>shitty flash animation
Fuck you Netflix i'll never forgive you
yuasa a shit
the only time it's obvious is during the load on the ceiling scene, so whatever
So, you are the crybaby
>the real crybabies were the viewers
How come castlevenia got better animation than fucking devilman and the castlevenia shit was drawn by freaking westerners.
Modern japanese animators suck donkey balls.
Fuck off
Yuasa is the only one making an effort to find potential in flash
>it's another assblasted OVAfag episode
>multi-million industry
>its okay to use outdated shit
keep sucking his dick harder faggot
Cause we've seen what happens when Netflix trusts "Studio DEEN" or "Production IG" to animate anime for them who no doubt embezzled the budget.
At he least he has a dick to suck
Youre just a lonely faggot
>it's outdated because I say so
shitty CGI + shitty flash animation*
ok hear me out
I'm a yuasa fan myself. Love mind game and I love Kaiba
but there's just some part in devil man baby that feel really shit, like they couldn't be assed to finish it in time
Netflix didnt do anything, so youre wrong there
Yuasa's flash animation was great, so youre also wrong there
You dumb faggot
>Yuasa's flash animation was great, so youre also wrong there
kek no
>Netflix didnt do anything
so Op is right?
>flash animation was great
STOP get this backwars animation outta here
>b-but my fluidity
Imma give you some fluid up your ass faggot
>disregarding the fact the show and Yuasa in general utilises flash animation in tandem with his amazing sense of visual design and shot composition
All you fuckers care about these days is the quality of animation, rather than how limited animation is often manipulated to create something even more visually impressive and/or clever than something fluid. Crybaby has an array of beautiful character designs, otherworldly imagery, moments of expressive/realistic as shit character motion (running scenes, butterfly confession scene) and whole bunch of other interesting shit going on including actual sakuga but just because it uses flash you accuse everything as lazy and halfhearted. Crybaby shits on the visuals of most tv anime today as the fundamentals of great aesthetics and visual storytelling are there even during its cheapest looking moments, rather than in most heralded visual masterpieces when the sakuga is taken away and most of the show's runtime is occupied by awkward shots of the characters spouting exposition.
If you dont realise that than you dont deserve to enjoy such a spectacle.
do you expect me to read this shit?
fuck off faggot
not him but you fucking suck
How cucked do you really need to be this angry over too many words?
eat a dick shithead
What a crock of shit. What you describe is a fantasy, just some nebulous string of pretentious excuses that never once actually analyzes the animation in question.
Devilman Crybaby has a loose visual style, where the characters have often exaggerated and off-model proportions or features. Whether or not you like that is purely subjective. There is not much fluidity in movement nor do the characters and backgrounds possess much detail or refinement. What does that leave viewers? Just Yuasa's style of direction and character designs. While that can be good and it does make Devilman Crybaby entertaining to watch, it hardly makes it a standout production in terms of visuals in a technical sense and really limits the level of eye candy for viewers. Simply put, it could have been better.
any webms of the flash?
It's cheap, flat shit. No shading whatsoever, instead there are literal gradient filters added over the shot. The effect is that it looks like a literal Sup Forumstoon. Western-lookalike garbage, and it's no surprise the Netflix audience that has overrun Sup Forums gobbles it up with such glee.
>What does that leave viewers? Just Yuasa's style of direction and character designs.
What you just said IS yuasa's style
>Devilman Crybaby has a loose visual style, where the characters have often exaggerated and off-model proportions or features
>There is not much fluidity in movement nor do the characters and backgrounds possess much detail or refinement
Thanks for the wellrounded criticism but I dont reckon what im saying is "crock full of shit".
The "visual candy" you say isnt present for the viewers is there in all the ways I mentioned in my first post. Sure, many of these things have nothing to do with impeccable, fluid animation quality/techniques but theyre things that arent present in many other anime.
If youre looking for pure technicality, Id agree that Crybaby may be not be the best place to look (even though Id disagree and say that there are plenty of moments of solic animation). Because of my sensibilities and as you mentioned "subjective" standards I place more importance on visual communication rather and yuasa's aethetic choices rather than fluid animation. However, Im criticising the people who call the show ugly but completely disregard any other facet regarding a shows visuals rather than pristine animation.
>devilman has sakuga
haha good meme newfriend