>he watches Dragonball in Japanese
>he willingly chooses to ear rape himself having to listen to Granny Goku
He watches Dragonball in Japanese
who are you quoting
>he's american
>he watches Dragonball
At least it isn't Funimation.
Non-English dubs are the best for DBZ
Hey I read the manga just 4 years ago for the first time and only watched that not-super movie with the cat destroyer, and the granny was 10/10.
Only english dubs I don't make fun of people for watching are Hellsing and DB.
only niggers watch dragonball
this but unironically
Neck yourself.
If only the american dub catched up to it and released at the same time...
>if only you could just read the manga which is actually better...
>he watches any anime dubbed
>he thinks he is superior because of that
DBZ is one of the few anime where the English is better dub is better than the japanese
>watching dragonball in 1989+29
>people are still unironically watching DB
fuck off moron
eh, you get used to it.
Can you not use my waifu to make no-effort shitposts? Thanks.
>he watches dragonball
>he watches idol shit shows
>he watches dragonball
Love Live > DB
almost anything > DB
>he doesn't watch sub and switch audio tracks when Goku is onscreen
>people think that they can make Dragonball threads outside of their containment generals.
Any threads for the big 3 shonens at all should be moved immediately to where they belong.
What's with retards like you? Claiming a waifu that everyone claims and thinking you can make demanding statements over her? You're a nobody and having casual tastes in waifus that everyone already claims thats their waifu you ain't got the power to say shit. Right now I'm busting a massive load over Shinobu and the fuck you gonna do about it? That's right nothing now get the fuck out of here before something goes down here.
Is that Fried Chicken Lemon?
Dragon ball is pretty cool
Literally the best seiyuu of all time.
spic in a DB thread, who knew?
Can't fathom how people still give a fuck about DB. I even dropped OP 5 years ago.
Glad I'm German and the German dub is perfect. For the original and Z anyway, I hear they got new voice actors for Super who suck.
years of built up nostalgia. also, casuals who still think dragon ball is the best thing ever. you want an equivalent just look at star wars.
Please don't use my significant other to shitpost
Joke's on you, I don't watch DB at all because it sucks and it's fucking dumb.
>he watches Nigerean McDonald's meat freezer surveillance camera footage and openly discusses it on an Italian opera enthusiast imageboard
Go back to your containment threads.
Did Super ruin Dragon Ball's legacy?
>he watches Dragonball
Fucking spics.
I feel like I don't have a choice. I can't get used to the english dub because Goku just sounds like some random dude in it. Nozawa at least tries and gets his mannerisms right even if her screams are fucking awful.
>he reads PTE
Spics actually like Super.
>watching dragonball at all
What are you, 12?
I honestly love his voice in Japanese
You get used to it. I'm not going to wait a year for the English dub to catch up.
>he watches a show where the MC always loses to his rival
what is wrong with dragonball fans?
Please refrain from using images of Bat while talking about dubs or dragon ball
i agree bat is shit. use snake who always defeats bat
the elevens confirm
>implying it's the older fans watching the new stuff
It's all fucking kids and teenagers.
Every time there's a new Dragon Ball game on Steam, we get a new surge in Dragon Ball and power level threads from Sup Forumsirgin migrants.
>always defeats bat
Do you really measure quality of thing with "fights", is that what dragon ball does to you
thirty-threes, sorry
>measure quality in victory
Why can't bat look like that in the show?
Not that bat isn't perfect no matter what age she is, it's just a bit easier on the eyes.
whoops I think I got it this time. eight-eights. that should do it
>checking your own dubs after the fact
>checking your own dubs
>checking dubs
>no dubs for the fake god
how sad lol
>no dubs for the faggot
didn't want to hog them all after:
not greedy like the pretend deity
when is bat going to job to snake again?
>he watches Dragonball
some masochists are completionists, there are twelve step programs but you won't see them attending those sadly.
Fitting voices for that shitshow. I'd also rewatch old Dragonball with German dub.
>using an acronym for poptepipic
your not on tumblr, moron
>he watches shit idol show