as an Evangelion clone for far too long before changing directions. Even after they swapped writers, it's only enough to make it go from bad to average, since a lot of time is spent cleaning up the first half.
On top of that, the character designs are as Hiraiface as ever, made even worse by the cast having relatively normal hair colors so its harder to differentiate. The art is the epitome of terrible early 2000s digital coloring. And there's really nothing at all noteworthy about the animation, aside from the single episode that was outsourced to Bones.
RoL, H&E, Exodus, and probably Beyond are all fantastic, but the first season is just too much of a slog for many to get through.
I didn't think S1 was that bad.
>the single episode that was outsourced to Bones
Which was that?
Episode 24. The opening section where Sein pushes Nicht into the sky and Kazuki is going berserk.
The golden aliens are really american robots with remote control because america want destroy japan (again)
I'll admit that I enjoyed it in hindsight, or on a rewatch, but it's really hard to say its good on a first watch. Just take Shouko for example. She had more meaningful and well-written character development in the 5 minutes she showed up in RoL than her entire screentime in the TV series.
That explains a lot. I too never bothered with Fafner again after having watched the first season.
Honestly though, if you did manage to watch all of the first season, you absolutely should check out the rest. Every subsequent entry drastically improves on nearly all fronts, from writing to art to animation. Even the Hiraiface becomes at least a bit more tolerable in the later series.
Yeah, I might pick it up again, I just assumed the rest would be as bad as the first season.
I love it.
it's good but barely anyone has seen it outside of japan thanks to DA.
hard to get trough the original show because it's slow
after you watch RoL, H&E and Exodus, you'll realize that DA was pretty good after a rewatch
hiraiface looks good in everything after RoL, not just bearable
I didn’t know so many people disliked the first season, I remember enjoying it when I first watched it.
He cool.
I think Fafner is one of the best mecha shows out there and I'm looking forward to the beyond more than any other show.
This is Sup Forums, people here always pretend to hate something
First season was hype, especially the second half where characters with actual development and screentime (not Shoko) get brutally killled and you are left in despair while this plays
Nobody's pretending, this user's post perfectly sums up my experience watching the first season.
If you think nothing's wrong with it, it just means you have shit taste.
My favourite mecha anime.
I doubt Sup Forums even knows about fafner, it's /m/ who's in this thread.
I'm not /m/, though. I only watched it because when it was airing, I mixed it up with Fafnir and someone called me out on that and I felt so stupid I was shamed into picking it up.
Why’s Sushi so autistic
I'm still waiting for Maya to suffer a horrible death, but it never happens for some reason.
At least she's been cucked the hardest.
everyone’s autistic
Why do you hate Maya? She did nothing wrong and suffers for everyone else's sake.
Annoying in general, literally everyone loves her and is willing to suffer for her because she must be protected at all costs, also she's super amazing at piloting but there was a need to kill almost every single pilot before it was revealed she was able to.
Basically reeks of self insert.
oh weird, I’m like halfway through the first series right now, I think it’s pretty interesting so far. But it’s a lot of talking, in my opinion, and I don’t really care about any of the adults too much.
Quite enjoyable. Somehow similar to Evangelion, except for the fact, that MC is NOT always-crying good-for-nothing brat. Also, one of the finest written deep bromance/homoromantic relationship you can find in an anime, imho.
> literally everyone loves her and is willing to suffer for her because she must be protected at all costs
Thats kind of the point, at least the second part. Everyone tries to protect her, and she feels extremely guilty about that and pushes herself way too hard as a result and tries to not let anyone else suffer for her, even when she should be accepting help.
> she's super amazing at piloting but there was a need to kill almost every single pilot before it was revealed she was able to
Again, the whole point of that subplot is that she wants to pilot, and isn't allowed to for "health reasons", and then she finds out she was fully able to pilot all along and feels like she's been letting her friends die for her. Also, only two pilots died before that, three if you count Kuramae. As for the self-insert accusation, her "super amazing piloting" still means jackshit compared to the two mains with their supermechs, so I'm not really seeing it.
wow what a blunder, I feel embarrassed for you.
is this the best encode of S1? honestly I don’t know whether I should archive the BD or the DVD
>one of the cutest girls died
Despite all the death flags, I'm still fucking angry.
Her death didn't really affect me that much, honestly. I remember being shocked, but I think her rapid resurrection and then hanging around for most of the series dulled the impact. I think even Olga's or whoever might have hit me harder, just for how badly it jarred Kaburagi.
>everyone loves her
I don't think being loved by Hester is a good point. It would be a good thing to have a kind grandma but instead she gets a grandma who gives multiple SRBM for birthday.
Festums with Raison and Zero Fafner laser powers must be OP as fuck fire muh friggin laser at the enermy sudden it got assamilated or even pull out Freedom gundam sherinagan.
>The narrative and setting are too vague
Sounds to me like you were just too dumb to understand what was going on. Everything was explained eventually.
I'm so fed up with dumb kids bitching because baaaaw the show didn't sponfeed me everything in the first episode, I'm so lost!!
Haven't got around to Exodus which I hear far out-classes the rest of the series so I won't comment on the series as a whole but I don't really care for the original series. I like the comfy dream-like atmosphere the original series has, the setting, and the soundtrack, which is amazing but don't really give much of a shit about the characters and story. But seriously, the OP is so damn good.
There was this fan comic where they combined Destiny with Fafner and either Athrun or Soushi couldn't tell Shinn apart from Kazuki.
But it is good. Shouko's writing was terrible but the show had many great moments that can be appreciated even on a first watch. Canon and Tsubaki character arcs were brilliant for instance, Festum were pretty interesting hive mind enemies, the adult characters being so nice and caring, the mecha designs, the OST, plus several great scenes like the kid protecting Kouyou or the North Pole fight.
It's well animated.
I could never get into this series for whatever reason.
Love angela's music, though.
DA is hard to watch, that's why
What episode of gundam seed is this?
It's Majestic Prince, idiot.
Not him, but I wasn't a big fan of Canon in the original series. Her whole climactic turnabout moment with Kazuki was a bit too hammy for me. Tsubaki was a highlight, though - her interactions with Soushi were really great.
The one where Blue Cosmos nuked Hawaii to protect the purity of the human race.
the backgrounds and environments looks better than the mechs
did i mention the computers?
Fafner is good
>implying that evangelion isn't Edgy
DELETE Maya is a good girl
She murdered those innocent nuclear bombers who are just doing their job trying to save humanity.
Its a problem when they take 12 episodes to even explain the setting.
soushi is a faggot
kazuki did everything wrong
canon did nothing wrong
makabe and toumi (both adults and children) need to settle down
tsubaki is the cutest and i want orihime to step on me
What about nuke grandma?
rina's grandmother?
Kazuki tried, but the setting is fucked up.
It's amazing how the human side has 2 OP as fuck characters yet things look so bleak for them.
Hester Gallop of course.
OP that can last 5 minutes is not exactly so great when the numbers are heavily against them and Diablo class is broken tier against anything less than a Salvator model.
It’s one of the best contemporary mecha series. I think it’s underrated, at least in the West.
poor soshi turning into a baby
PV where
thank you friend
It's gay as hell
I forgot I made this webm
Maya best girl
>not liking manly haircuts
anata wa soko ni shut the fuck up
Was it autism?
Who is best boy and why is it my boy, Kenji?
>my heart everytime I thought Sakura and Kenji gonna go rip in flips
you're right
>Maya best girl
She scolded Soushi for letting Kazuki get in the robot. A guy who hops into Nicht and travelled half the planet to save her deserved better.
Nah just typical Soushi, autism is when Maya asked about the Festum world.