Why did it end so abruptly?
Prison School
To make way for the epilogue in April.
One of three reasons
1. Hiramato was told like two months ago that the manga was getting cancelled and didn’t have time to fix anything the way he writes
2. He was butthurt people didn’t like Calvary Battle
3. He was getting tired of writing it.
Because it was shit and cancer
120 chapters of dick teasing made the sales drop to the ground.
Obviously 3
If anything, the sports festival arc clearly showed he had long ran out of ideas
my boy with the glasses got some pussy
What's with all the new tripfags on Sup Forums
Because that's just the way RJ plays.
The sports festival arc was still pretty funny minus the chairman parts which were obviously stretched out to oblivion.
Betch, the cavalry batte alone was just them standing in place and talking for 40 chapters for what amounted for like 10 minutes of in-universe time.
In fact, the chairman sidestory was the only thing that kept the arc marginally bearable until it also devolved in standing in place and talking.
The story should have remain about the soul of men, not delve into their sick perversions.
It just shows that the fucker has no imagination outside a couple of ideas he dragged out.
Adding in new characters or changing the setting would've worked wonders if he wasn't such a hack.
I think it’s all three
It's the typical case of an author only having a premise and nice some ideas for a few chapters and never thinking beyond that
The cavarly battle was stupid but the fucking NTR bullshit that was happening inbetween was much more disgusting,like,the director was pretty disgusting
You would think that after getting those ideas done, he would take risks after that or think of some other shit after a hiatus or two.
Anyone here who isn't a drooling retard should be able to continue the series with something like a field trip arc or a school vs school arc. Or at least not ruin the entire premise of the series in a miserable tragedy that degrades everyone's character.
the only way a school vs school arc would work is if their rivals were an all boys school that recently let a handful of girls in. I wonder how the reverse situation would play out in the prison school setting. What could the girls get thrown in prison for?
So what happened to all the Chiyofags and Hanafags? Both lost out in the end.
chiyofags became enraged over kyoshis sudden idiotic behaviour and Hanafags became in denial thinking this ending implies Hana won
As an anime-only-fag, was there any arcs worth a read that didn't get adapted into the anime ?
Is it worth a read overall ?
It was better than dragging the confession scene on for another year like I expected him to.
If you didn't like the first arc enough to want to read more, why even bother?
I liked the anime overall, I just haven't gotten around to reading the manga.
I'm just curious, from my experience usually the story goes to shit immediately after the point where the anime ends. (SnK being a great example of that)
This user summed it up pretty nicely I also heard the japs hated the later arcs and the tankoubon didn't sell at all.
Not wearing their Burqas
CB isn’t that bad speed reading, so go from around 78 to 241.
so you don't like it enough to read more
you know what, when i see an anime and then want to catch up with the manga, you know what i do? I fucking do it. I don't care about what other people think, about what other manga did or my own prejudice affecting my enjoyment of a manga. If i think a story is interesting, i read it.
It's a very good manga that has a lot more to offer compared to the anime.
Thanks for commenting.
Why are you acting as if asking for other people's opinions on something is such an outlandish thing to do ?
On a discussion board no less.
There's good reasons to do it. Sometimes a manga has a shit arc but gets good again later,
so it's worth asking whether you should keep on reading or whether you should drop a series entirely.
I'm also interested in what Sup Forums thinks of the series in general. If it got so bad it had to be canceled, why didn't they end it sooner ?
So the author can focus more on his superior manga, Me and the Devil Blues.
It didn't really end abruptly. How would you have filled other 20 chapters? Most relationships got wrapped up already.
people don't shut them down when they should
It had more than 100 chapters of fucking nothing.
Because all of it was fanservice
No ideas. The Cavalry Arc was a total waste of time, too.
And only 150 or so chapters too late
It should have ended after they got out of brison or continued with a Mari x Kiyoshi end or Mari x Kate
Cavalry arc was shit
Think I'm the only man in existence who didn't mind the cavalry arc. Yeah sure it dragged on and there were little to no plotline hooks, but it still was ridiculous enough to make me laugh every chapter.
>the only way a school vs school arc would work is if their rivals were an all boys school that recently let a handful of girls in
Except this would lead to about half the school populace getting charged with attempted rape. If the scenario was possible, I could see it being boys vs boys and girls vs girls so that something could actually happen.
>What could the girls get thrown in prison for?
Vandalism, theft, group rape, and lots of intense bullying.
>I... didn't grow up at all...
captcha: stop eros
Waiting for the epilogue
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Prison School. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of Tanabata legend most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Gakuto’s idealismic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Three Kingdoms literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they’re not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Prison School truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in Kurihara’s existential catchphrase “Those who like ass can't be bad” which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev’s Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Hiramoto Akira’s genius wit unfolds itself on their screens. What fools.. how I pity them.
And yes, by the way, i DO have a Kangoku Gakuen tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid
This pic looks pretty shit, was there any big development and conclusion at all or was it just one of these teasing annoyances of 100+ chapters and open end?
Is he doing anything else?
Is that Devil Blues manga or however it was called still ongoing?