Goodbye Sup Forums it was good knowing you, the painkillers are about to kick in and then the end awaits.
Goodbye Sup Forums it was good knowing you, the painkillers are about to kick in and then the end awaits
don't die there's more anime to be watched
This. Anime and manga are the only reason I haven't killed myself yet.
Enjoy your stomach pumps!
wait not yet, code geass r3 hasn't come out yet
See you tomorrow.
Seriously though if you're serious about this, get help man, there's something better out there, we've all been through shit and ended up better.
I swear to god if you took a bunch of ibuprofen or aspririn or whatever the fuck you better 911 and immediately stomach pump
or you will die very slowly from kidney failure.
don't do it
>the painkillers are about to kick in and then the end awaits.
Good luck with that, faggot. It takes hours for painkillers to actually do something to your liver.
Imagine all those anons who'll never see the end of Evangelion
I'll miss you user, don't leave.
Bye, loser. If you're serious, your final hours will be agonizing.
Ok I misspoke, the other reason I won't kill myself yet is because it is disrespectful to die before your parents. So I am safe for at least a few more years.
Alright but do please talk to someone or even three people about it dude.
I'm sorry it had to end like this. Good luck. See you on the other side.
I don't think he'll be enjoying much of anything anymore. Except Gensoukyou.
You gotta get truck'd to go to isekailand, dumbass.
See you guys next time, the rope is waiting.
>he didn't actually end it all
Faggot baiter.
I hope you used painkillers as foreplay for something more painful, otherwise you'll starting off with a low suicide success rate
The less shitposters you have, the more shitposters you have.
>killing yourself as the new season of animu begins
just remember, the only thing more humiliating than killing yourself is actually failing in your suicide attempt (literally what girls do)
Hypothermia is more pleasant and there's nothing after the end.
If you think you'll feel better when you're dead, you're wrong. You will feel nothing, it's impossible for it to "get better" because you won't be. It won't be worse, yeah, it won't be anything. You will be unable to feel any pleasure for having ended it all, no chance to relax or stop worrying about it all, because you will be NOTHING. And I don't mean black, not hearing anything, because that in itself is something. I swear to god people don't understand the implications of killing themselves, they think it'll be better dead, it won't be fucking anything and you're retarded for thinking otherwise. Go to therapy.
How do you know? Have you died and lived to tell the tale?
Send word if anime is real on the other side.
Give us a heads up if you're still alive.
Dude, call 911 while you can still move.
Kill yourself
>all these people telling him not to do it
You're just jealous that someone has the courage to actually kill himself while you'll be stuck here for another few decades.
>Trying this hard to seem cool and fit in
If he does it and this thread is left open on his computer, you're actually going to jail.
If everything in this life is sensed and experienced through your sensory organs and brain, then where is the logic in assuming you will be capable of sensing anything after brain activity.
Even if you believe in an immortal, ephemeral soul then you still can't say your soul is a sensory organ.
Sometimes people are just tired and feel they'd prefer actual nothingness over the exhaustion. "Nothing" sounds more appealing than "a suffering that saps you, and you can't be certain it'll ever end".
how would you know
user, if you're serious, I hope you're finally able to reunite with you're waifu.
Immortal and ephemeral mean opposite things.
Haha, good one.
Don't. There is a bigger chance of ending crippled or with a painful illness instead of dying.
I pray a meteor will kill me in my sleep.
But that's a good thing.
>person is happy and wants to stay alive
>tell him to kill himself
>person wants to end his life
>tell him to stay alive
Why are Sup Forumsnons such assholes?
I was referring to your claim that hypothermia is more pleasant; I don't give a shit about your metaphysical rambling.
Sorry, meant ethereal.
>Immortal ephemeral soul
Now what the fuck could he have meant by this
what's the best way to go out, bros?
No worries.
>Everyone on Sup Forums is the same person.
Fuck off.
Carbon monoxide.. Helium (or inert gas) mas. Or you can just do the good old classic and hang yourself
Overdose always sounded most appealing to me, but you have to be absolutely sure you've got an adequate amount.
That has even more science behind it, it's a documented fact that as your body's core temperature nears that of your very cold environment, that you experience warmth, in combination with drowsiness and that you'll pass out.
There's a variety of testimony from frostbitten mountain climbers/adventurers that hypothermia and falling asleep in the cold was quite pleasant, it was the being woken up and forced to actual warm themselves (and their frostbitten limbs) that was painful.
Probably shotgun mouthwash.
Sup Forumsnon please don't do this. Be my friend. I think we could maybe help each other
Send me your discord or something so we can talk
Um, dying in your sleep.
Old age, in your sleep.
I did this a year or two ago. No wonder my kidneys hurt. At least I'll be dead soon. This way it won't be as rough on my family, either.
But since it will become nothing anyway at some point, does it really matter when? Once you die, you will not be there to remember whether you lived a long or a short life, whether you were happy or miserable. In a way, once you die it will forever be as if you never existed in the first place. So does it all even matter at all?
Say hi to GrumpyJiisan for me.
Dont do it user. You've havent watched violent evergreen
>hit by a truck
Have anime lied to me?
That's a terrible method. I have some useful suicide books, I can upload the PDF's if you want!
Japanese average height is smaller so their head always ends up in the grill of the truck for extra lethality.
Yes let's just assume there's a magical place where you live after your brain stops functioning despite your mind existing as part of your brain. Also after your computer dies and won't turn on again, it's on in the computer afterlife.
When I really do find the courage to do it, I plan on waiting by a busy road. If someone is in danger of being run over, I'll jump in and save them. This way, I'll check one thing off my bucket list (saving someone), and also validate my existence.
What's the difference between household toxins and illegal drugs?
What about gassed yourself? I think its nice idea while enjoying the bathtub.
Next time go out in style
Did the normalfags win?
that's carbon monoxide
Becauae muh board culture
euthanasia for everyone when?
This actually sounds really pathetic.
You're retarded, if you're aware that the person is in an unstable state of mind and you tell them to off themselves and they do it, you could be charged unless you live in a shithole 3rd world country that doesn't care. Saying "kill yourself" by itself is not illegal but the reasons for doing it coupled with the circumstances make it very easy for someone to take you to prison where you probably belong anyway, to be honest, since you obviously have no respect for life, sociopath.
What if the person he saves is you?
You've got to get to Koshien first
>Only 71%
Damn, I suck in gacha.
On the battlefield.
Calm down moralfag.
>go on suicide forums
>they are empty
i should've known. fuck.
Don't do this user, devilman lady anime isn't out yet
get smoked!
Don't fucking remind me
Of all of the edits of this noose, this one got me the most. I really want to be with them
alright well if you're gonna be at the end just do a u-turn and you can make a left on 38th street.
Is he really dead?
>this thread
What the fuck happened to this board? It wasn't too long ago when the first posts would have been telling OP to stop blogging and to go through with it, while saging.