Jiren: Why do you want to become stronger?
Jiren: Why do you want to become stronger?
protagonist instinct
His saiyan monkey genes compel him to fight. He just was taugh to harness that urge into competitive spirit.
Had he not been raised by a gentle martial artist, he'd be just fine raveling in the carnage of bloodshed, like early vegeta.
>his saipan monkey genes compel him to fight
Just like human monkeys then
That was the weakest moment of the episode IMO. They could've had depth there. Goku must think about why he pushes himself constantly... but nah he's somehow a combat genius/intellect simpleton
Goku is supposed to be a super strong retard
This episode is just more proof that Vegeta is a better, more interesting character than Goku. Goku is so goddamn fucking boring, even his fight choreography is less interesting than Vegetas.
I honestly think they were trying to make Vegeta be far more sympathetic and motivated in this episode but they made Goku a little too retarded to highlight that
Goku just really loves the sport of fighting, is it wrong for wanting to get better at doing the thing you love?
Goku is like my waifu but male.
More like this whole arc. Vegeta is like the only person who has shown any sign of real emotion when the universes have been erased (he got angry/pissed off after they erased U6). Meanwhile we have Goku who is literally smiling and chuckling after U3 was erased.
This whole arc is weird
He wants to be the saiyan king
the only other time I can recall was when Gohan took out the last U10 dude, you see that pause when Gohan sees the picture of the guy's family erased.
The saiyans are a warrior race, its in their nature to fight against something, human race is also a warrior race now that I think about it, but the point is that is just their nature.
Saiyan Instinct, Goku actually doesn't know on a conscious level.
goku is an imbecile
That's it, That's the show.
>tfw niggers are sayains all along
we're all fucked
>human race is also a warrior race
Every single time in history a man was incapable of everything or couldn't get a good trade, he just sold himself to the local army. Because that's something any man can do. The same doesn't apply to women.
>fighting savant
>retard in literally every other regard
Goku: the dialogue snippet
Saiyans are actually strong though
It's really sad to me, because in Z you saw him actually develop intellectually somewhat. He didn't beat Buu so that the next generation could raise up and they wouldn't have to rely on him, only for him to basically forget all of that in Super and become a god in terms of power. I feel like everyone's character except maybe Vegeta has regressed since Super started, and that's really disappointing.
Yeah, that's because super isn't a labour of love but a labour of shekels.
I know it gets said a lot but they really did turn him into abridged Goku
goku has always been a simpleminded retard who wants to get stronger you triple retard.
thats the answer he's given since dragonball. he does whatever feels good and fighting strong opponents feels best. he does so without malice or bloodlust, just childlike glee at his own bodily sensations
read some buddhist sutras. particularly from chan and zen schools. they talk at length of possessing a childlike mind unbothered by the spooks of 'adulthood' like good vs evil and societal responsibility.
Apparently the "Japanese Superman" that is DBZ Goku no longer exists.
Goku confirmed pure. PURE.
goku thought he'd hit the limits of strength, that he had only the slimmest of improvements left before he peaked, so came to terms with that and focused on wanting to see his kids reach that same level.
then Beerus came along and showed him there was a whole 'nother world of power he never knew existed. That re-ignited his passion to grow stronger.
thanks, nimbus
In Z he basically thought he topped out. His kids could get better gains much more quicker than he could.
God Ki basically opened up a new world for both him and Vegeta
I hate Goku
Good post, Strinerbro