Pick 1.
Pick 1
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Kaga Kouko.
A man of refined taste. I salute you.
Girl to the left.
>the whole series would have lasted half the first episode if Linda wasn't such a bitch
Shit Coconuts, she was a true person.
Ghost Banri was the real best girl
Its not like Koko was the most honest person either. She kept meaning to do one thing but her fears, her anxiety kept doing other things.
>not 2D-kun
Linda has too much baggage. Koko
>Linda has too much baggage
and Koko is loco.
Between baggage and poor mental health I choose baggage. Oka best girl though.
I want to choose Koko but I know it will end in a disaster since I am basically a poor, unattractive male version of Koko. the relationship will be a crazy and unhealthy.
Koko is actually hot, dresses well, has long hair like a women should and most of all, she's rich.
>People actually picking this
Her name
Kouko is the pinnacle of anime college girls, so her.
>not picking that
considering the relative lack of college girls it doesn't mean much.
I pick the one that isn't a shit tier josei series
loco or not, she's fucking hot so all is forgiven
Not even the best "my boyfriend" of the series
Koko loco obviously
That was homophobic.