Why don't people respect Boku No Pico?

Why don't people respect Boku No Pico?

Too deep for them.

its boring as shit

How is it boring?

It's pretentious

Or is that code for you being a homophobe?


Only the third one. The first two were nice and down-to-earth.

we will never see an uncensored version of it

kys faggot

i bet i could kick his ass.

G-go on

Are you joking? There are more symbolisms in this masterpiece than fucking Madoka.

They've never watched and heckled it with a group of friends, and instead probably thought it was supposed to be gotten-off to.

There is a way...

Boyish trap > Draw a girl, call it a boy

How come they never made a fourth episode, did they jail the makers for CP or something?


Censored. I can't fap to censored hentai.
The world needs more cute shota hentai though.

Frame-by-frame photoshop or blackmailing the creators? It's likely you could nab the creators for possession of actual CP.


To be fair, you have to have a very high level on the Kinsey scale to understand Boku No Pico.

Watched it for the first time not too long ago and I really enjoyed it. My favorite scene overall was the one in the first OVA where Pico sits on top of the cemetery wall.

Does someone actually fapped to this?

first ep's okay
second ep's great
third ep is kinda pretentious but still enjoyable

Chico best boy.



Wait a second, I recognize that bulge!

Why do you keep posting the same threads every fucking day like an underage retard? Did you see some "anime youtuber" make a meme review of the series and think to yourself "LOL EGGSDEE I SHOULD GO TO Sup Forums AND SHARE THIS JOKE! IT HASN'T BEEN MADE SIX MILLION TIMES!"

Can someone just ban this underage shit already?

Yes, I really like shota but I had to force myself to keep going on because my dick isn't used to hentai pacing, I could only cum around the 15 minute mark each episode.

I always forget the sauce of this Goddamit

>Kinsey scale

The fuck is that? Some sort of college pseudo science nonsense written by sociology departments?

me, multiple times


hahaha point and laugh at the silly pedos everyone!

why isn't there a series about a Shota Hunter who goes around kidnapping evil shotas to teach them a lesson the hard way?

they could have superpowers and shit to spice things up

Dumb normalfag.

Could be the next Family Guy spinoff.

I dont get the hate.

Underaged boys fuck each other because they love each other

Underaged girls fuck each other
>this is better

Underaged girls raped by old dudes
>this is better

he's more of an Sup Forumsnon hunter

I heard Bryan Singer and Kevin Spacey were in talks for the eventual Hollywood remake.

>not fapping to hot shota trap hentai

You nailed it.